I died on the Starship Matt1993
I was killed in a hexagonal access duct by Ljfinder the cleaning droid, whilst carrying...
Youjik33's commbadge, a Mollyringwraith screwdriver, a PENELO forcefield generator, an Ellaina02ian artefact, an KRICKADOODLE-80 phaser and 78 galacticredits.
Score: 89
Explore the Starship Matt1993 and try to beat this score,
or enter your username to generate and explore your own space adventure...
Funny moments:
You find yourself in a cramped holodeck. You are surrounded by realistic 3D representations of print screen land and circle versus square.
How is that possible if Circle and Square are 2D?
You find yourself in a glowing engine room. A warning sign on the wall mentions snow cones.
I'm doomed...
You are walking through a cramped fuel tank. Large stencilled letters spell out '667'.
I believe those are numbers, not letters ;)
You are walking through a glowing galley. You hear the sound of ice cream echoing through ventilation shafts.
Ice cream has a sound too?
You find yourself in a hexagonal recreation room. You hear the sound of mario echoing through ventilation shafts.
Yay for aliens playing Mario!
You find yourself in a red-lit corridor. A warning sign on the wall mentions ketchup.
Apparently, the ketchup already took over the lighting.