(no subject)

Mar 16, 2012 11:30

Posted this around on Tumblr, figured I should post it here too.

Title: And So It Begins
Pairing: Sam/Cas pre-slash
Summary: Ex-Army doctor Sam Winchester follows his old medical school friend And Gallagher into a lab in UW Medical Center and meets a strange potential roommate.
A/N: So this is a Sassy fusion with Sherlock, with Sam as John and Castiel as Sherlock. It's based on this GIF set on tumblr (http://luciferious.tumblr.com/post/19299477966), and there will probably be more coming soon. Let me know what you think!

Sam looks around as Andy leads him into the lab. It’s kind of weird to be back, and the changes in equipment are just another reminder of how much time has passed since he’s been back to Seattle. “The place looks different than when we went here,” he mutters, and Andy nods.

Sam starts a little when a deep, gravelly voice says “Andy, can I use your phone?” He finally notices the man who has been sitting near the other end of the lab, staring into a microscope. Apparently he never actually looked up when they entered the room. This must be the guy Andy was talking about. He’s wearing what looks like a business suit, and his hair looks like it’s trying to defy gravity.

“Sorry, I don’t have it on me at the moment,” Andy says as he digs around in his pockets. “Must’ve left it in my coat. There’s a phone like 5 feet away from you, though.”

“I prefer to text,” the man says.

“Here,” Sam says, digging out his own phone, “you can use mine.”

The man looks up, apparently surprised. His eyes are very blue. “Thank you.” His eyes flick up and down, taking Sam in as he grabs the phone and starts texting. “Afghanistan or Iraq?”

Sam just stares for a moment, not sure how to deal with the topic change. “What?”

“Which was it, Afghanistan or Iraq?” The man glances at him.

“Um, Afghanistan. How did you - “

“Observation.” The man says, handing the phone back and returning to the microscope. “I have a tendency to stare without blinking when I’m concentrating, and I go days without sleeping or eating on occasion. I’ve also been told I have poor social skills. Potential roommates should know the worst about each other.”

“Wait, what?” Sam’s head is spinning with all the zig-zags the conversation is taking. “Who said anything about roommates?” Andy shakes his head when Sam glances at him.

“I told Andy I must be hard to find a roommate for earlier in the day,” the man says as he pulls on a tan trenchcoat Sam noticed in the corner. “Now he’s come back with an old friend, someone who studied with him since you noticed changes in the lab. Your posture says ex-military, and judging by your cane you were injured and sent home. Your limp is psychosomatic, by the way, and I would imagine the actual injury is somewhere upper body. I’ve found a place in the city with cheap rent, we can meet there at 7 tomorrow night to check it out.”

“That’s it?” Sam asks incredulously as the man opens the door to exit the lab. “Just like that, we’re going to look for an apartment? I don’t even know your name, or the address!”

The man turns around and meets Sam’s gaze. “My name is Castiel Novak, and the address is 221B Baker Street. I have to go, I left my riding crop in the mortuary.” And he’s gone in a swirl of trenchcoat.

Sam is staring at the door when Andy makes a sound suspiciously like he’s holding back laughter. “Yeah, he’s always like that.”

fear the angel of the lord, fanfic, sassy!sherlock, i has the crazy, sassy is my otp, supernatural ate my brain, sam winchester wins at life

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