009 ♔ dream;

Sep 01, 2011 03:22

Effects: Confusion, loss, perhaps a hollow, lingering sort of discomfort.

what a frightening thought, that little loss )

dream post

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action. maskmastery September 1 2011, 13:34:36 UTC
[More sleep is the last thing he wants right now, but after the fact even Schneizel needs time to collect himself. The knock at the door manages to surprise him, though he supposes it has been a while. Recognizing the voice, he smiles audibly.]

I am. Barely, it seems - you may come in, Mami.


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action. maskmastery September 3 2011, 22:46:08 UTC
[His own brightens at the sight of her, his tone light.]

I've overslept quite terribly, haven't I? I hope you haven't been too taxed. [y'know, babysitting suzaku.]


clonezart September 2 2011, 02:36:15 UTC
[It's dreams like these Mozart can't help but watch with a dry throat as he swallows. It might be a sort of masochistic fascination but he can't bring himself to look away when dealing with death.

He is pristine. He is pure. He is untouched by death. For now. Yet the allure of it is intoxicating.]

That vision...


maskmastery September 3 2011, 22:28:48 UTC
[Ah, Mozart. He smiles in greeting, though the expression is small and thoughtful and a mite curious at the clone's reaction.]

What of it?


clonezart September 4 2011, 00:16:22 UTC
[He purses his lips together. He tries to arrange the words in his head but they tumble out blunt and careless.]

What happened to her?


maskmastery September 4 2011, 00:20:53 UTC
[The tactlessness of it matters little to Schneizel. His voice turns soft, but flat, even.]

She was murdered in her home. [Then, incase that wasn't quite what Mozart meant:] Gunfire.


[ action ] keptdown September 3 2011, 02:00:51 UTC
[ peeeeering at with his own dreamberry in hand, trying to discern what from what (death is familiar, carrying out the dead even more {still hurts to think about dead weight in your arms}). this person, those people, are human, and it's a comfort. almost as much of a comfort as Schneizel being awake-

-- o h. the heel of his palm connects with one eye, rubbing the sleep awaaay before tossing that dreamberry elsewhere simply because he doesn't need it right now and rolling onto his side to rest for a moment. that is, until he's back to normal alertness and sitting up (donotflaildonotflail), briefly stretching out and then shifting and turning in bed to face Schneizel. ]

You're awake. [ a quiet observation coming after a smile. ] Good. How are you... feeling?

[ to mirror that, he's already letting himself to give Schneizel a once over, looking for any abnormalities...! ]


[ action ] maskmastery September 3 2011, 22:39:42 UTC
[His immediate surprise at the voice coming from beside him ebbs quickly as it clicks into place. Suzaku is with him, he realizes, and although it's been a while, although he was never used to this to begin with, he doesn't feel surprised.

He turns his body to look down at him, propped up on a hand. He'd tell Suzaku not to look so concerned, but he knows doing so would be pointless. Allowing himself to be studied, he favours Suzaku with a small smile, not quite the polished thing it usually is.]

Quite well, I should think, for having been in a sleep coma. [Sleep has roughened his voice, soft as it is.] It's been some time.

[The observation is nonchalant, as is what he says next - but is meaning is serious.]

Perhaps I might ask you that.

[And it's Schneizel's turn to study, eyebrows knitting.]


[ action ] keptdown September 4 2011, 02:16:48 UTC
[ he almost laughs at that. of course Schneizel is well; not much can knock him off the horse of life, and this is more of a comfort now than it has been before. so much so that he can keep his smile on his face, now more relief than anything. ]

That's good. [ nodding, something more fond now tugging at him. ] Nothing big happened. You and Euphy fell asleep around the same time. [ ah. ] There was a lantern festival! And another before that that the locals threw.

[ I was worried, he wants to say, but he figures the implication is there and that it's enough. because, if he were being perfectly honest, running around like a chicken that just got its head cut off trying to get everything in order and not trip and fall on his face in the process of taking care of two people sleep plus another two awake--

-- well, that should count as something more than worried. he's lucky Mami and Sayaka (and Euphy later) are dependable, if well knowing while watching him make his rounds ( ... )


[ action ] maskmastery September 4 2011, 17:45:31 UTC
[His lips curve in a small, perhaps understanding smile. Suzaku, at least, is being honest - which might only be because he knows Schneizel can and will check with others, but it doesn't matter. He gives a nod, and then sits back against the headboard, apparently at ease.] I had wondered what it would take for you to reclaim your bed again. This might just be a pleasant surprise.

[His lips quirk, almost into a smirk, but then he grows more serious.]

Is there anything else I've missed, in my absence? Anything of note?


action; naivelysanguine September 4 2011, 03:30:50 UTC
[She does her best to ignore the dream -- because it was her beloved brother and she didn't want to pry and that memory was all too real and more importantly... Schneizel was finally awake once more. It feels like a lifetime, even if it's only been two weeks since she woke up herself.

Bounding to his room as rapidly as propriety allows for, she pauses briefly outside of his door before knocking softly, not wanting to disturb him too greatly if he's not in the mood for visitors. Then, a tentative:]



action; maskmastery September 4 2011, 17:40:03 UTC
Euphie. [His voice is gentle when he calls out to her, part from sleep, and part fondness. She fell asleep not long before he did, but it was long enough for him to feel concerned.] You can come in, little one.

[He smiles.] Are you well?


action; naivelysanguine September 5 2011, 02:34:22 UTC
[In she will come indeed, moving to stand at his side with a fond smile. She was certainly well enough before, but now...]

I'm much better now that you're awake again, brother. [A concerned glance.] I should ask you the same question. How are you feeling?


action; maskmastery September 5 2011, 15:36:20 UTC
[He reaches out for her hand, skims his fingers over it briefly before releasing her, looking up at her with a reassuring smile.]

Glad to be awake. It's a little disorientating, but I'm just fine, Euphie. And it's good to see you up again, too. How long has it been since you opened your eyes?


video; aevitas September 6 2011, 01:26:22 UTC
[she watches Marianne with the slighest flicker of something in her uncanny eyes, before C.C. remarks quietly:]

You still dream about that day. [not a question. more of a statement]


video; maskmastery September 6 2011, 18:40:41 UTC
[He doesn't appear at all surprised to hear from her - especially not after this dream. He greets her with a small, dry smile.]

It was the type of experience that lingers.


video; aevitas September 7 2011, 21:50:02 UTC
I'd imagine there are many such experiences, hm?


video; maskmastery September 10 2011, 01:35:37 UTC
[He smiles innocuously.]

Such is life, right?


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