Fourth in the series of transcribed Datapad app texts for a paragon dudeShep who romanced Ashley (faithfulmance).
Part 1: Earth to Palaven Part 2: Palaven to Sur'Kesh Part 3: Sur'Kesh to Citadel Priority III'm naming these from the major missions, but there's quite a few from side missions and random talking on the Normandy and the Citadel as
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Comments 3
No way we're all getting out of this war alive. Be fun to try, though.
My Zaeed love expanded x 1000000 during his brief cameo in ME3. ♥
Yeah, that is all.
Let me know if you ever want a rematch somewhere less windy. Those tornadoes on the Citadel are brutal.
The first time I heard it I laughed something fierce and shook my head. Anytime, anywhere Vakarian!
Still not used to being in charge. If only they'd asked my opinion a few years earlier...
Poor Garrus. I think he needs a good snuggle ^_^
Also, darn you Apple for not letting me put this on my ipod *shakes fist some more*
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