Please don't hate me for this

Oct 09, 2010 23:07

Just so you know upfront, these days I'm kind of in a very crappy mood, so if I say something that offends you in any way, I'm sorry. I still love you. (it's just a bad day... week.)

+ So yeah, I'm angry at a lot of things lately, mostly at myself I think (*schrink time*)...
└ My mom drives me nuts. I can't stand living there anymore. Everything that ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

miss_england_17 October 10 2010, 18:23:42 UTC
Just stop a second and BREATH !

Nan sérieusement moi aussi en ce moment j'ai le moral à zéro. Tout le monde m'agace etc... Et franchement si ça peut te faire du bien réserves toi un créneau dans la semaine pour aller au cinéma ! Ça te fera surement du bien :)

Et pour les devoirs tu m'as pas l'air très gâtée ! Dès la rentrée ils vous assomment c'est impressionnant ! En ciné à part le dossier et le partiel du semestre on avait jamais de devoirs du coup ça me change l'anglais ^^ Et parfois on a beau s'en vouloir on a juste pas envie de bosser ! Et parfois faut lâcher la pression, c'est pas encore les partiels, respire un bon coup et prends ton temps. ET VA AU CINÉ BORDEL!


marshmallowtic October 11 2010, 21:52:22 UTC
I'm sorry if my John Lennon posts got on your nerves :/


maryyoon October 12 2010, 05:04:29 UTC
don't be. I just freaked out about a lot of things that had nothing to so with each other...


sunnyafternoune October 20 2010, 15:03:45 UTC
know what? we should go paintball and shoot things. A guy that's not even playing? shoot. the tree that's always been here? shoot and then cut off. The forest behind it? shoot, and then burn. The boss of the paintball cie that's yelling at us to stop? shoot and then steal the wallet. A cute rabbit with blue eyes enjoying a nice sunny sunday? fucking shoot the hell out of it. you need to defool yourself!! (yeah.. i defool you defool.. very much english indeed ;) ) I guess there are other ways to defool yourself (i'll make a real word out of it), but ever since I turned a warrior I solution things by shooting them. It almost works...


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