Claim your prompts here!

Jul 16, 2009 11:13

Wow, we have over 500 prompts!

Prompt claiming will run from July 16 - July 31. You claim a prompt by posting a comment on this thread stating the prompt you want (I didn't number them, so use cut and paste to replicate the prompt) and what date you want to post it on. Posting dates run from September 7 - October 5. I am not restricting the number of people that can post on a particular date because wow, the headache of tracking that, but if twenty-seven people all want to post on September 22, none of them are likely to get as much feedback as if they spread it out some, so you might want to check to make sure lots of people did not choose your date already. When I strike through a prompt I will put up its first claim date; if it is claimed more than once I will add other claim dates after it.

You can sign up for a prompt even if you did not contribute a prompt. You can sign up for your own prompt or someone else's. You do not have to sign up for a prompt just because you contributed one. You may claim up to three prompts.

I will cross off prompts as they are taken, but do check the whole thread to make sure that a prompt you are requesting hasn't been taken already. You can take a prompt that has been requested already, but it needs to be your second or third prompt. The first prompt you claim must be one that hasn't been claimed already.

Check the rules post for any other details.

A Song of Ice and Fire, Lady Oleanna Tyrell (the "Queen of Thorns"), stronger than dirt

Agatha Christie - Miss Marple, Jane Marple, recognition

Alias, Elena Derevko, jungle
Alias, Elena Derevko, schooling Oct 2
Alias, Elena Derevko, unexpected motherhood
Alias, Emily Sloane, agency wife
Alias, Emily Sloane, Emily/Jack, vengeance Oct 5
Alias, Irina Derevko, big red ball of doom
Alias, Irina Derevko, The Man
Alias, Irina Derevko, the things left behind Oct 2
Alias, Katya Derevko, Katya/Jack, better than ever
Alias, Katya Derevko, my sister's keeper Sept 9

Angel the Series, Darla, "Could I come near your beauty with my nails / I’d set my ten commandments in your face" Sept 22
Angel the Series, Darla, "Golden lads and girls all must / As chimney-sweepers come to dust."
Angel the Series, Darla, "I'll find a day to massacre them all"
Angel the Series, Darla, Darla/Angel(us) (either one or both), family
Angel the Series, Illyria, Illyria/Wesley (optional), what is a woman? Oct 3
Angel the Series, Liam/Angel's Mom, regrets when Death comes calling

Anne Perry (Inspector Pitt novels), Aunt Vespasia, below stairs
Anne Perry (Inspector Pitt novels), Aunt Vespasia, calling card

Babylon 5, Carolyn Sanderson (post-Telepath War), Bester/Carolyn, reunion
Babylon 5, Lady Morella, a blessing and a curse
Babylon 5, Susan Ivanova, love
Babylon 5, Timov, "what do you want?" Sept 25
Babylon 5, Timov, beginnings. Sept 25
Babylon 5, Timov, Londo/Timov (post-"Soul Mates"), changes for the better
Babylon 5, Timov, Londo/Timov, frailty
Babylon 5, Timov (post-"Knives"), taking in Urza's children

Battlestar Galactica 2003, Ellen Tigh, "I have seen a medicine / That's able to breathe life into a stone." Oct 2
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Ellen Tigh, family reunions
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Ellen Tigh, burials.
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Ellen Tigh, revelations
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Ellen Tigh, childless Sept 18
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Ellen Tigh (post-series), Saul/Ellen, starting over
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Ellen Tigh and Laura Roslin, peace talks
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Elosha, goddess
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Elosha, "As flies to wanton boys are we to th' gods / They kill us for their sport." Oct 5
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Elosha, "man plays such fantastic tricks before heaven to make the angels weep"
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Elosha, "Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie / Which we ascribe to Heaven."
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Elosha, belief
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Helena Cain, Cain/Starbuck, power
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Helena Cain, "Come not between the dragon and his wrath."
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Helena Cain, "Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war."
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Helena Cain, "Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand?"
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Helena Cain, Cain/Six, betrayal Sept 19
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, the things that eat at you
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, "And all our yesterdays have but lighted fools / The way to dusty death." Oct 1
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, "in the course of justice none of us should see salvation"
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, "Striving to better, oft we mar what's well."
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, "The end crowns all."
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, "There thou mightst behold the great image of authority: a dog's obeyed in office."
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, "To do a great right do a little wrong."
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, "Youth's a stuff will not endure."
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, family
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, Laura Roslin/genderswap!Adama, stars
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, in the beginning
Battlestar Galactica 2003, Laura Roslin, Laura & Billy, too late

