Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART XXIV

Jun 10, 2015 21:27

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Fill: 500cc (1/3) anonymous February 18 2016, 19:10:53 UTC
Usually, desk duty at the refugee docks is fairly quiet. Harrowing, sure--there's nothing for fostering a true, gizzard-deep understanding of the dire straits the galaxy is in quite like staring its destitute collateral damage in the eye day after day, trying to offer whatever small reassurance a body in a familiar uniform can provide in the face of incomprehensible cosmic evil.

Today, C-Sec Sergeant Ictor Aureolus almost misses the usual banal day-to-day horror.

“Chelsea,” he says, addressing the young human refugee he's lately taken under his wing in a figurative way, and more immediately under his arm in a literal way, “Please, you're bleeding from your head, I'm worried you’ll do yourself permanent damage like this--”

“It’s just a light scrape,” she says, “head wounds always look gross, now let me go“She’s right, actually,” says the asari medic he'd paged over the moment he first waded into this situation. Gailani, says her name tag. “Human scalps bleed like crazy when they're nicked, but it usually looks uglier than it really ( ... )


500cc (2/3) anonymous February 18 2016, 19:13:23 UTC
“He said… some things. About my mom,” she says, not meeting his eyes. “He was from the same colony as me. He moved away when I was little, I think he lives on the Citadel now. He saw me and he said, hey, aren't you Melissa Sweeney’s kid, and I said, yeah, but it's Melissa Hardt now, and then he… called her some names, and said a bunch of gross things ( ... )


500cc (3/3) anonymous February 18 2016, 19:15:17 UTC
“I know she's a juvenile,” says Ictor ( ... )


A!A anonymous February 18 2016, 19:17:09 UTC
Double fill all the way across the sky! This took hold of me and wouldn't let go until I wrote it, so here we are.

Apologies for any medical inaccuracy, I am not a doctor of any kind.


Re: 500cc (3/3) anonymous February 18 2016, 22:20:26 UTC
Beautiful use of ambient dialogue characters! I was already delighted by Chelsea's spirit and Ictor's growing shock at 'squishy' humans' durability, and then Grunt started namedropping 'parents' and I cracked up laughing.

And I ship Chelsea/Grunt now.


A!A anonymous February 18 2016, 22:54:10 UTC
Later Garrus tries to give Grunt shit about his tiny new girlfriend but Grunt is just like FUCK YEAH I IMPRESSED A FEMALE, SUCK IT TURIAN and Garrus has to reevaluate his honorary non-conspecific adolescent not-otherwise-specified-relative teasing strategies.

Glad you liked it!


Re: 500cc (3/3) anonymous February 19 2016, 23:42:01 UTC
(other a!a here?) damn, this one is infinitely better than my fill. op, you lucky duck. anyways, i enjoyed reading this one, so, other a!a, great job!


RE: Re: 500cc (3/3) anonymous February 20 2016, 00:48:47 UTC
Gosh, your fill was good too! Put-upon turian cops who are too jaded for this exotic human nonsense for the win, we can always use more of that. +1 to the shipper anon as well, I'd totally ship them--or both of them with the human dude, even. Maybe after he comes down from his adrenaline high, haha.

Anyway, thank you!


RE: 500cc (3/3) anonymous February 22 2016, 23:52:19 UTC
Op here, i ferl so blessed omfg 2 fills. This was absolutely perfect ty for writing it, the last line cracked me up, "only 500cc of blood" omfg.


Re: 500cc (3/3) anonymous March 5 2016, 02:15:17 UTC
OP here! I meant to comment on this ages ago but I couldnt do it on my phone for some reason? Anyway, this is amazing, like im so blessed two ppl filled my prompt w/ two amazing fills?? legit happy tears, i laughed really hard at the ending, A+ work!!


RE: Re: 500cc (3/3) anonymous March 5 2016, 02:55:21 UTC
... It looks like you did, actually, I just missed it at the time. Oops! Sorry about that. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed :D


Re: Re: 500cc (3/3) anonymous March 15 2016, 20:44:52 UTC
OP Again, wow whoops I did? It wasnt showing up on mobile and I guess I missed it, whoops!


RE: Re: Re: 500cc (3/3) anonymous March 16 2016, 22:40:03 UTC
Haha yeah, I'm usually on mobile too, I know how it is. LJ's mobile site is so unstable!


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