Can't Stop Falling Chapter 4

Jan 29, 2012 19:53

Hey, hope you guy like this chapter I have added a lot more Rachel and a little more of Protective Tina because you all seemed to enjoy seeing a different side to her. The next update should be up by Wednesday night, no promise though.

Chapter 4

After Tina told me and Quinn off we spent the rest of the week watching both Rachel and Tina from a distance and out of sight to avoid another one of Tina's badass confrontations.

The slushies have slowed down but that was only because Rachel has been staying in the background where no one really notices her anymore. I thought that her not getting slushied or constantly called names would make her look a little less broken but it seems that she is just getting worse. I sometimes don't blame her with how some of the glee kids have been acting around her. Finn has been on her ass most of the week. Of course Tina has been by her side and if she sees that it's to much for her she steps in and takes control.

As for the other members they haven’t bothered her as much but every time Rachel passes them in the hall or if they share a class with her they will give her disapproving looks and you can hear them whispering. I can tell she’s trying her best to ignore them but I can also see it starting to get to her.

So now its Friday and I still haven’t got anywhere. I feel so hopeless. As I’m walking into my first class, that I share with Tina, I see her walking down the hall towards our class, she’s late, most likely from dropping Rachel off at her own class. I walk into class and take my seat and Tina sits down at the same table and I’m confused at first until I remember the teacher changed the seating arrangement around last class. I don’t look over at her and start doing the book work the teacher gave us to do, not wanting to give her any reason to blow up on me.

I finish my work in about ten minutes and sit there waiting for everyone to finish. When most of us have finished the teacher starts talking at the front of the class. She pauses and looks at my table that is at the back of the class. I feel like I did something wrong for her to stop talking but then I notice her eyes are not on me but the other student sitting at the table.

“Tina.” Ms. Clark calls out. I look over at her for the first time since I saw her in the hall to see her down resting on her arms on the table. She doesn’t look up and the teacher looks at me to wake her up. I shake her shoulder lightly. “Tina, Wake Up.” She jumps awake and looks over to me and I point to the front of the class. “Tina, I know its Friday but can you please refrain from sleeping in my class.” Ms. Clark says to her with an attitude. Tina nods and goes back to finishing her work. I didn’t notice until now but she looks paler then she normally does and her eyes look tired almost like Rachel’s did the first day. Hear face changes to a look of disgust and sickness and before I know it she is out of her seat and out the door.

The teacher looks over to me for answers that I don’t have so I shake my head. “Ms. Lopez would you mind going to see if she’s okay?”

Looking down the hall I see the bathroom door swing shut. I walk in to hear someone being sick. Guessing its Tina I knock on the only closed stall. “Tina, are you okay.” It goes quiet before I hear a click and the door opens reveling a even paler Tina. She walks past me to the sink. “I’m fine Santana, what are you doing in here.” I can tell she is lying by the way her eyes don’t meet mine in the mirror and she’s made a point in doing that every other time we have talked this week.

“Your lying, you look really sick maybe you should go to the nurse.” I say concerned. She is about to protest but then she rushes back in to the stall not even bothering to close the door this time and starts heaving but nothing is in her stomach anymore. She looks in pain and I don’t know what to do, this has never been my strong area.

I walk over to her and put my hand on her back rubbing soft circles. Eventually she stops and goes back to sink. “Okay, come on.” she look to me confused. “I’m walking you to the nurses, lets go.” She doesn’t move for a moment looking like she’s thinking of something to say to convince me she’s okay but the she follows me out of the bathroom anyway knowing she’s probably not getting out it.

When we get to the nurses I sit there while they talk and find out that she has a stomach bug that has been going around. After Tina makes the nurse promise that she will tell Rachel what’s going on, the nurse sends me back to class to grab Tina’s stuff and homework for her so she can go home.

I meet Tina at the front of the school by the main door of the school and hand her things to her and she thanks me, she goes to leave but turns back at me last second. “Just because I wont be here, Santana doesn’t mean you can bother her. Leave her alone.” And with that she leaves. I almost forgot about Rachel until she says that and now all I can think about is that now might be my only opportunity. I just don’t know if I should go for it or take Tina’s warning.

Its lunch time and neither me or Quinn have seen Rachel all day. I give up the hope I had to maybe having the chance to talk to her, she must of went home after she found out about Tina being sick.