Black Lagoon, Balalaika, loyalty Sept 19
Black Lagoon, Balalaika, scars

Blake's 7, Commissioner Sleer (Servalan), after Gauda Prime
Blake's 7, Dr. Plaxton, an AU where she didn't die
Blake's 7, Kasabi, fatigue
Blake's 7, Servalan, children Oct 4

Blood Ties, Dr. Sagara, an unanswerable question

Boston Legal, Catherine Piper, pro bono publico
Boston Legal, Shirley Schmidt, Shirley/Denny (opt), past, present, future continuum
Boston Legal, Shirley Schmidt, small victory

Brothers and Sisters, Norah Walker, papers

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joyce Summers, bloodless Sept 23
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joyce Summers, Mother's Day
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joyce Summers, self-defence
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joyce Summers, discovery
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joyce Summers, pride
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joyce Summers, the consequences Sept 26
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joyce Summers, “Buffy, what's a MILF? Oct 5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joyce Summers, new start Sept 30
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joyce Summers, Joyce/Giles, if things had gone differently Oct 4
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Maggie Walsh, my vampire heart
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Maggie Walsh, falling

Carnivale, Iris Crowe, freedom
Carnivale, Iris Crowe, no regrets
Carnivale, Iris Crowe, unconditional love Sept 18

Charmed, Lillian (Leo's widow from "Ex Libris"), magic
Charmed, Penny Halliwell, attic
Charmed, Penny Halliwell, lost child
Charmed, Penny Halliwell, truce
Charmed, Penny Halliwell, wedding #4
Charmed, the Crone, she lives to see evil!Wyatt's reign Sept 9
Charmed, the Seer (the one played by Debbi Morgan), the upper hand
Charmed (finale), Patty Halliwell, family

Crusade, Dureena Nafeel, living for the moment
Crusade, Elizabeth Lochley, relationships Sept 10

CSI (season 9), Catherine Willows, change
CSI/Die Hard, Catherine Willows, Catherine/John, picking up the pieces
CSI: Las Vegas, Catherine Willows, tough guy
CSI: Las Vegas, Catherine Willows, walking the Strip

DCU, Amanda Waller, priorities and shades of gray Sept. 29
DCU, Amanda Waller, family
DCU, Dr. Leslie Thompkins, principles and oaths
DCU, Hippolyta, daughters
DCU, Lois Lane, clawing her way to the top
DCU, Martha Kent, precious secrets

Dead Like Me, Delores Herbig, sad times
Dead Like Me, Joy Lass, peace
Dead Like Me, Roxy Harvey, strength and weakness

Dear Prudence, Prudence McCoy, work/life balance

Desperate Housewives, Bree Hodge, red
Desperate Housewives, Lynette Scavo, dreams
Desperate Housewives, Susan Mayer, dipstick

Diana Gabaldon - Outlander, Claire Fraser (in the 1960s or after she returns to Jamie), differences between the times

Diana Wynne Jones - Archer's Goon, Shine and/or Dillian, space
Diana Wynne Jones - Fire and Hemlock, Granny, resistance

Discworld, Granny Weatherwax, headology Oct 3
Discworld, Granny Weatherwax, this cold cottage
Discworld, Granny Weatherwax, the book with no pages
Discworld, Granny Weatherwax, the amazing adventures of Esme Weatherwax and You the kitten

