Can't Stop Falling Chapter 2

Jan 19, 2012 16:42

Thank you to everyone that commented this story, it means alot to me. I know the last one was short so this one is a little longer, still not much going on but this is still the beginning of the story. Also there's not a lot of Racel in this chapter but the next one will make up for that.
Chapter 2

Santana’s POV

I make a small detour on my way back to school. I turn down a side road and pull my car into a empty driveway. When I look at the house in front of me it’s not the same place that I remember it as. The one time I was here before, at Rachel’s party last year when her dads were out of town, the house looked more like a home. But now I look at it and it looks dead like no one has live here in years.

I get out of my car and go to the big window at the front of the house. As I look in I see nothing. Nothing at all. No people, no furniture, no pictures, no proof that a once happy family lived in this home.

I head back to my car more confused that I was before.

Her and her dads must of moved to the house I just followed her to, right?

But why would no one know about her moving, she would of said something about moving, she doesn’t shut up about anything. So why didn’t Rachel say something. But then again, this isn’t the same Rachel.

I start to head back to school. It’s almost time for my second period class to start. I guess I’ll just have to wait for glee to see Rachel again. That is if she shows up. But glee’s the one thing that Rachel has never missed. If she doesn’t come then there is something really wrong.

So far since I got back, schools been uneventful. But then again I don’t think I would of noticed anything anyways. My thoughts keep going back to one thing. Rachel’s eyes. Her eyes have always told me so much about her. They’ve always been so full of life and hope. But now all I see are her eyes when she looked up at me from the doorway. After her shock wore off I could see emptiness, almost as if she has given up. And it scares me.

I walk in to the lunch room and sit down at my usual table. The table is empty when I get to it and I sigh in relief. I’m not really in the mood to talk to anyone right now. I sit down, put my head in my hands and get lost in my thoughts once again.

I’m so lost in my head that I don’t notice Quinn sitting down across from me.

Quinn and I have got a lot closer over the summer. Since Brittany decided that she wanted wheels instead of me, I didn’t really have anyone else and neither did Quinn so we decided we could be friends again and be there for each other.

“What’s up with you? You look a little stressed.” I look up at Quinn. As we were getting closer we have learned when there is something wrong by the way the other is acting. I don’t answer right away and I can see she is concerned.

“Nothing I’m fine, just tired.” I don’t know if I should tell her what’s going on. She has never liked Berry, I think she was always jealous of her because she is meant to do bigger and better things outside of this town. But I also know that she knows me to well now and knows that I’m lying. I just she hope doesn’t call me out on my lie.

But I’m not that lucky. “Okay now how about you tell me the truth. I know something’s going on.”

I’m still not sure what I should tell her but I have to tell her something. “Did you see what happened to Berry this morning” I didn’t know if anything was going around school yet so I decided I should see if she knew anything.

She looks at me weird. “yeah I was in the hall when it happened, she got slushied it’s nothing new.” Before I have a chance to talk she continues. “What isn’t new though is you following her out of the school and seeing you come back after first period. So Spill, What‘s going on.”

I look down at my hands on the table. “Something not right with her, Q. It was her eyes and the fact that she was crying. She was so broken.” I tell her rest of what I saw when I followed Rachel.

Quinn says my name so I look back up to her face. “San, I know your not the girl that everyone in this school thinks you are and that you actually care about people. But do you really think that if something is up with her besides getting slushied and called names, that she will trust you enough to let you help her, because come on, think about it, most of the time we are the ones calling out the names and throwing the slushies.”

She’s got a point. “I know, and I feel like shit about all of it. You know that I never wanted to do any of that stuff to her. You didn’t see her at her door like I did. There’s something going on with her and it’s not like anyone else is going to help her. I’m going to find out what happened to make her look like she did this morning and then do whatever I can do to earn her trust. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be this person anyone, I don’t want to hind who I am to make everyone else happy.”

“I don’t want to be like that anymore either. You know I have your back whenever you need me and I’ll help out as much as I can. But I think should keep this to ourselves, if there really is something wrong with her. If people find out they will probably just get in her face and say that she’s looking for attention.”

“Yeah your right.” Q looks at me and smiles. “When have I ever been wrong?”

After lunch I went to the rest of my classes I have before glee. I meet up with Quinn and we walk to glee together talking about how we are going to get to Rachel without her thinking its some kind of prank. We walk in and see that everyone’s already there including Rachel who is sitting in the back corner away from everyone else with her hood up.

We take the last two seats in the back row next to Rachel. I look over at her and she is looking down at her lap, acting like no one else is in the room.

A few minutes later Mr. Schuester decides to finally show up and starts writing pointless crap on the white board. “Welcome back everyone, hope you all had a great summer. Now I know it’s the first meeting but I’m guessing some of you have something you would like to perform for the rest of us.” He turns around to look at us. Of course no one is really paying attention to a thing coming out of his mouth.

I’m surprised when I see Rachel slowly raise her hand out of the corner of my eye. Mr. Schue was looking at her the whole time waiting for her to speak up and say she has something since she always does. “Rachel, the floors all yours.” As soon as the words leave his mouth I can hear Kurt groan on the other side of the room and I glare at him.

Rachel seems like she doesn’t want to move and be in front of everyone, but gets up anyway. She awkwardly stands in the middle of the room looking at the floor as we all wait for whatever she’s about to do.

Mr. Schue tries to more things along. “What song would you like to perform?” Still she doesn’t say anything and I’m starting to worry.

When she talks she is so quiet that I can barely hear her. “I’m leaving glee club.”

“WHAT?” I yell, which I regret because as soon as the word leaves my mouth I see Rachel flinch. I look around at everyone else in the room and they all look as surprised as I feel.

“Whatever Rachel, We have already played this game with you before, you will be back by the end of the week. Stop being a diva.” Kurt Says and Rachel is still looking at the ground but I can tell see she’s about to cry.

“Yeah, what’s your problem this time? The year just started, you haven’t even been denied a solo yet and your already threatening to leave. So what is it you what this time.” Says Mercedes.

“I don’t want anything and this has nothing to do with glee or any of you for that matter. I hope you can all respect my decision” Rachel says still being really quiet, almost like she would crumble if she talks any louder. She goes to grabs her bag that’s sat next to my chair, before she picks it up she looks me in the eye for the first time since this morning. I notice a small tear roll down her face before she grabs her bag off the ground. She turn and walks out of the room and before I know what I’m doing I’m running out of the room after her.

glee, santana, fanfic, livejournal, rachel, rated m, pezberry

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