Title: Transcendency Pairing: OT5, Matsumiya Genre: AU, Angst, Dark Fantasy Disclaimer: Plot is mine, Arashi is not. Unfortunately. Summary: Down the rabbit hole they fell. Author's Note: Slightly smaller chapter tonight.
Ahhh more angst to follow.. the beginning of this chapter really does feel so gloomy and depressed, and the tensions between them is so palpable. Poor kazama XD its kinda sad and but also hilarious how he tried to make conversation and them just ignoring him.. but it does make sense cause its just too soon and i also think it would be odd for him to just join their group like that. Hopefully nothing happens to him.
More nino's depression hours, and his dream is really unnerving. When you mentioned collars, i got a traumatic flashback hahaha Although the game itself seems really interesting, i hope nino wont have to play it anytime soon >Gosh that dream is really the worst nightmare.. i hope it wont come true, and that nino wouldnt wanna feel the power rush and instead try hard to save his friends. In a way it is true that he already did it during baba nuki cause he was in total control in that game, almost forgetting what will happen to the loser
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Comments 1
More nino's depression hours, and his dream is really unnerving. When you mentioned collars, i got a traumatic flashback hahaha
Although the game itself seems really interesting, i hope nino wont have to play it anytime soon >Gosh that dream is really the worst nightmare.. i hope it wont come true, and that nino wouldnt wanna feel the power rush and instead try hard to save his friends. In a way it is true that he already did it during baba nuki cause he was in total control in that game, almost forgetting what will happen to the loser ( ... )
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