Title: Bad boys
MatsuaurorePairings: Sakuraiba and Ohmiya as main pairings
Genre: Au, angst, romance, drama, comedy
Rating: from PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: Sho is a cop in the drug squad of Tokyo and looks for justice and honesty in all the things he does. But one day, his boss introduces him to his new partner, Ninomiya Kazunari, who has chosen a very
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Comments 14
Ok, everyone know Sho want Aiba, he was thirsty to have him! And yeah the smutty part was freaking awesome and hot! Still Sho was rude in the end.
And holy shit! Nino is fucking slutty ass, he needs that lesson from his teddy bear! Ohno as the yakuza's boss is HOT AF!!!!!!
Thanks for updating
& Waiting for the next chapter!
looking forward for next
Sho n'a rien demandé le pauvre ! Mais après c'est pas cool la manière dont il a traité Aiba, même s'il avait dit qu'il n'y aurait rien d'autre dans un sens.. Enfin c'est compliqué !
J'ai hâte de voir Ohno s'énerver par contre ~ Nfufufufufu !
Merci beaucoup pour ce chap,
XOXO Sorcière ~
waaaa~ I really have a soft spot for powerful/dangerous Ohno ~~~
I also have a soft spot for dangerous Ohno, probably because of Maou xD thank you for reading and commenting dear :)
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