Which reads as follows: A Prothean device turns the Commander (and others if preferred, but would rather LI remain unchanged) into a teenager. Whether she/he retains their memories is up to anon. For some reason they have to wait before they can change him/her back, and during that time the LI notices Shepard is acting...strange.
The reason? Shepard is completely crushing on their LI, even when younger.
Remember, Shepard has to be legal for sexy times! 18 is still a teen!
Bonus for:
-FemShep/Liara -Teen!Shepard acting awkward about the crush, like any teenager with their first "love".
Re: The De-Ager (11/11)
June 29 2013, 11:40:23 UTC
Wow, this was fantastic. While I loved what you did with Shep/Liara, my favorite part was what you did with Jack. Please let us know if you plan to archive this on ff - I would totally favorite it. :)
Re: The De-Ager (11/11)
June 30 2013, 17:17:36 UTC
This was great. I have a tendency to skip non-turian fics sometimes, but here I can tell I've missed some good stories that way. I liked how you wrote differences in Jack - understated, not sappy.
Which reads as follows:
A Prothean device turns the Commander (and others if preferred, but would rather LI remain unchanged) into a teenager. Whether she/he retains their memories is up to anon.
For some reason they have to wait before they can change him/her back, and during that time the LI notices Shepard is acting...strange.
The reason? Shepard is completely crushing on their LI, even when younger.
Remember, Shepard has to be legal for sexy times! 18 is still a teen!
Bonus for:
-Teen!Shepard acting awkward about the crush, like any teenager with their first "love".
I have indeed chosen FemShep/Liara.
Much love.
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