Friends Only from here on out

Feb 05, 2007 09:01

I'm locking my journal to people who aren't already friends. I did this once before, and relented. I met a lot of very nice people by having an open journal ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

jkrissw March 20 2007, 17:26:38 UTC
I was just noticing that you dropped me, and hope you'll reconsider. I haven't commented regularly in your journal, but I certainly had been reading it. If it was anything I said, please let me know.


marymont March 21 2007, 02:07:52 UTC
Periodically, I do a drop of someone here or there, not knowing if they are interested anymore in reading. You're back.


jkrissw March 21 2007, 19:38:03 UTC
Thanks. :-)


jayde_avariel May 25 2007, 22:36:08 UTC
Afternoon, You crossed my mind the other day and I realized I hadn't seen you post in a while ... I didn't make the cut when you locked down in Feb - which is fine, I can understand as I'm over in AZ(Atenveldt), we've never met and found your journal either via SCA-Garb or somthing having to do with lace. For the little time I did get to read your public posts I was enjoying getting to know you and picking up the gems of knowledge only someone of your wisdom can impart, you made me think on more topics than I can recall. I'd love to read again and maybe someday get to meet you, an Estrella, Potrero or Great Western maybe?


marymont May 29 2007, 00:25:57 UTC
You're in.

Nice to meet you.


brygyt July 31 2007, 19:36:26 UTC
I can't say that I know you from X, Y or Z, but I am new to the SCA -- I've been holding off getting involved because of my disabilities that make it difficult to do many of the "normal" SCAdian sorts of things. So I would be grateful to read about how you and your husband cope with things and how you have adapted and/or gotten others to adapt! I'm having a good period of health at the moment and am trying to do as much as I can before winter sets in and I'm out of commission again.

brygyt is my sca and some general history related LJ and the one that I deal with/read friends list several times a day. However to get a better idea of who I am, my main LJ is juliann which I post to and read the list of less frequently just because it's so huge that it's overwhelming.

I certainly won't be offended if you don't friend me, however. I know how absurd LJ can get and how important it can be to feel safe in your own space.


marymont July 31 2007, 19:55:48 UTC
You're welcome!

This journal is for my general dump. I put SCA stuff, personal stuff, memes, the whole kit and kaboodle in here. I do have two other journals that I use for specific things; marymontsews is for costuming stuff and disappearing_mo is for dietary (mostly dieting) stuff. Let me know if you would like "in" on either of those.

Actually, I don't think Sews is locked.

Anyway, welcome. Hope I don't bore you.


brygyt August 1 2007, 17:33:48 UTC
I definitely want in on the sewing one and will add that now. I most likely want in on the dietary one, but I will add that from my other journal (juliann -- I only log in there every 2-3 days so this may be a bit) and put it in my massive health-food-meditation filter which I must admit I only read about once a month due to the sheer volume of stuff. I need to break it down more but they are just so interrelated!


(The comment has been removed)

marymont September 10 2007, 23:07:16 UTC
Hey, HI! Yeah, you're in. Friends by all means.

LJ is a definite timesuck, and all the Cool Kids (of all ages) are doing it.

We will definitely be at GWW. Please come by and say hi. Where will you be camping?


geekmama September 19 2007, 19:35:08 UTC
I'm ladymora's geekmama -- saw that you'd joined prettygoodfood and thought I'd friend you!


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