Mass Effect Kink Meme: PART XXIV

Jun 10, 2015 21:27

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Jane Squared anonymous August 25 2015, 14:03:14 UTC
I'd like to give this a shot. Let me know if I'm going in the right direction. I tend to be unable to do anything short and comedy isn't my strong suit, but...anyway, just let me know if you like it and want to see more.

Jane Squared

“We’ll have to come up with another name for you.”

Her clone narrowed her eyes at her and frowned. “Why?”

Jane took a sip of her drink and crossed her legs a different way. If she was going to make a habit of having lunch down here with her clone prisoner, she was going to have to requisition a table and chair. “Why? Because we both can’t be Jane Shepard.”

“I understand that. But why is it that I have to change my name ( ... )


Jane Squared - Part II anonymous August 25 2015, 14:06:23 UTC
Jane swallowed and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “You want me to name you?”

“Who else? I don’t want to name myself. That’s not how it’s supposed to work.”

“I don’t think anything is supposed to work like this situation here between us ( ... )


Jane Squared - Part III anonymous August 25 2015, 14:10:34 UTC
Alright, I know Kasumi wasn't on the Normandy in ME3, but for the sake of this story, she hitched a ride from the Citadel to somewhere and was on the ship for a bit with the clone.


“How about Caroline?”

The clone Shepard didn’t even flinch when Kasumi materialized out of thin air as soon as Jane Shepard had left her. “Do I seriously look like a Caroline?”

“No, you look like Jane but we’ve already established the problem with that,” Kasumi retorted. “Jill?”

“Jane and Jill? Too bad Jack is already taken,” the clone snorted derisively.

“Yeah, you’re right. Too trite. Kim?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t need a reason. It’s my name and that’s not it. Move on.”

“Alright,” Kasumi replied, settling herself comfortably on a shelf near the opening of the clone’s room. “Betsy?”

The clone pulled a face. “No.”

“What? Jane is a very traditional, earthbound name, it’s not like I can go through my family tree and find you something ( ... )


Jane Squared - Part IV anonymous August 25 2015, 14:15:07 UTC
“Soooo,” the clone drawled, lounging back in her large bunk. “I’m guessing you drew the short straw tonight ( ... )


Jane Squared - Part V anonymous August 25 2015, 14:27:30 UTC
“How was lunch ( ... )


Jane Squared - Part VI anonymous August 25 2015, 14:28:13 UTC
Jane looked up from her datapad and her expression changed. As Liara shrugged her jacket off, Shepard’s eyes turned hungry. She stretched to the side, placing her datapad on the side table and crawled out from beneath the covers toward the end of the bed. “Here,” she said, coming up on her knees and tugging on Liara’s waistband. “Let me help you with that ( ... )


RE: Jane Squared - Part VI anonymous August 25 2015, 21:00:22 UTC
Not fussed, also MOAR!


Re: Jane Squared - Part VI anonymous August 25 2015, 21:10:19 UTC
This has amused me greatly. IMO, we can get Shiara sexy times all over (not to discourage you if you have more, it's perfectly sexy!), but the cute clone angst and funnies are tickling my ribs in a way that few fills can. More of that but not less of the other!


Jane Squared - Part VII anonymous August 25 2015, 21:59:56 UTC
(Okay, here goes ( ... )


Jane Squared - Part VIII anonymous August 25 2015, 22:02:20 UTC
Jane got off the elevator the next morning and heard the crew talking before she rounded the corner ( ... )


Jane Squared - Part IX anonymous August 25 2015, 22:07:28 UTC
“What do you think?”

Garrus shrugged and kept his eyes focused on the piece of circuitry he had been working on. “Why ask me?”

Jane leaned her hip against his workbench so that she could study him more closely. “Well, you’ve been spending a lot of time with her,” she said looking up at him. “Not to mention that I value your input.”

The Turian sighed heavily and put the piece of equipment down. “You didn’t let her live to keep her in a cage. So the real question isn’t if but when ( ... )


Re: Jane Squared - Part IX anonymous August 26 2015, 06:22:51 UTC
Wow. I liked that you included the 'what if' here.


Re: Jane Squared - Part IX anonymous August 26 2015, 13:16:16 UTC
Thanks. In my head, Shepard ended up with both Liara and Garrus and sometimes I throw Hackett in there, too. I mean, she just couldn't decide in the end and they all thought she deserved whatever she wanted, so why not? lol


Re: Jane Squared - Part IX anonymous August 26 2015, 12:44:04 UTC
OP here: thank you so much for this!!!!! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I HAD IN MIND. Honestly I'm so happy right now, I'm grinning from ear to ear. Shiara and Shakarian, side by side with... well, little awkwardness. I love it!

I really like your take on the clone, too! I've always had a soft spot for her since playing the Citdel DLC and thinking 'what if', but now... ah, man, my emotions. I can't wait to read more. (I'm also laughing a little at the idea of Clone!Shep and Grunt interacting. Shepard looking between them like a confused and very uncomfortable mother.) I love what you're doing, though! Seriously hooked on this.


Re: Jane Squared - Part IX anonymous August 26 2015, 13:14:28 UTC
Whew! Glad you are liking it. :-) Any other 'wish list' items, please let me know. It's been a while since I've played ME3 and I'm having a hard time remembering just who was on the Normandy. I forgot how it was such slim pickings! I've got a little bit more I should be able to post today. Thanks for the feedback!


Re: Jane Squared - Part IX anonymous August 26 2015, 14:02:15 UTC
Oh no, you're doing perfect already, hahah. I'm also completely here for you putting whoever the heck you like on the Normandy. It's been interesting to see how others act differently with Shepard's clone than they do with Shepard, I'd really enjoy more of that, but really you're doing great and I can't wait to read more!


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