Sept 24th can't come soon enough!

Sep 04, 2012 18:06

Jensen Ackles is going to be covering this song on Steve's album:

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Steve's music isn't really my thing, and to be honest, the other songs I've heard Jensen singing weren't the kind of stuff I like to listen to either (although, Jensen's singing voice does things to me). So I wasn't all that excited when I heard Jensen was going to be singing on ( Read more... )

actor: jensen ackles, fandom: supernatural, music

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Comments 2

riyku September 5 2012, 02:44:35 UTC
I had no idea that Jensen was going to be on Steve's new album! What sorta rock have I been hiding under? There's just something about Jensen's voice, agreed. And he's covering Elliott Smith? Such a beautiful, haunting song. One of my favorites of his.

There's going to be a video, too? You have been the bringer of such wonderful news!


mashimero September 5 2012, 02:47:48 UTC
Yeah, Steve announced it at VanCon! And what's more, the video might even have footage of Jensen and Steve in the studio that Jared recorded! XD


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