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Them damn masks. aryss_reaper September 10 2010, 12:04:27 UTC
I've played this game approximately 7 times, and there's one thing that always bugs me.

During a few missions (such as boarding the Collector ship for the first time, getting the Reaper IFF and Tali's mission) we see Shepard in a helmet that covers his head completely, yet there are some party members that only wear a mask. Yes, Samara, Jack and Miranda, I'm looking at you. Now, I don't know about asari, but humans ought to be wearing full body protection when bouncing around in space.

I don't know why, but it just irritates me so much, every time I see it. D:


Re: Them damn masks. vilkacis September 10 2010, 12:17:17 UTC
If biotic barriers can block bullets, I imagine they could keep out radiation and extreme temperatures as well.

'course you'd be fucked when the barrier goes down. Which they do as soon as someone looks at you funny. So yeah, personally, I'd wear a suit (not to mention armour), but at least for the ridiculously powerful biotics like Jack and Samara, I can see how using the Force might work.


Re: Them damn masks. sinvraal September 10 2010, 12:24:32 UTC
Biotics don't create a force field- it's a kinetic barrier. It stops bullets because it cancels out the mass of the projectile. By their own codex fluff, a barrier is useless against environmental effects.


Re: Them damn masks. vilkacis September 10 2010, 12:27:58 UTC

*didn't read the codex fluff*

Guess it's just ridiculous and stupid, then. vOv


Re: Them damn masks. alhazred September 10 2010, 17:45:05 UTC
And even if that were viable, continuous use puts a a strain on the biotic, so it would still be completely impractical.


Re: Them damn masks. latin_lunatic September 10 2010, 19:40:47 UTC
JOSSED my fanwank!


Re: Them damn masks. edgiko September 10 2010, 12:47:56 UTC
I can understand why they just kept their hazard masks game making wise (basically that's another thing to animate and model, therefore more space is used up) but it bugs the hell out of me too. D: Especially Jack.

On another note: I also wish they put another mask on Zaeed because I have mistaken him too many times as a Collecter on the ship mission. >_> DAMN YOU POOR EYESIGHT! *shakes fist*


Re: Them damn masks. cikrapt September 10 2010, 15:14:36 UTC
ARGH. It first came to me when we boarded the abandonded Collector ship and I realized that Miranda and Thane were only wearing face masks and I was all decked out in my helmet and armor. It feels like going backwards from the first game where each squaddie had armor and a casual outfit onboard the ship. But then again, they took out the armor options for the rest of your crew, so maybe that explains why?


Re: Them damn masks. redhoundstooth September 10 2010, 15:22:49 UTC
It would have been great if the masked ones either had their own freaking helmets, or just went through a temporary wardrobe change and had SPACE suits that's customized for each character. Everyone in ME1 had it. -___-


Re: Them damn masks. latin_lunatic September 10 2010, 19:38:59 UTC
I like to fanwank that Samara and Jack use biotics to protect themselves. Miranda.......... Eh.


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