Doctor Who, Barbara (New Who era), the things she's lived to see Sept. 27
Doctor Who, Barbara (New Who era), ticket to ride
Doctor Who, Brigadier Bambera (New Who era), Bambera/Ancelyn, fighting with swords
Doctor Who, Brigadier Winifred Bambera (New Who era), carry that weight
Doctor Who, Cameca, One/Cameca, peace
Doctor Who, Donna Noble (post-S4), golden slumbers
Doctor Who, Evelyn Smythe, seeing the world through new eyes
Doctor Who, Evelyn Smythe, writing history. Sept 30
Doctor Who, Francine Jones, life in the aftermath
Doctor Who, Francine Jones, Martha my dear
Doctor Who, Francine Jones, the best intentions
Doctor Who, Harriet Jones, dignity
Doctor Who, Harriet Jones, when I'm 64
Doctor Who, Jackie Tyler (canonically 40 by the end of New Who S2), becoming a mum again
Doctor Who, Jackie Tyler (post-"Rise of the Cybermen"/"Age of Steel"), second chances
Doctor Who, Jackie Tyler (post-S2), across the universe Sept 16
Doctor Who, Jackie Tyler (post-S2), Jackie saves the day
Doctor Who, Lady Louisa Pollard, next of kin
Doctor Who, Lady Louisa Pollard, the perfect daughter
Doctor Who, Lady Louisa Pollard, touché
Doctor Who, Morgaine (from Battlefield), magical mystery tour
Doctor Who, Mrs Moore (from "Rise of the Cybermen"/"Age of Steel"), live to fight another day
Doctor Who, Professor Amelia Rumford, primeval
Doctor Who, Professor Amelia Rumford, teacher
Doctor Who, Professor Amelia Rumford (from "Stones of Blood"), digging
Doctor Who, Queen Katryca (from "The Mysterious Planet"), freedom
Doctor Who, Queen Victoria (& steampunk!Torchwood), her majesty
Doctor Who, River Song, have a banana Sept 26
Doctor Who, Romana, Romana/Leela (Big Finish era), envy
Doctor Who, Romana, Romana/Leela (Big Finish era), Paris
Doctor Who, Romana, Romana/Leela (Big Finish era), turn the page
Doctor Who, Sarah Jane, with a little help from my friends
Doctor Who, Tegan Jovanka (post-"The Gathering"), no regrets
Doctor Who, the Rani, escape Oct 1
Doctor Who, the Rani, mad science and random crossovers
Doctor Who, the Rani, playing goddess Oct 4
Doctor Who, the Rani, small talk
Doctor Who, the Rani, vampires
Doctor Who (after "Journey's End"), Donna Noble, looking back Sept 20
Doctor Who (new-era)/Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane, Brigadier Winifred Bambera, parenting in dangerous times

Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Dorothy Jennings, unafraid
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Dorothy, Cloud Dancing, history
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Elizabeth Quinn, fears
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Grace, prejudice
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Michaela Quinn, knowledge
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Michaela Quinn (post-"DQMW: The Movie"), balancing career and family
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Michaela, Dorothy, touch
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Michaela, Miss Olive, strength
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Olive Davis, standing alone
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Sister Ruth, the time that is left
Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Snow Bird, the changing times

Dresden Files (books), Charity Carpenter, strong foundation Sept 29
Dresden Files (tv), Ancient Mai, upstart Oct 3

ER (15th season), Carol Hathaway, where we ended up
ER (15th season), Carol Hathaway, little crises
ER (15th season), Carol Hathaway, bedtime stories

Eureka, Allison Blake, work life balance Sept 27

Everwood, Edna Harper, bending the rules

Fables, Baba Yaga, skin-suit Sept 7
Fables, Cinderella, ageless
Fables, Cinderella, undercover

Farscape, Aeryn Sun ("The Locket" AU), violence and domesticity Sept 7
Farscape, Noranti, glue Sept 21
Farscape, Noranti, hallucinogenics for fun and profit
Farscape, Noranti, the life and times of Utu-Noranti Pralatong
Farscape, Xhalax Sun, "I summon up remembrance of things past"
Farscape, Xhalax Sun, "What’s gone and what’s past help / Should be past grief."
Farscape, Xhalax Sun, duty Sept 14
Farscape, Xhalax Sun, she wasn't always this bitter
Farscape, Zhaan, "...a sea-change / Into something rich and strange."
Farscape, Zhaan,I, thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated / To closeness, and the bettering of my mind.
Farscape, Zhaan, "They that have power to hurt and will do none"
Farscape, Zhaan, Zhaan/Chiana, various kinds of 'gasms (ala photogasms, orgasms, foodgasms, etc.)

