In amongst all the rage, a couple of interesting things re. the endgame have popped up on the BSN. Apologies if these have already been posted in the comments somewhere - I've tried to keep up with posts but will inevitably have missed things.
Cut for ending spoilers.
Save file names? )
Comments 94
I should reload my Control save and just try out the Destroy ending, see what I get o-o My inbox is empty (deleted all my messages once I figured I was done) and haven't had time to start a new playthrough, so I only have the one Shep saved right now. This better be worth watching that stupid ending again.
yes, the game hasn't been released everywhere yet but there are a lot of unsatisfied customers right now.
i really hope they hurry up with this ~revelation~ because it's driving me (and plenty others) insane.
I loaded up the datapad and have all the messages. My faithful Kaidanmancer had two messages from him. 'I can't believe what I saw' which was in relation to Sanctuary and 'Thanks again for the chat. Sometimes you gotta talk things through to figure it out, you know.'
Not wanting to be the bubble burster, but I think those are in relation to the beginning of the game. Husband got that same message from Ash, and he's not even finished Rannoch.
"Hey Commander. They might actually let me see you today in a couple decades if we manage to somehow fix the Normandy and FTL all the way to Earth, or even faster if we crawl back thought the magic space hole that we used to respawn in the Normandy in the first place.
Hang in there in the rubble."
I blame the character limit.
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