Lose This Channel (1/5)
June 19 2011, 10:57:55 UTC
lose this channel
John Shepard’s command of the comm system - at least when it came to his briefing to and from and the Council - had always been somewhat… temperamental; at least in the sense his vid-link system only seemed to work when he was telling the Council representatives to fuck right the hell off before ‘losing’ their signal. Councilor Valern had simply decided he did not give a single fuck (if that was indeed the human turn of phrase) about the undead human psychopath. Reinstating the man’s Spectre status had been a gesture of good faith for his services in defending the galactic community. He was afforded their good grace by the same logic that had allowed Saren Arterius to function as their agent - the man got results
( ... )
Lose This Channel (2/5)
June 19 2011, 11:03:43 UTC
He stopped grumbling immediately when, on screen, he saw the door open across the room and a sleek, visibly warily looking turian stepped into the room. Garrus Vakarian. The former C-Sec officer had clearly seen better days because he’d had half his pretty face shot off since the last time Valern had seen of him - and it said something about just how pretty his face was that he still looked more than decent without that other half. Not, mind you, that any one of Vakarian’s human crewmates had any idea that their gunnery officer was setting any kind of standard of turian fuckability. Valern was highly uneasy now.
“Vakarian.” Shepard smirked his way through every syllable.
The turian bristled. “What the hell do you want?”
“I didn’t hear a ‘what the hell do you want, Commander’.”
“Fuck you. If you didn’t want me for something, then I have other things to do.”
“Are you still sore about what happened in the gym? I mean, you know, other than the obvious…”
“Fuck. You.” You could taste how hot the turian’s temper was, even through vid
( ... )
Lose This Channel (3/5)
June 19 2011, 11:09:13 UTC
Shepard hit him with a biotic charge, a blitz of speed that the turian nearly got away from, but not quite. Shepard grabbed Vakarian from behind only to find himself on the receiving end of a jaw-cracking elbow strike following by the knee to the gut and two fists slamming down on the back of his neck. Vakarian was, obviously, former spec-ops because he fought through Shepard’s biotics like he knew something about them. Didn’t help him. Biotics against an unarmed opponent always ended the same way and against a man like Shepard it ended when the human hammered Vakarian with a shockwave, tackled him, grabbed his head, and threw it against the floor so hard the turian didn’t get back up
( ... )
Lose This Channel (4/5)
June 19 2011, 11:12:26 UTC
Shepard shoved Vakarian down against the floor, ignored the way he kept thrashing, yelling into the floor between his arms. Valern didn’t look away, couldn’t, not even when the human used his right boot against the back of Vakarian’s knee to shove his legs apart. Not even when one hand ran clearly up the back of the turian’s bare thigh to his ass and a second later Vakarian bucked forward and screamed. Valern flinched, his own talons biting into the tabletop, realized he was grinding his teeth, that he was growling, that he’d decided in the last three minutes that he hated John Shepard
( ... )
Re: Lose This Channel (5/5)
June 19 2011, 16:37:51 UTC
holy mary mother of fuck....
that was all sorts of disturbing and hot and disturbingly hot.
And I cannot seem to make up my mind here whether that whole Shepard/Garrus thing here is to be considered con, dub-con or anything else, those two play on so many levels that I cannot seem to figure it out. My brain shortened out somewhere along the way.
>Don’t worry, I will help you, but you’ll have to get on your knees for it first. Fair warning.
Am I a very bad person if I admit that this part screams for a sequel and I want to read it? Special hell, here I come.
Re: Lose This Channel (5/5)
June 19 2011, 17:27:24 UTC
OP here, this was brilliant, thank you!
I love on how many different levels their relationship (and the question of consent) is happening. And somehow, you work it all into these really hot sex scenes, heh.
Also, your version of Shepard is just renegade enough to make his interaction with Valern seem very much in character. I loved it.
Re: Lose This Channel (5/5)
June 19 2011, 19:51:21 UTC
His hand tracked up Vakarian’s flank as he spoke, fingers digging in against his ribs until Vakarian turned his face up and left the Commander bump his forehead to his.
I love you for this whole damn brilliant (and dark and deep and wonderful) thing, but for that line especially. Loved it, Author!Anon. You own the Internet today.
Love this fic! Would AuthurAnon mind explaning a sentence? Pretty please?
