The trench between the supplied and the self-sufficient

Sep 21, 2015 08:27

A suspicion that arises when reading other peoples' blogs and while watching the current "refugees welcome"-zeitgeist: Those people who are supporters, they seem to have a tendency to be from the middle class, from the bourgeoisie, or at least to have grown up in this atmosphere.
Those ones which watch it with scepticism more often seem to be of that class which exclusively starts first to get to feel it if life circumstances turn to the worse. You can call it the classic proletariat.
A lot of people who advocate it seem to have studied and completed a degree, and even having slipped into poverty after this doesn't seem to alter their opinion.
The classical workers which don't have much spare money by design and which sense their life circumstances won't turn to the better if taking in a lot of foreigners, because the enterprises will be eager to employ these because they're cheaper and they're less likely to resist on a legal base, which also seem to swallow down their concern because they're used to keep silence, otherwise they'd lose their jobs, they rather tend to be the people which put the finger into the wound and point it at the subjects where those foreign people which crossed the border illegally start to get a more caring treatment from the state than their own sort.
At least it seems more rarely to find a regular worker advocating the current supportive movement than finding someone from the circles of the so-called "intellectuals" or people which know poverty by a high amount of costs that don't go on food, water, clothes and heating.
The lesser educated of them - regardless if they already need to live on welfare or not - are the ones to go after the slogans that circle around the arriving peoples' color of the skin. But even the angry smarter people of that class are capable to be vulnerable to these slogans if ignored for long or even actively acted against, neglected.
They are angry that the issues of people which actually shouldn't even be around them are regarded with more interest than theirs which have been there for decades. And as anger is, the more it gets suppressed, the more it reaches out for a canal which it can go through to shrink. This may lead to from militance to racism to xenophobia right up to pogroms and anything else. Even though these people are smart enough to know factually it's nonsense what they do.

It seems like this is the biggest obstacle to get for people which have grown up or live in life circumstances which are less characterized by fear of the future or by being frightened of losing your base for a living.
Literally, it seems like it's that forgeign to their cosmos what it means to queue up, what it means to not be able to rule everything with an amount of money, to be the last one in the food chain and to fight even over that few thalers with the authorities that you get granted by them.
It's nothing that poses that much a danger intensively that they understand how the people beneath them perceive the situation.

deutsch, menschen, education, violence, society, networks, media, psychology, krieg, politik, controversial, blogosphere, system

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