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Comments 128

[ action ] keptdown May 19 2011, 03:08:23 UTC
[ he doesn't think much after he watches this, watches that smile, even slips off of the couch and doesn't bother to fold the blankets. (why he's out there in the first place is a little mixture of this and that, sleeping out there in a failed attempt to get away from what may not be there anymore in the morning.)

the core of the problem being: he doesn't think.

he just gets up and starts his way through the house, wanting to do nothing more than barge into (his) that room and do something about this dreamberry predicament. but, ah, there isn't much he can do about its irritating need to broadcast people's private dreams to everyone. (and there's nothing he can do to stop himself from watching those dreams because there might be something wrong that, perhaps, he can fix.) so, really, all he can do is-

-- walk right up to the door and twist the handle hard enough to make it snap and break after he opens the door. so Suzaku just stands there, stupefied despite the fact that he's not the one with an idiot in the doorway, mouth open ( ... )


[ action ] maskmastery May 19 2011, 14:19:20 UTC
[There are a few moments of stillness after the dreamberry is switched off, but Schneizel doesn't lie back down, doesn't make any sort of effort to sleep again. The attempt would be fruitless as it always is, so he simply sits in darkness, the sheets pooling in his lap, and considers it. The marble path of black and white squares, the sunlight through towering trees, and the single shadow that blotted out time.

The symbolism is fairly clear cut, he thinks, but there's always more to it than that. The shades of grey, he thinks, with another thin little smile. There are footsteps outside and he doesn't care to look up, they don't shake him from his reverie - but the loud snap at the door does, and he straightens, glancing quickly to the doorway and the figure standing there. His movement is alert, ready, but his expression remains mild, bemused.

He blinks at Suzaku - for it is Suzaku, even if it's dark he can tell that much - and then smiles, the expression minute but pleasant, dryly amused.]I suppose I should have expected the ( ... )


[ action ] keptdown May 19 2011, 21:28:39 UTC
No -- [ because 'Suzaku' is everything but dramatic ] -- well...

[ and then he just gives up and lets out a sigh, seeing no point in arguing with him when he distinctly remembers walking on a 'thin line' as Zero (half out of his mind and in need of the thrill) while maids tried to plead with him to get him down, despite their initial fear (Lord Zero, that's dangerous! or something like that, he thinks). glancing around, he looks for a place to set the broken attachment, eventually getting tired of looking and just setting it elsewhere.

he starts again, then: ] Yeah. I underestimated my strength when I was opening the door- not appropriate for one such as Zero, I guess. [ and he does just guess, because Lelouch has never has this sort of barbaric strength.

there's a testing glance over at Schneizel, nothing wary or suspicious just- concerned, if even just a little bit. Suzaku doesn't like prying into people's business, doesn't like watching their dreams, but sometimes- sometimes it's a necessary thing when you want to know what's ( ... )


[video] maskmastery May 20 2011, 00:06:45 UTC
Underestimation? I'd have thought you'd know yourself better by now, Suzaku.

[His voice is a rapier in a silk sheath, but he decides not to pursue hiw fairly usual pattern of verbal sparring. There's no need for it, not now, and Suzaku's appearance is almost endearing. The sharpness in his manner is thusly tempered, turning softer, more chiding.] I've little reason to relish a visit from Zero at this hour. A gentler approach will suffice, in future.

[As Suzaku draws closer he notes the concern that knits his brow, and he can see it there, the conflict that lies between a well-meaning curiosity and Suzaku's ever-guilty conscience. Indeed, the struggle is wrought so clearly on his face, in the tension that threads his shoulders, that Schneizel thinks to himself how lucky it is that Suzaku wears a mask. He is many, many things, but an actor isn't one of them, however good he was at keeping his head up ( ... )


voice; aevitas May 19 2011, 05:10:25 UTC
[she watches wordlessly, what else would she say? you can feel the silence can't you? but she will offer no words. ]


voice; maskmastery May 19 2011, 13:42:19 UTC
[He smiles thinly. Her silence would have made a lesser man uneasy - instead he is quiet himself for a few moments, considering, before he speaks up, his voice soft and perhaps threaded with amusement.]

You recall such times as those, don't you?


voice; aevitas May 20 2011, 00:13:07 UTC
I'm surprised you remember.


voice; maskmastery May 20 2011, 00:15:37 UTC
[A thoughtful pause, before he answers blithely.]

I don't. Any recollection I have is too vague to be considered a memory.


[ video ] homerunmagica May 19 2011, 07:37:11 UTC
[ I hope you like silent watchers, Schneizel, 'cause we put silent watchers inside your silent watchers so they can silently watch while they silently watch.

Either way, it's the first time Homura has actually bothered to look at one of the dreams broadcast on these devices. And it's.. a little interesting, she has to admit, although she isn't quite eager at the idea of having her own dreams perhaps displayed on it sometime. ]

... So these are the sort of dreams they broadcast.


[ video ] maskmastery May 19 2011, 13:43:36 UTC
[wow what an ominous little girl - he regards her for a few moments.A newer arrival, he thinks, and she cannot be older than Mami and Sayaka, surely, though her expression makes her look it.

He's not too fond of the idea that strangers can see his dreams, either (though in truth he might like those he knows seeing them even less), but his voice is smiling even if his expression is a little wan.]

Dreams are variable things, miss. You're likely to see a wide variety of them, if you choose to look.


[ video ] homerunmagica May 19 2011, 13:52:36 UTC
[ She flips her hair back just slightly, the eternal pokerface remaining in place. ]

Choosing to look is an entirely different matter. Just like I have little desire for other people to spy on my dreams, it's not particularly my hobby to take a peek at others' without reason.


[ video ] maskmastery May 19 2011, 14:21:15 UTC
Then what was this? A slip of the finger, or a test-run?


clonezart May 19 2011, 09:42:27 UTC
What an unsettling dream.


maskmastery May 19 2011, 13:41:45 UTC
Is it? Ah, I apologise. But surely there are far worse spectacles to be seen. [Though it did unsettle him a fair bit, but such isn't showing in his easy smile.]


clonezart May 25 2011, 03:10:34 UTC
Parts of it were a metaphor, were they not?


maskmastery May 25 2011, 22:44:25 UTC
Many dreams are, aren't they?


[video] incorruption May 19 2011, 23:28:11 UTC
[She knows there's a deeper meaning in this dream. There usually was a deeper meaning for things, especially when dealing with Lelouch and Schneizel. It was something she couldn't pretend to understand - it was just something that she had to learn on her own how to read.

She's unsure how to respond to this, so it'll be just a simple:]



[video] maskmastery May 20 2011, 00:17:33 UTC

[His voice is low, soft, his smile minute, but there regardless.]

I hope it didn't disturb you in any way.


[video] incorruption May 20 2011, 02:36:06 UTC
No, it didn't. I wanted to make sure you were alright.

[There was no privacy - she hadn't liked realizing that her dream was broadcasted on the network, and she could only imagine how he felt.]


[video] maskmastery May 21 2011, 12:22:48 UTC
[He smiles, gentle and reassuring.]

I am. These dreams are strange and often lingering, but dreams they remain.


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