Past crazes

Oct 02, 2016 00:04

Erinnert sich noch jemand daran wie es gegen Ende der 90er der größte Zeitvertreib auf dem PC war, Moorhühner zu schießen?

Somebody remembers still how, at the end of the 90s, it was the biggest time killer on the PC to shoot up grouses?

technology, history, trash, fun, video games, violence

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Comments 8

onb2017 October 1 2016, 22:32:23 UTC
What are grouses? I don't remember that. I remember playing solitaire or something or nothing at all. It is probably men's thing. I just surfed the hell out internet.


matrixmann October 1 2016, 22:43:40 UTC
Needed to look that word up as I knew no translation for it.
I had expected that it was a crazy German idea, as I know no translated version of that game, but seemingly it was just part of an advertising campaign for Johnnie Walker back then at the end of the 90s. So there needed to be one - and "grouse" seems to be the correct term for these birds.
It was just a pretty ridiculous game, not very complicated, you needn't think much about what you're doing - but, well, in that way it maybe also served a good purpose. Revel, just don't think too much about evil in the world...
In that terms it also was pretty much a 90s thing.


onb2017 October 2 2016, 15:28:16 UTC
At least shooting birds may help develop reaction or something not like some pokemon go. I hope the craze is over. Imagine people in 20 years will be writing something like " I used to play this game to catch pokemons". If we make it that far, of course. And did you hear that god damn awful song some retarded kid made "I play pokemon go" in a very annoying voice? And he has a billion views. So embarrassing.


matrixmann October 2 2016, 17:42:04 UTC
Shooting strangely looking birds that are kept in a comic-like manner at least is somewhat funny as it's exaggerated ( ... )


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