Fanmix: Demolition

Mar 17, 2013 13:23

Title: Demolition
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Notes: This fanmix was made to go with my zombie!Jensen AU piece "Demolition" (DW/ LJ). So this is not a happy mix.

ETA: LJ is being dumb and not letting me embed from 8tracks (apparently it is possible, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it) so the streaming link is ( Read more... )

pairing: jared/jensen, fanmix, verse: zombie!jensen, art: coverart, art, fandom: supernatural rpf, music

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Comments 2

cherie_morte March 18 2013, 00:27:55 UTC

*downloads* *claps gleefully*


mashimero March 18 2013, 00:59:41 UTC
I hope you like it ^^


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