Title: Goodnight, My Angel
Rating: G
Characters: Phoenix and Trucy
Time Period: Six months after disbarment
Words: 1,800
I don't write songfic anymore... This is pretty much as close as I'll ever get again. Beta thanks to
croik. Fic written with making
silverwind9 cry in mind. I wonder if it'll work...?
Time to close your eyes, and save these questions for another day... )
Comments 1
I mistook it for a comedic piece in the beginning, though, with the "write on her lunch" bit. Notes in her lunch? Excellent idea. Drawing on the food wrappings with toxic ink that'll leach through? You sending her with her own crushed-glass sandwich, too, Feenie? XD I just love the image of Phoenix as an incompetent, dorky father.
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