Fanart: SGA scribbles

Feb 24, 2010 16:15

A bunch of SGA fanart that I've been working on, on-and-off. Rated G-R and includes geeky!John, genderswap (John/Mer), and John/Doppelganger dub-con.

G-rated stuff )

pairing: john/rodney, character: john sheppard, genderfuck, art: digital painting, fandom: stargate atlantis, pairing: john/meredith, art: sketch, pairing: john/doppelganger

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Comments 9

runpunkrun February 25 2010, 00:54:40 UTC
Roleplaying geek!John is so hot, and the genderswap is nicely intimate; I really like the use of shadows.


mashimero February 25 2010, 01:24:01 UTC
Thank you! I love seeing John with glasses, no matter how unlikely it might be :)


chkc February 25 2010, 01:17:45 UTC
Awww, geeky!John! Rodney is so happy to see him! Rodney's idea of a roleplay looks like a pretty hot idea to me. :) (Especially since John is wearing glasses, and those blue science shirts.)

The bottom two pictures are hot as well. The John and Meredith drawing is romantic, with the dim lighting and the hand holding. <3


mashimero February 25 2010, 01:26:43 UTC
Thank you! It's such a shame they stopped using those blue science shirts... of course, they did switch to leather jackets, so I guess it isn't a total loss ;)


miscellanny February 25 2010, 07:03:46 UTC
*memorifies this post leik wo*

I'll be more sensical about it later when I'm awake.


fennegie February 25 2010, 07:36:06 UTC
I was planning to draw some glasses!John but you did it already! XD


mashimero February 26 2010, 05:49:13 UTC
Go ahead and draw more! There can never be too much glasses!John ^^


sabinelagrande February 26 2010, 05:51:23 UTC
Mmm, John and Mer. I will continue to stare at them. For, er, story ideas. Yes.

I also approve greatly of geeky!John, and doppelganger!John, and well, just the whole thing, really.


mashimero February 26 2010, 06:38:30 UTC
Haha! Thank you I'm glad you approve!


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