Fifth Element, Leeloo, vulnerable
Fifth Element, Leeloo, choosing love

Firefly, Regan Tam, vocation
Firefly, Regan Tam, regret
Firefly, Regan Tam, empty nest Sept. 19

Forever Knight, Janette, survival

Friday Night Lights, Tami Taylor, old dreams
Friday Night Lights, Tami Taylor, the view from over here
Friday Night Lights, Tami Taylor, years go by

Futurama, Mom, the Evil Overlord List Oct 1

Galaxy Quest, Gwen de Marco, a day like today

Gilgamesh (anime), the Countess, all my sins remembered
Gilgamesh (anime), the Countess, unto the second generation

Grey's Anatomy, Adele Webber, Adele Webber/Richard Webber (the Chief), first date
Grey's Anatomy, Adele Webber, Adele Webber/Richard Webber, Ellis Grey
Grey's Anatomy, Ellis Grey, power Sept 13
Grey's Anatomy, Erica Hahn, mentorship program
Grey's Anatomy/House, Erica Hahn, Cuddy, House
Grey's Anatomy/House, Erica Hahn, Cuddy, transfer

Harry Potter, Andromeda Tonks, changing roles Sept 15
Harry Potter, Andromeda Tonks, child of my heart Oct 5
Harry Potter, Augusta Longbottom, botanical garden
Harry Potter, Augusta Longbottom, learning by practice
Harry Potter, Augusta Longbottom, victory
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, renewed hope
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, responsibility
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, McGonagall/Hermoine, teaching an old cat new tricks
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, McGonagall/Hermoine, unexpected
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, an exchange of letters
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, meow!
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, mistakes
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, the headmistress and the Ministry
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, unexpected visitor
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, Unforgiveable curses
Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, lost generation
Harry Potter, Molly Weasley, anniversary
Harry Potter, Molly Weasley, loss
Harry Potter, Molly Weasley, mother’s day out
Harry Potter, Narcissa Malfoy, “Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves - regret for the past and fear of the future.” Sept 19
Harry Potter, Narcissa Malfoy, love Sept. 23 Oct 3
Harry Potter, Narcissa Malfoy, pride Sept 7
Harry Potter, Pomona Sprout, potting soil
Harry Potter, Pomona Sprout, retirement
Harry Potter, Poppy Pomfrey, Healer's oath
Harry Potter, Poppy Pomfrey, laughter is the best medicine
Harry Potter, Rolanda Hooch, learning to fly
Harry Potter/Stargate SG-1, Minerva McGonagall, Minerva McGonagall/Brey'tac, respect

Hercules the Legendary Journeys, Alcmene, dancing

Heroes, Angela Petrelli, five things Angela could change and the one thing she couldn't.
Heroes, Angela Petrelli, human remains Sept. 29

Highlander, Rebecca, it's not the years, it's the mileage
Highlander/Highlander: The Raven, Amanda, survival
Highlander: The Raven, Amanda and Lucy, we saw how they met but how did they wind up being the best of friends that they are at the time of the series?
Highlander: The Raven, Lucy Becker, what's it like to be friends with an immortal woman who has seen more than Lucy could ever hope to imagine?

Homicide: Life on the Street, Megan Russert, private sector

Hornblower, Kitty Cobham,Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale / Her infinite variety...
Hornblower, Kitty Cobham, what lies ahead

House MD, Lisa Cuddy, jealousy
House MD, Lisa Cuddy, the best is yet to come
House MD, Lisa Cuddy, Having second thoughts
House MD, Lisa Cuddy, dreams come true
House MD, Stacy Warner, difficult decisions Sept 8

I, Claudius, Livia, the good of the empire
I, Claudius, Livia, old women and fools
I, Claudius, Livia, goddess
I, Claudius, Livia, the hardest thing
I, Claudius, Livia, leaves
I, Claudius, Livia and Julia, inevitable Sept. 28