Q and I have been sitting in silence both of us lost our thoughts when I see someone walking to our table. Quinn sees her too and looks to me to see if I see this person walking to us. Rachel stops in front of us and we look up to her standing awkwardly looking anywhere but us.

We patiently wait for her to talk, she says something but I can’t hear what so I look to Q to see if she could hear but I could tell she didn’t catch it. “I’m sorry, Rachel what was that?” I say calmly.

She looks up at us but at the same time she’s still looking away. “Have either of you seen Tina, she didn’t meet me like she said she would and she’s not answering her phone?” I see that the nurse isn’t very good at keeping her promises. “She got sick during first period so I walked to the nurse and she made her go home.” She looks back down. “Oh, Why Wouldn’t she of told me?” she asked her self more then us.

“She made the nurse promise to tell you because didn’t want to get you in trouble for using your phone in class if she called you, but I guess the nurse forgot to tell you. And I bet she’s just sleeping and didn’t hear her phone.” She nods and looks at the lunch room doors back to me and then to the glee table where surprisingly no one has noticed Rachel. “Why don’t you sit with us today since Tina’s not here. We don’t mind.” She looks to Quinn and Quinn nods saying that she would like her to sit with us.

Rachel sits down, she looks nervous. I’m about to say something to try and make her a little more comfortable with us but before I can say anything a group of cheerios come to stand around the table.

“It’s good to see you man-hands, I was wondering when you were going to join us back in the normal world.” Said the new head cheerleader. “Don’t call her that, Sarah go mess with someone else. We’re not in the mood.” Quinn says back.

Sarah doesn’t even acknowledge that we are sitting at the table with Rachel and keeps talking to her and making Rachel uncomfortable. “So where’s that girlfriend of your gone off to?” Rachel doesn’t look up away from the table and I can see that Sarah is not happy with the fact that she wont answer her. “Hey, treasure trail, I know your dads are faggots but I’m sure they taught you enough to pay attention when someone is speaking to you.”

That got her attention. Before we even see it coming, Rachel is standing and walking towards Sarah. “You can say whatever you want about me but don’t you dare speak about my fathers.” I think that everyone is a little surprised that she getting into Sarah’s face, especially Sarah.

Sarah’s face is starting to turn red at how pissed she is that someone is actually in face right now. She grabs someone’s food tray that is right next to her and I watch as she lifts it over Rachel’s head and dumps the nasty school lunch food that looks like it has already been ate on her.

I’m out of my seat and rushing to her side and before I know it my fist connects to Sarah’s face and she is laying on the ground. The whole room is quiet from shock while Sarah picks her self off the ground. I see the other cheerios slowly moving closer to me and Rachel.

“Your going to regret that, you stupid dyke.” Sarah says, holding her hand over her nose where I hit her. Before I can go after her again I hear Q, who I almost forgot was here yelled. “Watch out, San.” I look to see what I’m suppose to be looking out for as Sarah pushes me back into Rachel and I feel myself getting hit by cold ice at all angles. Wiping the slushie off my face so it doesn’t get into my eyes I look around us to see all the cheerios with slushie cups in their hands and turning around to leave.

I’m about run after Sarah when I hear a sniffle coming form behind me and remember that I wasn’t the only one in this situation. I turn to see the damage that was caused. Rachel is cover head to toes in different colored slushie and some kids lunch.

“Let’s go get cleaned up.” Grabbing her hand I pull her through the lunch room doors towards the bathroom but she stops before we reach it. Turning my head to look at her I see the tears coming out of dead eyes making their way down covered cheeks. I pull her close by the hand I’m still holding on to and rap my arms around her shaking body, not worrying about getting food on me since I’m already covered in slushie.

“Why don’t I take you home so you can get cleaned up?” I say trying to get her to calm down a bit but I don’t think it’s working. “N-no, It’s fine, I’ll call Tina to come get me. I don’t want to get into your car like this.” She cries into my shoulder.

“I’m not taking no for an answer.” I pull back to look at her trying to show that I’m on here side and that it’s okay to trust me. Either she sees I’m not going to let this go or is to tired to argue with me.

Taking her hand in mine once again I lead her out to my car. We both get in and I send a Quick text to Quinn to tell her what’s going on and that she will have to find a way home. I start the car and pull away with Rachel in the seat next to me,

glee, santana, fanfic, livejournal, rachel, rated m, pezberry

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