Аусвайс (Аusweis)

Jul 23, 2016 11:46

Ein netter Aspekt über die "Wiedervereinigung", den man wissen sollte: Abschlüsse, die nicht anerkannt werden, Geburtsurkunden, die nicht anerkannt werden - nur, weil dort ein Stempel mit Hammer, Zirkel und Ährenkranz drauf ist. Als hätten es sich die Leute aussuchen können, in welchem von beiden Staaten sie geboren werden ( Read more... )

bureaucracy, deutsch, menschen, west vs. east, networks, krieg, politik, system

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Comments 29

mandarinsun July 24 2016, 20:04:48 UTC
Aren't you so young that this wouldn't effect you though? You said you're the youngest on quirkytizzy's board.

I've seen some people in San Francisco that had certifications that were Canadian or something and were denied things. I was probably turned down to grad school because I only applied to San Francisco State around 2000 and there was the first tech boom in Silicon Valley, so a bunch of people with English major wanted to get Masters in the same field I did and they wanted to just be able to apply to tech companies as someone who had their masters and I wanted to be a professor. So, there were hundreds of applications and the ambitious people that wanted the most money had better applications than I did even though I knew more about literature than they did.


matrixmann July 24 2016, 20:29:38 UTC
Doesn't matter if it affects me or not. It affects all people in the East which are older than 26 - and that's quite a bunch. And not only that, it also affects all people who married in GDR times, who got qualification certificates then, all people which had been born then and want to marry nowadays.
If you live in the East these days, you got the lesser amount of problems as they are somehow accepted there (only case where it's not I heard is when you want to get married these days, but your birth certificate is from GDR times, you need to get a certificate of ancestry then in the town where you were born in).
But, I even had teachers telling me that - if they graduated in the GDR, they can work in their jobs when they keep being in the East, Bavaria e. g. wouldn't accept them. They'd regard them as invalid.
So I have already heard enough stories of other people with lesser degrees where qualifications were not recognized in the West German system.

Nice reunification, isn't it?


mandarinsun July 25 2016, 03:47:51 UTC
Why 26 years old? Didn't the reunification happen in 1989.
I agree that it doesn't matter if it effects you or not. I just thought maybe you had a Ph.D. or something that was invalidated.


matrixmann July 25 2016, 06:30:49 UTC
Because the GDR didn't end until 1990.
If you are born in 1989, even after the opening of the wall in Berlin, you still have one of the old birth certificates.


onb2017 July 26 2016, 02:56:52 UTC
That's amazing. Was the education though good in Eastern Germany? Or they consider that Western degree is better? I would say, in my opinion, American education system really sucks. Well, the Soviet education system was comprehensive, meaning everyone studied all the subjects for 10 years: algebra, physics, chemistry, biology, history , literature, geography, etc. Then you can get a specific degree in the field you are interested and you get deeper into a subject. I really think it was beneficial in the sense of making people smarter generally speaking not only in some narrow field.

But yes, you are right it does not sound like reunification. Although everywhere in the world they BS people how eastern Germans are so happy now.


matrixmann July 26 2016, 07:02:15 UTC
I never heard anyone curse about the quality in education in the GDR if received it. The only people who maybe do this is that kind of people which hated every grain of sand in the GDR ( ... )


onb2017 July 26 2016, 15:33:59 UTC
I kind of guessed it and actually knew from some statistics, that people in Eastern Germany now after comparing the socialism and the capitalism, would choose the first. At least more than the half, I even remember the data being about around 70%. But I wonder from your point of view, do you see and hear people wishing they were still in the socialist system?

I mean, I know the propaganda. Don't get me wrong, I know lots of dumb Russian who wouldn't and their argument is that now they have lots of different stuff available for consumers. But the thing is most of the stuff is low quality, toxic or not affordable. but they still are so blinded by the all that glitz and remember only perestroika when the economy was intentionally sabotaged and people had to stand in line to buy something.I don't know myself much of what it was like before 90s but I can judge how my parents lived and the remnants of educational system and healthcare before it was totally converted into crap.


matrixmann July 26 2016, 17:56:49 UTC
I do hear these wishes. Saying, maybe it might be different from area to area; it's a matter of what you lost and what you gained ( ... )


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