James Bond/Star Trek TNG, M (Judy Dench), M & Q, Time travel

Jane Austen (Emma), Miss Bates, better to have loved and lost
Jane Austen (Pride and Prejudice), Lady Catherine, Lady Catherine in love

Jurassic Park, Amanda Kirby, what's truly important
Jurassic Park, Ellie Sattler, discovery

Law & Order: SVU, Bureau Chief Elizabeth Donnelly, the case that breaks you
Law & Order: SVU, Det. Olivia Benson, Benson/Stabler, life or death
Law & Order: SVU, Dr. Melinda Warner, Warner/Munch, beautiful
Law & Order: SVU, Judge Lena Petrovsky, truth or justice

Lois & Clark, Martha Kent, radical

Lord of the Rings, Arwen, mortality
Lord of the Rings, Galadriel, humility
Lord of the Rings, Gilraen, legacy
Lord of the Rings, Ioreth, set the story straight

Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries, the Dowager Duchess, line of fire

Lost, Danielle Rousseau, wildlife
Lost, Eloise Hawking, simplicity
Lost, Helen Norwood, back to square one
Lost, Rose Henderson, loan
Lost, Rose Henderson, neighbors
Lost, Rose Henderson, trial and error
Lost, Rose Henderson, Rose/Bernard, the only thing you really need

Lost in Austen, Mrs Bennet, smarter than she looks Sept. 14

Marvel Comics, May Parker, May Parker/Edwin Jarvis, "in older days a glimpse of stocking was looked upon as something shocking"
Marvel Comics, Natasha Romanova, history repeating

Medium (most recent two seasons), Allison duBois, family business

Merlin, Hunith, a father
Merlin, Hunith, secrets Sept 29
Merlin, Nimueh, appearances
Merlin, Nimueh, precision

Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Bina Gelbfish, snowblind
Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Bina Gelbfish, from the other side of the desk
Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Bina Gelbfish, secrets of Django
Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Bina Gelbfish, chess
Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Bina Gelbfish, reversion
Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Bina Gelbfish, ice and fire
Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Bina Gelbfish, discipline
Michael Chabon - The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Bina Gelbfish, defying tradition

Mysts of Avalon (Miniseries), Vivianne, I see death everywhere

NCIS, Jenny Shepard, Jenny Shepard/Holis Mann, come with me
NCIS, Victoria Mallard, losing herself
NCIS/The Closer, Jenny Shepard, Brenda Leigh Johnson, politics

Paladin of Souls, Ista, further adventures of...

Prime Suspect, Detective Superintendent Jane Tennison, no regrets

ROME, Atia, obligations
ROME, Atia, poison
ROME, Servilia, behind the scenes
ROME, Servilia, choices
ROME, Servilia, Atia, favourite enemy

Sanctuary, Helen Magnus, love is not enough
Sanctuary, Helen Magnus, mothers and daughters
Sanctuary, Helen Magnus, this is necessary
Sanctuary, Helen Magnus, protégé
Sanctuary, Helen Magnus, loss

Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane, an adventure with Clyde Sept. 16
Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane, artificial intelligence
Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane, losing
Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane, purple goo
Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane, quality time
Sarah Jane Adventures, Sarah Jane Smith, difficult to describe

seaQuest DSV, Kristin Westphalen, unspoken

Sherlock Holmes, Mrs. Hudson, the life they don't know Sept 21

Slings & Arrows, Ellen Fanshawe, language of fools

Smallville, Genevieve Teague, power
Smallville, Genevieve Teague, Genevieve Teague/Lionel Luthor, revenge
Smallville, Martha Kent, masks

Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Amanda Grayson, a thousand suns
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Amanda Grayson, adjusting Sept 30
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Amanda Grayson, desert
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Amanda Grayson, marriage is not for the faint-hearted Sept 20
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Amanda Grayson, Vulcan High Council
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Amanda Grayson, you learn something new every day
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Amanda Grayson, Amanda Grayson/Sarek, rejection
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Amanda Grayson, Amanda Grayson/Sarek, learn
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Amanda Grayson, Winona Kirk, academy Sept 7
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Winona Kirk, the ballad of Amelia Earhart Oct 5
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Winona Kirk, honeymoon
Star Trek (AOS) / ST XI, Winona Kirk, stars
Star Trek (DS9), Amsha Bashir, patience
Star Trek (DS9), Amsha Bashir, prison widow Oct 2
Star Trek (DS9), Audrid Dax, a mother's love
Star Trek (DS9), Emony Dax, lovers
Star Trek (DS9), Female Founder, visit.
Star Trek (DS9), Ishka, revolution
Star Trek (DS9), Kai Opaka, for the good of the many
Star Trek (DS9), Kai Winn, faith
Star Trek (DS9), Kai Winn, off-duty
Star Trek (DS9), Kai Winn, motivations
Star Trek (DS9), Kai Winn Adami, Lwaxana Troi,negotiations
Star Trek (DS9), Keiko O'Brien, career gap
Star Trek (DS9), Lwaxana Troi, wartime
Star Trek (DS9), Lwaxana Troi, Kai Winn, refugees
Star Trek (ENT/TOS), Amanda Grayson and Hoshi Sato (pre-TOS/post-ENT), the Vulcan words for love
Star Trek (ENT/TOS), Amanda Grayson and T'Pol (pre-TOS/post-ENT), Vulcan/Human babies
Star Trek (TNG), Admiral Nechayav, chain of command
Star Trek (TNG), Beverly Crusher, day in the life
Star Trek (TNG), Beverly Crusher, grace under pressure
Star Trek (TNG), Beverly Crusher, leadership
Star Trek (TNG), Beverly Crusher, mercy
Star Trek (TNG), Beverly Crusher, the dancing doctor
Star Trek (TNG), Captain Rachel Garrett, sacrifices
Star Trek (TNG), Captain Rachel Garrett, Beverly Crusher, responsibilities
Star Trek (TNG), Guinan, listening
Star Trek (TNG), Guinan, second time meeting Picard
Star Trek (TNG), Guinan, unspoken adventures
Star Trek (TNG), Guinan, wanderlust
Star Trek (TNG), Guinan, watching over you
Star Trek (TNG), Helena Rozhenko, challenges
Star Trek (TNG), Helena Rozhenko, family
Star Trek (TNG), Katherine Pulaski, new posting
Star Trek (TNG), Lwaxana Troi, diplomatic immunity
Star Trek (TNG), Lwaxana Troi, mothers and daughters
Star Trek (TNG), Lwaxana Troi, clothes
Star Trek (TNG), Lwaxana Troi, loving the alien Sept 9
Star Trek (TNG), Lwaxana Troi, moving forward
Star Trek (TNG), Lwaxana Troi, raising hybrid children
Star Trek (TNG), Lwaxana Troi, responsibilities
Star Trek (TNG), Marie Picard, starting over
Star Trek (TNG), Perrin, arguments
Star Trek (TNG), Perrin, meet the family
Star Trek (TNG), Perrin, remembering the dead
Star Trek (TNG), Phillipa Louvois, the wheels of justice
Star Trek (TNG), Silvia LaForge, saying goodbye Sept 10
Star Trek (TNG) "All Good Things"-future era, Beverly Picard (Captain), future imperfect
Star Trek (TNG) immediately post Nemesis, Beverly Crusher, sacrifice
Star Trek (TNG) Nemesis, Deanna Troi, Deanna Troi/Will Riker, wasted time Sept 13
Star Trek (TNG)/Doctor Who, Guinan & The Doctor, loss
Star Trek (TNG/DS9), Beverly Crusher, Beverly Crusher & Julian Bashir, advice
Star Trek (TOS), Amanda Grayson, Amanda Grayson & T'Pring, choices
Star Trek (TOS), Amanda Grayson, divided loyalties
Star Trek (TOS), Amanda Grayson, friends Sept 19
Star Trek (TOS), Amanda Grayson, stranger in a strange land
Star Trek (TOS), Amanda Grayson, death of a son
Star Trek (TOS), Amanda Grayson, homesick
Star Trek (TOS), Amanda Grayson, T'Pau, respect
Star Trek (TOS), T'Pau, "thee asks too much"
Star Trek (TOS) books - Sarek, Spock's World, etc., Amanda Grayson, visit home
Star Trek (TOS) books - Spock's World, Amanda Grayson, language and love Oct 4
Star Trek (TOS) in DS9-era, Mara (Kang's wife), the cost of vengeance,
Star Trek (TOS) in TNG-era, The Romulan Commander, The Romulan Commander/Spock, reunification
Star Trek (TOS) Kirk era, Number One, captain
Star Trek (TOS) late movie era, Nyota Uhura, computer hacking
Star Trek (TOS) late movie era, Nyota Uhura, hiking
Star Trek (TOS) late movie era, Nyota Uhura and Christine Chapel, drinks
Star Trek (TOS) movie era, Chapel, compromises
Star Trek (TOS) movie era, Nyota Uhura, knife
Star Trek (TOS) movie era, Rand, Earthside career
Star Trek (TOS) post movie era, Christine Chapel and Lwaxana Troi, "You look familiar"
Star Trek (TOS) post movie era, Nyota Uhura, family
Star Trek (TOS) post movie era, Nyota Uhura, Uhura/Scotty, plans
Star Trek (TOS) post movie era, Saavik, career change
Star Trek (TOS) post movie era, Saavik, Spock & Saavik, becoming closer
Star Trek (TOS) post movie era, Saavik, Spock & Saavik, opportunities lost
Star Trek (TOS) post ST VI, Nyota Uhura, strangest land
Star Trek (TOS) post-Pike era, Number One, fight Sept 12
Star Trek (TOS/TNG), Nyota Uhura, Uhura & Picard, Uhura meets Picard. (Can be about the linguistics of Darmok, or about something else ltogether, but it should be Uhura in her old age.)
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, pips
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, Janeway & Seven, captain's prerogative
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, frivolty
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, rainy days
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, starting over
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, Janeway/Paris, sins of the father
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, Janeway/Seven, fear
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, science Sept 30
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, Janeway & Q, unexpected Sept 7
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, Janeway & Tuvok, sharing the burden
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, old-fashioned diarist
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, between me and you
Star Trek (VOY), Kathryn Janeway, R&R
Star Trek (VOY), Miral (B'Elanna's mother), reunion
Star Trek (VOY), Miral (mother of B'Elanna Torres not her daughter), human customs

