
Aug 12, 2009 14:17

Tres Leche Cake is a wonderful, wonderful thing. I would suggest cutting the sugar and the milk though, because even making it exactly to the recipe there seems to be some excess milk leeching out.

I realized I don't have a title for my mcshep_match submission. I really don't want to go with something lame like using the prompt for a title. Time to look ( Read more... )

food, fandom: stargate atlantis

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Comments 7

heeroluva August 13 2009, 00:53:39 UTC
That sounds yummy though I've always been scared to make it myself because it sounds like it would be way to sweet. Did you have that problem?

Good luck with your title. I feel like I've been in a slump in terms of coming up with titles lately. Great idea to look through songs.

It's never too soon to start new project. ;) Just as long as you're able to finish them.


heeroluva August 13 2009, 00:58:19 UTC
I've found that for my tastes I need to cut the sugar in most dessert recipes, so for this one I used about 6oz of sugar instead of 8oz, and didn't add sugar to the whipped cream topping.

That's my problem - I hardly ever finish them >.


mashimero August 13 2009, 00:58:38 UTC
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heeroluva August 13 2009, 01:15:23 UTC
I just tend to avoid deserts but that is a good idea. Will have to try it out.

Need to have some self motivation. Or I could be your own personal cheerleader. ;)


chkc August 13 2009, 01:32:29 UTC
Oohh. Cake. Sounds tasty.

I think you should always go for your art projects unless it's starting to become stressful. :)


mashimero August 13 2009, 01:42:00 UTC
The thing with me is, when it gets too stressful, I end up forgetting about my projects :P


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