BOOK TWO: putting out your fires with gasoline [4/?]

Apr 12, 2011 22:11

Table of Contents

Title: putting out your fires with gasoline, Book Two of The Matter of Chicago
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 overall, PG currently
Word Count: This chapter: 4,875. This book: 20,045.

Notes: This is a good time to get caught up. The plot's going to get even more heavy after this point, up until the end of this arc. Also, I'd like to ( Read more... )

fic, book two

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Comments 25

gwendolynflight April 13 2011, 04:31:10 UTC
OMG this was great! I actually appreciated a little breather before all the heavy stuff come down next chapter. ^_^ And aw, Molly was so using him but was sweet about it, so yay? Pesky kids. But that line about them having space for Harry was just ... ::sniffs:: Liking the potion! I feel like Butcher kind of gave up on potions later in the series. They were fun. :)


lucia_tanaka April 13 2011, 13:39:37 UTC
Apparently Butcher considers potions a crutch that Harry didn't need anyone one he got into hardcore spell-slinging. But I am not Butcher and I really like them. 8D


gwendolynflight April 13 2011, 19:53:20 UTC
That's a shame. And Snape would not approve!


inteligrrl April 13 2011, 05:31:19 UTC
Oooh, lovely interaction with Molly, and I'm looking forward to self indulgent scene in the next chapter. I'm all about self-indulgent scenes.


lucia_tanaka April 13 2011, 13:43:59 UTC
Molly is actually quite fun when she's not pressing all my squick buttons. Glad you liked!


sun_singer April 13 2011, 05:31:43 UTC
One of the (many, many) things I loved about the first book was how the lack of money troubles gave Harry the chance to build up his friendships with his loved ones, and I'm glad to see the results continuing here. I'm a ridiculous sap, so it's always so wonderful when fic writers do something about that painful longing Harry has for family and a home.

Which is basically long-hand for 'Molly's hug and invitation to stay with her family is pretty much the highlight of my day, thank you for that.'

And also, thank you for this altered relationship with Molly. Honestly my opinion of her varies from book to book (if not chapter to chapter), especially when Harry... addresses certain things about her (i.e. her crush and especially her looks). Not exactly my favorite bits, those. But it's good to see hints that things shaping up to give her a better chance than Butcher did. Maybe since she grew up with more exposure to Harry--did she call him uncle in canon? I can't recall--and sees him as family and someone very much in a relationship ( ... )


lucia_tanaka April 13 2011, 13:43:17 UTC
I was surprised at how much I really started to enjoy writing Molly in this chapter! I mean, in the book, I fucking hated Proven Guilty and I find Molly really uncomfortable. But in MoC, the relationship is different and Harry's more genuinely an uncle figure. Once you strip out the problematic infatuation part of Molly and Harry's relationship... She's really fun to write.

I don't think they call him uncle in canon... Hm.

Glad you liked! 8D


alex_lebeau April 13 2011, 06:19:09 UTC
Your updates fill me with joy. They also wreck havoc on my schoolwork, since between this and the Dresden meme and the Sherlock meme, I'm...accomplishing almost nothing, except at the last minute. >.>

This version of Molly seems so sweet. Hopefully she'll also be less wrecked.

Also, and I know you kind of addressed this in another comment, but I'm curious: how AU is your storyline? I know the obvious changes that Harry directly influenced have changed, but what about background plots that could have still occurred without his intervention, like Summer Knight's fairy upheaval?


lucia_tanaka April 13 2011, 13:48:14 UTC
I know that feeling. Ugh, schoolwork...

:thinks about: "Less"? Hm... Maybe. Certainly differently wrecked tho.

I'm not doing Summer Knight because... unlike Death Masks, I have nothing interesting to add to the canon. My basic rule is that if I can't take the canon, twist it in such a way that it makes almost a new story, then I ignore it. The only reason DM is getting a retread here is because it's a defining arc for Marcone's character, and Book Two is all about his character arc. For events like that, just assume they didn't happen or that someone else took care of them.


alex_lebeau April 13 2011, 17:51:12 UTC
Hm. About what I figured. It would probably be more of a headache to have it happen in the background anyway, considering what Harry prevented in the first place.


izumeseijin April 13 2011, 07:58:03 UTC
Its midnght and i was asleep but i woke up and thought to check my LJ and what is this wonderful thing i see???

Ganymede = Michael? How scandalous XDD What's LSD1, though, security? Force Authorized?! =o= Now I'm real curious. Information on Incident, possibly? I don't remember what happened in the book, it's really been quite a while and I won't have time until after exams to go for a re-read. But, I can see how the whole thing could go sideways in an instant.

Aww, th suit doesn't fit. I guess it didn't cross his mind to bring the formal clothes John bought him. Though that would be a painful reminder.

But wouldn't Marcone want to see Dresden? Though I guess right now he's split between Harry and the Shroud. I wonder how the rest of the goons would see them if they're told to look for them.


lucia_tanaka April 13 2011, 13:50:05 UTC
Ganymede is one of Marcone's clubs. It was mentioned in the Interlude. LSD1 refers to something going down on Lake Shore Drive. (This isn't going to come up in the fic, so I'll just tell ya. 8D)


izumeseijin April 14 2011, 04:52:57 UTC
Oohh, freebie? *makes grabby hands* No! Must resist rereading long fics before exams are over >_<

Aside from reading your fic I also like reading everyone's cmments. It's been asked a couple or so times already so maybe it would help to just make a general Note about the different world you're hoping to take your fiction?


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