Star Wars (post Original Trilogy), Leia Organa, new beginnings
Star Wars, Shmi Skywalker, letting go
Star Wars Universe (around Episode II), Shmi Skywalker, end of the world news
Star Wars, Mon Mothma, start of the rebellion
Star Wars Universe (ca. Original Trilogy), Mon Mothma, draw down the stars

Stargate Atlantis, Charin, memories Sept 26
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth Weir, adventure
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth Weir, choices
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth Weir, coffee Sept 15
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth Weir, lessons in diplomacy Sept 28
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth Weir, sunrise
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth Weir, what you leave behind Sept 20
Stargate Atlantis, Elizabeth Weir, Elizabeth Weir/Teyla Emmagan, better understanding
Stargate Atlantis, Samantha Carter, leisure time
Stargate Atlantis, Samantha Carter, strategy
Stargate Atlantis, Samantha Carter, technology

Stargate SG-1, Catherine Langford, Egypt
Stargate SG-1, Janet Frasier, culinary arts Oct 1
Stargate SG-1, Janet Frasier, motherhood
Stargate SG-1, Janet Frasier, family
Stargate SG-1 (Season 8 and on), Samantha Carter, enemies
Stargate SG-1 (season 8 and on), Samantha Carter, leadership and responsibility

Supernatural, Deanna Campbell, the life of a hunter Sept 24
Supernatural, Ellen Harvelle, mysterious ways
Supernatural, Ellen Harvelle, respect
Supernatural, Ellen Harvelle, Victor Henrickson, interrogation
Supernatural, Missouri Moseley, knowledge is power

Tamora Pierce's Tortall-verse, Eleni Cooper, the only thing i know Oct 4

Tenchi Muyo, Washuu, centuries
Tenchi Muyo, Washuu, to see through the eyes of a child

Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles, Sarah Connor, crazy
Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles/Supernatural, Sarah Connor, Sarah Connor/John Winchester, what does it take to raise your kids for war.

