Worlds apart, united in anthropocentrism (together the ruin of the earth)

Aug 08, 2022 23:38

You know what’s going to be the biggest factor getting in the way of soothing the extent that climate change will have on this blue sphere here?
The international community outside of the Western countries gives a fuck about so-called “green technologies”. They care more about their own development, which had been kept down for centuries by the ( Read more... )

survival, male female, internet, environment, west vs. east, grünismus, culture, global, system, menschen, life, reform, radicalism, poverty, society, youth, media, biology, lake, food, devil in disguise, controversial, economy

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matrixmann August 10 2022, 13:13:41 UTC
"needless to add there are not many my friends which are English writing LJ users right now thanks to many factors of course"

I've noticed, for the last few public entries, that, compared to before, quite a chunk of people comes to visit. It's already made me wonder... But then I think "well, I'm one of the remaining few English-writing people here, so many others have left off to Dreamwidth - maybe that contributes?".
Gives me a slight bit of incentive to not neglect the public area so much as I've maybe done previously because I nothing to safely talk about under the umbrella of war...

"I have just thought that American army had experiments of using LSD as a weapon."Ah, you've been thinking of something completely else than I did ( ... )


maadmike August 11 2022, 06:34:07 UTC
“You know, these days it's become a fashion again, to throw the whole factual background of LGBT”

I do not divide LGBT western shit from putting youngsters on drug, from demanding force parents to let brain wash their children to do operation to change gender and so on and on - all these are the mechanisms to reduce population and in other words to kill as much as possible…
It is uncalled war against humanity and all the people of free world should get up against it!


matrixmann August 11 2022, 09:35:04 UTC
Well, and here I think the misconceptions already start...
One thing is the Americanized cult and activist scene (those are the ones waving with the letter acronyms 24/7, constantly creating new ones), a thing completely seperate and independent from it is being gay yourself or being transsexual.
One of those two things doesn't automatically cause the other.
If it does, then this is a connection that you learn. It's not part of anyone's natural design ( ... )


maadmike August 11 2022, 10:38:45 UTC
Again, drugs is just one side, one instrument of a huge machinery some crazy or better to say anti-human west rulers are using. You like guns and huge machineries - good then they are telling you - fella, specifically for you we are making wars around the world where the collective west is paying money for terrorists killing civilians and is fighting against the last national countries. Syria - ISIS has grown five times while for five years collective West was fighting against ISIS. Afghanistan - Taliban was made by USA and even when USA has started to fight against it later, how all had been finished - billions of dollars military equipment was left to Taliban. Libya - there was stable national regime and what is there now - groups of fighting against each other groups and so on and on. Americans tried to do the similar to Russia, Vietnam and China but they had failed, at least now… The goal is simple - to kill as much people as possible. To make the circumstances as Europe had during ww1 and ww2 - when all was fighting against ( ... )


matrixmann August 11 2022, 11:34:59 UTC
This would be true if I didn't have already had my little piece of "sacrificing yourself for nothing" and therefore refuse to accept any new flag. If I go to fight, I'll do so for and against things which I find worth it only from my own thinking. Not for any flag or club or anything else. I harbor my own agenda.
[Spoiler (click to open)](And actually that is what would this state rather regard me as a potential enemy to it.)

By the way, nobody would call chronically sick me anymore anyway. If I would be on any list, then it was the one saying "trash to dispose of the next time when the gas chambers open".
I have to express it as brutally as that...


maadmike August 11 2022, 19:39:54 UTC
"By the way, nobody would call chronically sick me anymore anyway. If I would be on any list, then it was the one saying "trash to dispose of the next time when the gas chambers open".
I have to express it as brutally as that..."

Oh, you love yourself, gas is so expensive nowadays in Europe! ;)


matrixmann August 11 2022, 20:23:35 UTC
Hm, didn't keep that in the back of my mind.

But you know what I mean by that, right?


maadmike August 11 2022, 21:15:41 UTC
More or less, taking in account the historical love of Germans to gas chambers... but you are from Eastern Germany, so your education is less Nazi I suppose (I hope you are against that the German tanks again on our historical Russian land and again the German weaponry is killing Russians) ... who knows what you are thinking about.
Anyway, maybe you want to leave our planet before upcoming decline of Europe, Third World War against Russia and following civil war at Europe when Muslims, you were welcoming so hard, will start unrest with using chemical weaponry... who knows again, but you can tell precisely what you are thinking about! :)


matrixmann August 11 2022, 22:13:31 UTC
Hm, well, then I rather explain the meaning of the phrase ( ... )


maadmike August 11 2022, 23:29:34 UTC
“Especially that's being said to people who sympathize with the brownshirts, but forget about their own accumulation of shortcomings and defects which the Nazis wouldn't tolerate ( ... )


matrixmann August 12 2022, 00:01:50 UTC
My legs are too lame to run away, and, on the other hand, since the woman who had born me whipped it out of the repertoire of possible behavior of my brain to run away, I'm rather the type to try to fight, if some were really coming for me ( ... )


maadmike August 12 2022, 01:05:25 UTC
“My legs are too lame to run away, and, on the other hand, since the woman who had born me whipped it out of the repertoire of possible behavior of my brain to run away, I'm rather the type to try to fight, if some were really coming for me ( ... )


matrixmann August 12 2022, 22:35:27 UTC
I have my reasons for my wording - just take me by that.

And... just to be clear here: I'm not the one who literally wants to rush into a fight. I act on defense.
I also think strategically - sounding out probabilities for which possible outcome, thinking about ways how to deal with a difficult situation that seems like "game over".

Still even though, I'm no illusionistic about that - if you're part of a minority that the "dogs" come for to tear you apart, first, don't expect it to matter to anyone, and second, resulting from that, it'll only be you who harbors an interest in the continuity of your existence.
So that might make it necessary to take up arms in order to survive.

...Maybe I'm dumb in this viewpoint, I don't know.
At least I'm not a fan of what a lot of people always do - run away to the end of the world and the force that drives you away every time never gets stopped.
Someone also has to do that job.


maadmike August 11 2022, 06:43:32 UTC
“Hm, I think that question can actually be very solidly answered.
It's the Buffets, the Soros”

“So, well, no-one's found an answer to that previously.”

This is what I was thinking about - these, let’s say Soros like rich bastards couldn’t destroy last platform where they are living with their own children, they need to keep money, real knowledge and morality somewhere… Just imagine that hundreds of years ago some Tsar, which is fighting with all the neighbors because his lands are fertile and his folks are strong and healthy will start poisoning his own population? What will happens with him and with his relatives very soon - ... ? Best example I could rise now is our last Russian Tsar which had played too long with modern at those times ideas ( he even thought of stopping military race :))) ) while against Russia were used very concrete and old technologies to destroy it...


matrixmann August 11 2022, 09:05:55 UTC
This is a thing logic would say.
But can logic apply to American billionaires? (Or people made their billions in the American economic sphere?)
This would be a thing to question, in my view.

Well... and otherwise, maybe they all already made the "masterplan" to split the US into their economic zones of influence to squish the last little bit of money out of the populace and to undermine an own sphere of executive power, becoming a little king themselves over some territory. - Just like could be seen in many dystopian movies.

Who knows...


maadmike August 11 2022, 10:16:13 UTC
“But can logic apply to American billionaires? (Or people made their billions in the American economic sphere ( ... )


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