
Jan 27, 2010 12:49

So I took this from tingedwords because it's a cool meme. Heh. >.<

- X what you saw
- O what you haven't finished or saw sizable portions
- Bold what you loved
- Strike what you disliked/hated
- Leave unchanged if neutral

Here goes! )

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Comments 7

lionelclan January 28 2010, 10:34:50 UTC
This was really cool. ^_^ Good list if you only have one you ABSOLUTELY hated.

What does "STUDIO GHIBLI/MIYAZAKI" mean exactly? Since you have a bunch of those bolded.

I love it. :D! It makes you look like a movie buff with all those 'x's.


maunetjeret January 28 2010, 17:34:22 UTC
Studio Ghibli is an animation film studio. Miyazaki is the founder and producer. You should definitely give those a watch if you haven't, because they rock.


paranoiascreams January 28 2010, 11:07:18 UTC


musicadio9 November 19 2010, 03:34:04 UTC
so~ i know you love tora x saga, because i see you comment on fics all the time, and sdklaf;daflh can we be friends? i didnt see an FO post so i just commented here~


maunetjeret November 19 2010, 06:23:55 UTC
Sure thing.


musicadio9 November 19 2010, 20:16:36 UTC
YAAAAAAYYY new friends. btw, your username sounds really cool and unique, i like it!


lina41323 November 16 2016, 22:01:39 UTC


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