The Incredibles, Helen Parr, flight Sept. 9

The L Word, Bette Porter, breadwinner
The L Word, Col. Gillian Davis, DADT
The L Word, Ivan Aycock, Ivan/Kit, cabin
The L Word, Jane Lynch, always sleep with your clients
The L Word, Kate Arden, what's crazy?
The L Word, Kit Porter, Kit/Shane, just try it once
The L Word, Peggy Peabody, tough love
The L Word, Phyllis Kroll, my way

The Mummy (3rd movie), Evelyn O'Connell, retirement
The Mummy (3rd movie), Evelyn O'Connell, one last adventure

The Pretender, Michelle, the past and the future

The Sentinel, Naomi Sandburg, butterfly

The Sopranos, Carmela Soprano, children & toys
The Sopranos, Gloria Trillo, one more pill, one more screw

The West Wing, Andrea Wyatt, election
The West Wing, Andrea Wyatt, filibuster
The West Wing, Andrea Wyatt, sweetness
The West Wing, Andrea Wyatt, ten years later/ten years earlier Sept 27
The West Wing, Andrea Wyatt, jigsaw
The West Wing, Andrea Wyatt, the bridge across the river
The West Wing, Andrea Wyatt, untold stories Oct 1
The West Wing, Andrea Wyatt, motherhood
The West Wing, Nancy McNally, the quiet afterwards
The West Wing, Nancy McNally, peace and war
The West Wing/The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Andrea Wyatt and Bina Gelbfish, saving the world
The West Wing/The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Andrea Wyatt and Bina Gelbfish, doppelganger
The West Wing/The Yiddish Policemen's Union, Andrea Wyatt and Bina Gelbfish, the other side of the story

The Wire, Claudette Wyms, Dutch courage

Tin Man, the Queen, beneath the surface Sept 8

Torchwood, Bridget Spears, afterwards
Torchwood, Estelle Cole, dreams Sept 16

True Blood, Gran (Adele Stackhouse), that boy's no boy Sept 28
True Blood, Jane Bodehouse, at the bottom of the bottle
True Blood, Maxine Fortenberry, viper
True Blood, Nan Flanagan, Nan/Pam, private face v. public face

Twin Peaks, Catherine Martell, bad timing
Twin Peaks, Catherine Martell, mosaic
Twin Peaks, Catherine Martell, rules of engagement
Twin Peaks, Margaret (the Log Lady), "The poetry of the earth is never dead." ~Keats
Twin Peaks, Norma Jennings, recipes Sept 14

TWW, Abbey, press corps stumble Oct 3
TWW, Andi Wyatt, scissors
TWW, CJ Cregg, life after the White House
TWW, CJ Cregg, second day on the joy
TWW, Nancy, emergency

Vorkosigan Saga, Countess Cordelia Naismith-Vorkosigan, bluff
Vorkosigan Saga, Countess Cordelia Naismith-Vorkosigan, serenity
Vorkosigan Saga, Countess Cordelia Naismith-Vorkosigan, "all wealth is biological"
Vorkosigan Saga, Countess Cordelia Naismith-Vorkosigan, To unpath'd waters, undream'd shores
Vorkosigan Saga, Drou Ludmilla Koudelka (nee Droushnakovi), daughters and equality
Vorkosigan Saga, Lady Alys Vorpatril,There's no trust / No faith, no honesty in men.
Vorkosigan Saga, Lady Alys Vorpatril, freedom
Vorkosigan Saga/Doctor Who, Countess Cordelia Naismith-Vorkosigan, Countess Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan & The Doctor, coming to terms

Watchmen, Sally Jupiter, absent friends
Watchmen, Sally Jupiter, name change

Weeds, Nancy Botwin, Nancy/Judah (flashback), hold on

X-Files, Margaret Scully, bright lights Sept 8
X-Files, Teena Mulder, I ain't scared of lightning Sept 15

X-Men comics, Destiny, choosing the future
X-Men comics, Destiny, Mystique/Destiny, aging with a lover who's forever young
X-Men comics, Magda, resurrection
X-Men comics, Moira MacTaggert, not your housekeeper

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