
Jun 14, 2017 10:17

Warum müssen so viele "only ones" besungen werden?

Why are there so many "only ones" to be sung about?

menschen, fun, philosophie, music

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Comments 8

onb2017 June 14 2017, 13:55:51 UTC
Cliche. People son't want to come up with anything unique. Use what has been proven popular.


matrixmann June 14 2017, 15:35:22 UTC
Hm... First, it's a popular phrase. Second, it's kitschy, semi-romantic stuff. You can feel like "Oh, I'm special!". Imagine yourself as being really important. And third, regard it as a manifestation of the zeitgeisty narcissm that is common these days. "Three or four? A mass? No, bring me the lighthouse! Bring me the ONE! The ONE for all eternity!" (Which then only lasts a couple of weeks or months...)
...It's more caressing to be addressed directly and to receive the impression "nobody else, but you I mean!".


onb2017 June 14 2017, 15:50:31 UTC
This is pretty much what I said except for the third point and I agree with it.


matrixmann June 14 2017, 16:33:42 UTC
Wouldn't mind for a song with that topic here and there, but meanwhile it already seems like every active artist in the world has a song named with that title.


mexpatriot June 15 2017, 02:22:19 UTC
This is such a weird LJ! No one can post here but you and your hot girlfriend. But you both write in this horrible, broken English when you are both Russian. Why?


matrixmann June 15 2017, 06:38:51 UTC
Er, carefully asking: Did you eat something strange?
I think there's something that I missed in between.
I'm nobody's boyfriend out here, neither so am I Russian. When I create the impression that I am, I'll take it as a compliment 'cause I'm always happy if people guess totally the wrong personal details about me. Makes peace and quiet instead of trouble be more the state of things for me.
Nobody cares too much about me - that's something I surely wouldn't have if hanging around in the German internet communities...

Btw, since when can nobody write here? The only thing that's switched on is those spam prevention questions for the obvious reasons. Is there something currently broken with them?
'Cause when, then I think about other options than that.
I really don't know anything like that.


mexpatriot June 15 2017, 15:21:48 UTC
Did you eat something strange?

I did! I ate meat for the first time in a month.

By "girlfriend," I was referring to the cute Russian girl who comments to you so much.

You don't seem German. I have traveled a lot in Germany, was born in West Berlin, my mother is German, and I lived in Austria. Germans tend to speak English very well. Russians tend to not speak English so well.

I have never gotten spam or unwanted comments in LJ. So, I don't use the 'captcha' thing.


matrixmann June 15 2017, 16:49:28 UTC
Meat doesn't make anyone assume nonsense that has never been said anywhere and which the odds speak against ( ... )


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