Art: Chains that Bind, Rain Falling Down AU

Oct 30, 2009 19:52

                                                                                                           Hey look! FInally something besides a reaction post! So I read this 'verse awhile ago called the Rain Falling Down AU by maychorianand I absolutely adored it! Its a wonderful story that features little Jimmy/Castiel and Bobby and a side dish of lil Winchesters. So I finally finished this idea that has been in my head for awhile and an image that struck me and wouldn't let me go until I drew it. So here it is under the cut!

Title:Chains that Bind

Artist: mattheal

Characters: Little Jimmy, Castiel

Warning: After effects of child abuse

Castiel's spirit quivered, straining against the bonds that shackled it, then slumped back, defeated. He couldn't leave Jimmy's body.

supernatural, art

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