Check it out, check it out, check it out, check it out. Welcome to Bubs' Concession Stand! What can I get for ya? Chats I've made starring Bubs: (Estimated total reading time: 14 minutes)
158 - Bubs and Homestar (circa Sep 9, 2023 - 4 min. read) - A Dew is right up Bubs' alley! Just let me reach through this mountain of crap and get a cold one... *Bubs is rummaging in his stand, eventually pulling out a single bottle* *Rips off a piece of duct tape holding the lid on* Here ya go, that'll be 12 dollars!105 - Bubs and Strong Bad (Apr 24, 2023 - 2 min. read) - This is the best dang Trogdor you'll ever see. This one's been aged to perfection, hand-picked from the finest trogdors on the farm.074 - Bubs and Samus (Apr 11, 2023 - 2 min. read) - What kinda funny stuff would be in ‘em?? This is premium quality - handpicked! *Bubs says with a small chuckle and a wink*057 - Bubs and Wario (Apr 7, 2023 - 3 min. read) - Man, I love that energy of his! Go get 'em champ!046 - Bubs and Coach Z (Apr 6, 2023 - 3 min. read) - A slice of pizza? One slice comin' right up! *Presents slice of pizza* There ya go, ya goof ball. Here check this out. I'll give ya the 5 dollar discount I gave the other guy. Ya know for bein' so generous with your compliment, man. Chats where it's not clear if they're talking about Bubs while alluding to Bubsy the Bobcat, or talking about Bubsy while alluding to Bubs, or some combination thereof:
059 - Coach Z and Wario (Apr 8, 2023)
Coach Z: Hey, Wario! What's your opinion on Bubsy? That cool little cat is gonna go places if he keeps on jiving like this! I'm telling you, that cat is cool!
Wario: He's the cooliest! Coach Z also tends to call other characters "bub" a lot, but I'm not counting these as mentioning/alluding to Bubs.