Fanart: Stay Awhile (J2, PG)

Dec 03, 2012 22:28

Title: Stay Awhile
Fandom: Supernatural RPF
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG for shirtless chests and cuddling
Warnings: none
Notes: Made for insmallpackages for the prompt: J2 cuddling in bed.

Don't you go, my baby begs me so )

challenge: insmallpackages, pairing: jared/jensen, actor: jensen ackles, actor: jared padalecki, art, fandom: supernatural rpf, art: digital painting

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Comments 31

ria_oaks December 4 2012, 17:16:38 UTC
Nicely done! Very sweet. :) And you did a really good job in particular of Jared's likeness.


mashimero December 6 2012, 08:08:11 UTC
Thanks! I think I always have problems with Jared's likeness, so I'm glad to hear that!


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mashimero December 6 2012, 08:08:21 UTC
Thank you for commenting!


tsuki_no_bara December 4 2012, 22:21:17 UTC
awww. this is so sweet! i love that it looks like jared is kissing the top of jensen's head.


mashimero December 6 2012, 08:10:33 UTC
Thank you! Yeah, I did intend for Jared to be kissing Jensen's forehead, but Jensen's hair kind of covered up his lips so you can't really tell LOL.


riyku December 5 2012, 01:56:37 UTC
This is wonderful. So warm and comfortable and close. And Jared's hand on Jensen's heart!


mashimero December 6 2012, 08:12:08 UTC
Thank you for the lovely comments! <3


cherie_morte December 5 2012, 04:11:11 UTC
This is sooooo cute. Mmmm, I love me some Jared's chest hair.


mashimero December 6 2012, 08:13:49 UTC
Thank you! And yes, chest hair! It's sort of a pet peeve of mine when people draw characters without any chest hair, when they should have it :S


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