June 20 2011, 14:11:08 UTC
"At the sight of drawn blood he made a self-satisfied purr/growl sound that meant too many things in turian to be 100% appropriate for a combat situation. "
thanks and sure thing
June 20 2011, 14:44:53 UTC
I'm going off a recently popular turian language assumption that there are emotional infections in the turian voice that humans aren't familiar with - the wierd echo-affect. In this case, Valarn is commenting on the fact that Garrus isn't using a tone that's purely aggresive but could, in another context, possibly be a come-on. ;)
Re: Lose This Channel (5/5)
June 20 2011, 15:01:34 UTC
Since the author apparently doesn't mind questions... what's your take on the question of consent here?
Because this has been bothering me...not in a bad way, just in the way that my mind tends to get stuck on a puzzle I cannot figure out. If that makes any sense at all.
(I'm honestly curious, no offense intended whatsoever...I commented on this before and was the first one to scream for a sequel, so there should be no doubt that I loved that fill of yours.. :) )
It's certainly a tricky question. This particular fill was written as a requested sequel to a fill I'd written previously where, secretly, Garrus has always been okay with the idea of his Commander dominating him sexually. He never says so, but John picks up on it and in a sparring match suddenly makes a move on him leading to a seemingly dub-con sexual encounter. ("...what happened in the gym.")
In this fic basically it's become a habit that Garrus resists and if John can subdue him then they can fuck. It's never explicitly stated between them because part of Garrus' kink is that he has to fight back and John is enough of a bastard renegade to get off on that. It's dub-con in appearance, but the fact of the matter is Shepard knows Garrus well enough to tell when he actually wants it.
John Shepard’s command of the comm system - at least when it came to his briefing to and from and the Council - had always been somewhat… temperamental; at least in the sense his vid-link system only seemed to work when he was telling the Council representatives to fuck right the hell off before ‘losing’ their signal. Councilor Valern had simply decided he did not give a single fuck (if that was indeed the human turn of phrase) about the undead human psychopath. Reinstating the man’s Spectre status had been a gesture of good faith for his services in defending the galactic community. He was afforded their good grace by the same logic that had allowed Saren Arterius to function as their agent - the man got results ( ... )
“Vakarian.” Shepard smirked his way through every syllable.
The turian bristled. “What the hell do you want?”
“I didn’t hear a ‘what the hell do you want, Commander’.”
“Fuck you. If you didn’t want me for something, then I have other things to do.”
“Are you still sore about what happened in the gym? I mean, you know, other than the obvious…”
“Fuck. You.” You could taste how hot the turian’s temper was, even through vid ( ... )
that was all sorts of disturbing and hot and disturbingly hot.
And I cannot seem to make up my mind here whether that whole Shepard/Garrus thing here is to be considered con, dub-con or anything else, those two play on so many levels that I cannot seem to figure it out. My brain shortened out somewhere along the way.
>Don’t worry, I will help you, but you’ll have to get on your knees for it first. Fair warning.
Am I a very bad person if I admit that this part screams for a sequel and I want to read it?
Special hell, here I come.
I love on how many different levels their relationship (and the question of consent) is happening. And somehow, you work it all into these really hot sex scenes, heh.
Also, your version of Shepard is just renegade enough to make his interaction with Valern seem very much in character. I loved it.
I love you for this whole damn brilliant (and dark and deep and wonderful) thing, but for that line especially. Loved it, Author!Anon. You own the Internet today.
except it was so damned captivating that i couldn't stop. and so brilliant that to do so would have been sacrilegious. damn.
i really dont have words for this and for how much i love it.... sexy and fucking hot and brilliant and omfg i love it.
agreed with the anon who requested a sequel.
What things exactly? :P
what's your take on the question of consent here?
Because this has been bothering me...not in a bad way, just in the way that my mind tends to get stuck on a puzzle I cannot figure out. If that makes any sense at all.
(I'm honestly curious, no offense intended whatsoever...I commented on this before and was the first one to scream for a sequel, so there should be no doubt that I loved that fill of yours.. :) )
In this fic basically it's become a habit that Garrus resists and if John can subdue him then they can fuck. It's never explicitly stated between them because part of Garrus' kink is that he has to fight back and John is enough of a bastard renegade to get off on that. It's dub-con in appearance, but the fact of the matter is Shepard knows Garrus well enough to tell when he actually wants it.
That was how I read it, too. Still, good to have confirmation, so now my mind can switch to other things again :)
I love multi-layered fics like these...
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