Day Twenty Six - My Heart Stops 5/6 - M2 - PG

Nov 26, 2010 21:56

Title: My Hearts Stops 5/6
Author: anyothergirl415
Characters/Pairing: CWRPS - Mike/Misha
Theme: Nano Table
Prompt: 21 - order
Rating: PG
Words: ~1,150
Summary: Misha has to win Mike back.
Notes: The fifth in the series. Start reading here.

If Mike had his way he wouldn't go back to school. Not because he was afraid of seeing Misha again but more because he felt stupid. How had he let himself get fooled into thinking there really could be someone amazing enough to just accept him?

But he wasn't given a choice and he didn't want to worry his mom so he went back the next day.

He saw Misha in class but chose to sit on the other side of the room. He tried not to worry when the boy was absurdly quiet in class - enough to get the students and teacher looking curiously at him. Mike told himself it was guilt on Misha’s part and good. He deserved to feel that.

But it unsettled Mike, curling in the pit of his stomach uncertainly. It was strange how he’d known the boy a week and still he noticed these things, like how bad a sign it was that Misha wasn’t making a public mockery of himself and others like he was so well known for.

When class finished Mike thought about talking to Misha but - besides the obvious inability to - he chickened out. After all, he shouldn’t be the one to approach Misha; he wasn’t the one to make the stupid ass mistake that had ruined them so quickly.

So Mike just left the class, even when Misha paused near him and hesitated, like he wanted to say something. Mike didn’t really want to hear another apology, what good would it do?
Mike couldn’t just forgive and forget because seriously? Misha knew how he’d never done this before; he’d had to understand that this reaction was like a knife in the back.

The rest of the week went a lot like that. Misha kept his unusual silence and Mike was just as quiet but that wasn’t so unusual. Misha thought he shouldn’t really be grieving a relationship that only lasted a couple days but he’d felt something for Misha, and there was the thing in the Jeep, and all of it had been so fast and sharp and wonderful.

Until it wasn’t.

The middle of the following week Mike finally thought things would go back to normal. Sure Misha was still being quiet but Mike didn’t feel the fist squeezing his heart when he passed the boy in the halls or classrooms so that was something.

Then lunch came and Mike took his usual seat in the back of the cafeteria, minding his own business, perfectly okay to be the nobody that skirted through high school without drawing any attention. He read as he ate, working through ebooks on his iPad just for the sake of convenience.

He didn’t look up when music started playing because it didn’t seem like there was really a reason too. Yeah, music in the cafeteria was a little weird but Mike was dismissing it to cheerleaders or something ridiculous like that.

Until of course a familiar voice filled the speakers and echoed around the full room.

Imagine me and you, I do
I think about you day and night, it’s only right

Mike slowly sat back, turning to face the boy even though he knew what it was going to be. A few people had cheered, laughed, obviously writing this off to Misha being weird as usual. Mike was staring up at Misha as he sang into a microphone and walked toward him, replacing the girl in the next line to guy and grinning.

I can’t see me lovin’ nobody but you
For all my life
When you’re with me, baby the skies’ll be blue
For all my life

By this point Misha had completely stepped up to him and everyone staring had to put the pieces together. Even more so when Misha grabbed his hand and tugged him up out of the chair, pulling him close so their lips could brush together.

Mike’s heart was racing, his knees weak enough he didn’t think he’d be able to keep standing. Especially not as the music continued to play and Misha pulled him in close, spinning him in circles and holding him close. Mike desperately wished he could say something in that moment because if he pulled away Misha would take it the wrong way but Mike had so much to say.

Instead of moving away though, he let Misha dance with him, in front of everyone in the cafeteria. So much for skirting along the outside.

“Forgive me,” Misha whispered against his ear, the air warm and hot on Mike’s skin. “Please. I’m going crazy without you.”

Mike needed to tell Misha that this was silly, that they’d only been together days and he couldn’t possibly miss him so much. But he knew the way he ached and so, maybe it wasn’t so unheard of. Swallowing thickly, Mike dipped his head in a slow nod, squeezing Misha tightly.

And then Misha kissed him, in front of everyone, and Mike couldn’t help kissing him back. God there was so much he needed to get off his chest, but for now? He’d take this at least.



You hurt me but I think you know that. You know I didn’t really NEED someone like you, that’s not to say I don’t want you, but I was doing just fine without you. And even though I’ve agreed to forgive you, I think you need to understand a few things, because I can’t go through the heart ache again.

I’ve spent my whole life being teased, over and over by everyone. It’s made me build up a tough skin but I was letting you through that. Then everything just fell apart so fast, what did you expect me to do?

So if we decide to be together then you just have to be okay with me, and there’s no hiding me okay? I want to be yours but only if you’re okay with everyone knowing that.

Also? If you hurt me again like that it’ll be my fist and not a slap. Okay?

One last thing, you’re a great singer, for the record.

Mike fidgeted uncertainly as Misha read the letter, slowly folding it closed as he finished. He’d needed to write it all out because that was his method of course and it gave him time to really process it.

Now he watched, wetting his lips slowly as he leaned back against Misha’s Jeep and watched the boy slowly nod.

“Yeah, okay.” Misha nodded and grinned over at Mike. “I get it. I really am sorry for what I did to you. You’re so amazing and you don’t deserve that. So… never again. I promise.”

Mike grinned and pressed forward, crushing his lips into Misha’s. He really hoped Misha meant it, because he desperately wanted to be with him once more, no matter how much he insisted he was over it.

Part Six

mike/misha, spn_30snapshots, nano, slash

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