Given that I was kept here an extra hour yesterday, and didn't get home until eight because the trains run further apart as the evening wears on, I've decided that I'm leaving an hour early today. I think that's fair
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>Given that I was kept here an extra hour yesterday, and didn't get home until eight because the trains run further apart as the evening wears on, I've decided that I'm leaving an hour early today. I think that's fair.
It's amazing and disturbing how many offices/people think this isn't fair. It's basic logic!
My boss is pretty awesome. She really doesn't mind people leaving early so long as they've put in their hours. It helps that the work isn't really customer- or client-based.
I just need to get the dreaded yellow room done. I keep putting off doing anything else with the room, because I'm afraid I'll never paint it if I put in actual furniture.
Yeah, I hear that. I'm just tired of living with everything mismatched. I still feel like I'm living in Brighton Curbside Rescue Mode, and it's gotten very, very old. June marks 4 years in our house, and I haven't done anything. *sigh*
My priorities this year for painting are our bathroom (prob. Memorial Day weekend), our bedroom (sometime in the summer), and the kitchen (at some point... this year) - most offensive rooms first.
Comments 5
It's amazing and disturbing how many offices/people think this isn't fair. It's basic logic!
I just need to get the dreaded yellow room done. I keep putting off doing anything else with the room, because I'm afraid I'll never paint it if I put in actual furniture.
My priorities this year for painting are our bathroom (prob. Memorial Day weekend), our bedroom (sometime in the summer), and the kitchen (at some point... this year) - most offensive rooms first.
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