
Jun 14, 2009 14:13

My mother brought a huge glass of olives. I am very excited ( Read more... )

doctor who, work

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Comments 16

ronsoftie June 14 2009, 12:32:52 UTC

Hahaha, it is more being annoyed with TPTB than with the actual people ending up playing the characters. I am annoyed that it's another young, pretty girl (from modern London? IDK?! Haven't checked more information yet) but I'll probably end up loving her anyway because so far I have not loved a companion anyway.


marystmatthew June 15 2009, 08:55:08 UTC

It's rather pathetic *lol* Plus, my first thought was "OMG, it's Ginny Weasley!", so yeah ;)


marystmatthew June 15 2009, 08:55:41 UTC
Screening because of Pers, btw ;)


persikay June 14 2009, 15:39:06 UTC
Glad you had fun!

Please don't tell me anything about the companion. Don't want to know yet. Although, I can probably guess the gender, age and home town already...


marystmatthew June 15 2009, 08:57:25 UTC
I diiiiid :D

Well, much luck with that, everyone and their dog already has icons *hands you huge dark shades*


persikay June 15 2009, 09:21:32 UTC
*puts on shades* Does my bum look big in these?

Since I don't know who it is, maybe I just wouldn't notice? I don't venture out into the fandom much anyway. We'll see. I might change my mind next month and ask you about the companion, lol.

BTW, just watched Time Crash again today. Awww.


marystmatthew June 17 2009, 09:32:35 UTC
Naaaaah, Daaaaarlingg, it looks PERFECT!

Maybe just don't look at the other comments? Screening didn't work :(

Well, it's nothing horrible, at least...

MY DOCTOR &hearts


ronsoftie June 15 2009, 09:23:40 UTC
Why did you censor me? *pouts*


marystmatthew June 17 2009, 09:27:32 UTC
My answer to that screened to you as well, which is stupid and makes no sense.
I unscreened it all now, since Per has probably read it by now anyway. What a stupid system - I really thought you could see it and the rest of the thread would be screened then. This way it makes no sense :(


ronsoftie June 17 2009, 09:36:55 UTC
Nope, I can only see my own comment when you screen it! Yours I cannot see (well, except in my inbox, that's why I was still able to reply to it albeit, of course, in a whole new thread) I always thought that stupid as well, that as the person you are communicating with I cannot see your screened replies.


marystmatthew June 17 2009, 10:24:24 UTC
That makes no sense whatsoever o.0 Silly LJ.


ronsoftie June 15 2009, 09:40:38 UTC
Oh, I Ginny Weasley never crossed my mind because I was concentrating too much to be disappointed by TPTB!

Obviously in these modern days we can only appreciate young pretty girls as companions *roll eyes*

*looks like I cannot censor my own post in other people's journal* I thought that was possible.


marystmatthew June 17 2009, 09:30:21 UTC
I saw the pic first and was like "Ginny? In front of a TARDIS? YES PLEASE!!" *facepalms* Well, at least she looks really young and rather indie, and we didn't have that yet *hopes* I trust Moffat, as silly as it sounds. He gave us Sally, Susan, and Jane, after all &hearts


ronsoftie June 17 2009, 09:33:34 UTC
Hehe! I saw the pic and groaned! (And sometimes their promo pics are awful, I mean, people sometimes don't even look real on them, way too much photoshop! and with one of hers that was exactly the case, and I was glad when I saw a "normal" pic of her)

I dunno, sometimes I don't even trust Moffat. I love all his episodes so far, but I am still a little apprehensive what happens if he is responsible for it all.


marystmatthew June 17 2009, 10:26:01 UTC
Yeah, I know! I have no idea who does that - I mean, I'm no graphics snob, but theirs tend to be horrible.

Well, I doubt it'll ever get worse than Rose ;)


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