And in related news: the world still makes no sense

Mar 18, 2010 15:55

I can't believe a Muslim man living in Germany and whose YouTube account is subscribed to a channel called The Swiss Third Reich tried to friend me on YouTube. The mind boggles ( Read more... )

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Comments 52

ariadni March 18 2010, 15:04:56 UTC
I'm so glad to hear from you, you have no idea. :D
Bacibacibaci ♥


matan4il March 18 2010, 15:08:42 UTC
I missed you sooooooooo much, mia bella! And I'm really, really sorry if I made you worry. I would never want to do that. *HUGS* <3<3<3


milkybar08 March 18 2010, 15:08:34 UTC
aww bb, I've missed you so much!

I definitely get keeping the worst things to yourself, I'm exactly the same. But I'm glad you're pulling yourself through :)

ilu <3


matan4il March 18 2010, 15:12:31 UTC
I missed you too, darling! But I'm here now and I want to hear everything that's been going on with you! *hugs and never lets you go*

It's so stupid, but so natural, isn't it? *snuggles* It kinda makes me happy to know that if I have this problem, at least I share it with you. *MWAH* I love you too, so much, bb! <3<3<3


milkybar08 March 18 2010, 18:21:30 UTC
Oh there really hasn't been anything exciting going on in my life! I've been temping in an office doing reception/filing type things, which I hate but it puts some money in my pocket. Definitely don't want a desk job for the rest of my life though!

Hmm, what else? I saw Kelly Clarkson last week and she was awesome. That's the most exciting thing I can think of lol.

It is natural, I think. I have someone on my flist (not anyone you know) who only ever posts when she's annoyed or upset and it always brings me down. I'd hate to do the same thing to my friends, you know? Though I hope you know you can always to talk to me if you feel like it :)


matan4il March 21 2010, 13:18:18 UTC
I had too do that in the past too, so I know what you mean, but it is good that you do ave a job. Right now, I know that here, even the simplest job is difficult to come by. And hey, if you get sick of working there too much, you can always ask for a mental health week off and come to Israel! ;D *hugs* I'd love to have you here.

Whoa, when did you meet her? How did this happen and how come you're not squeeing? I am for you! :D I'm pretty sure I'll never meet anyone involved with American Idol, certainly not Kelly, so this seems pretty damn huge to me.

Thank you, honey. You're a sweetheart, you know that? I love you very much! *smooshes*


entchenmv March 18 2010, 16:28:13 UTC
helloooooooooo back.
long time no see, huh?
*hugs some more*


matan4il March 18 2010, 17:39:38 UTC
Honeeeeeey! *huggles muchly* Yes, way too long at that! *smooshes* How are you doing, sweetie?


entchenmv March 18 2010, 19:22:59 UTC
oh, well. I'm doing fine. I'm single and thinking about getting myself a hamster. work's fine (except some colleagues), life's good... a bit lonely sometimes in Rostock but meh. it's not really noteworthy.

and yoooooou *huggles* it's been so long, tell me everything ;-)


matan4il March 21 2010, 13:24:15 UTC
*snuggles* We can be single together, y/y? And I suggest being single with a big tub of ice cream, while watching anything with John Barrowman in it. ;)

Oooh, a hamster! They are so incredibly cute, it'll blow your mind. My friend in high school had two and it was just a recipe for my melting from all the cuteness every time I came to visit. :D And it's good when you have such a little one to keep you company.

Argh, work colleagues. If you need to vent at any point, just let me know, k? *huggles soooooo much*

I'm okay now, and I will try to post now a few updates about what's been going on with me with the required visual aids, for example of the little pets that I adopted! So yeah, you're gonna hear everything, like it or not. :P *SMOOSHES*


aman0n March 18 2010, 16:33:49 UTC
It's great to hear from you! I know what you mean about not writing when it gets really bad, but it is your journal so you shouldn't worry too much about other people's reactions.

In any case, I'm glad you're back! *HUGS*


matan4il March 18 2010, 17:45:09 UTC
It's so awesome to hear from you too, darling! :D How have you been? And yeah, you're right but I really care about the people here, you know? I remember I heard not too long ago someone stating that online relationships can be as close and even closer than RL ones and I was sort of rolling my eyes, 'coz that was like someone telling me America exists. No shit, Colombus!

I'm glad I'm back too and I hope I'm here to stay. I know I'm gonna do everything I can to! *smooshes*


aman0n March 18 2010, 19:36:43 UTC
I'm pretty good. Just working on my studies as usual, but it's interesting stuff :D

At least I find that with online friends the threshold for sharing personal stuff is sometimes lower than with RL friends.

Since you're back, might I request a photo of your adoptees? they sound adorable!



matan4il March 21 2010, 13:30:30 UTC
That sounds vaguely familiar. :P How did we get stuck with this whole studies thing, remind me again? But I'm glad it's stuff that you find interesting. I'm incredibly stressed about my thesis, but I like my subject too and that's so much better than when I'm just stressed about it. ;)

That's true. I think, though, that online friendships are a lot like RL ones in the sense that they're shaped way more by the individuals involved than by the type (online/RL) of friendship. Some people, whether online or off, just give you a vibe that you really shouldn't open up to them. Did that ever happen to you?

Of course! :D You know a proud mommy never says no to a request like that. ;) I'll post as soon as I can, which hopefully will be today or tomorrow. *crosses fingers*

*snuggles you to the Nth degree*


zee113 March 18 2010, 18:26:51 UTC
I've been thinking a lot of you lately, wondering what happened. While I completely understand shutting up when things go pear-shaped, I wish it was different...

So good to see you again! *hugs*


matan4il March 21 2010, 06:16:39 UTC
I know what you mean, but I find it so comforting that at least I do have this place to return to when things get better and that I feel real love to and from the people here. Thank you for that, hon. It means the world, you know? And it's so, so good to see you as well! I missed you muchly. *huggles infinitely* <3<3<3


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