
Mar 14, 2009 18:00

Right. So you all remember how I was all "I'm going to write smut?"

Well, I did. And here it is. I tell you, once it started, I couldn't stop! Damn plot bunnies.

Here it is, my loves! Read it, enjoy it, pimp it, whore it out, REVIEW IT. I need to know I didn't fail tragically at my very first NC-17 piece.

Title: Patience is a Virtue
Author: mary_v
Characters ( Read more... )

edward/bella, twilight, fanfic

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Comments 23

scarlett71177 March 15 2009, 00:26:33 UTC

Very hot, darlin. And while the smut was lovely- so was the rest. I loved them getting caught in the kitchen, and Edward going out of his way to impress Charlie. Very Edward. :-)

Great job! You realize we're all going to want more now, don't you?


mary_v March 15 2009, 00:29:44 UTC
*tacklehug* OH MY GOD! Thank you so much for reviewing. I thought I was going to die- I'm freaking out. I'm convinced it sucked. I'm so grateful to you!:D

And you'll be happy to know, I have more sexy E/B plot bunnies running around. Not as a follow up to this, per se, but yeah. We'll see. Nothing's settled.

Seriously, THANK YOU!



scarlett71177 March 15 2009, 00:35:12 UTC
No! It didn't suck at all, but I know how you feel. I still get nervous posting fics and waiting for that first review.

Hooray for more plot bunnies!



mary_v March 15 2009, 19:59:22 UTC

And just fyi - you never have anything to be nervous about!:)


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mary_v March 15 2009, 20:00:59 UTC
:D Thank you!! Ohh you made me feel all fuzzy inside with all your kind words!:D Thank you so much!:D


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mary_v March 15 2009, 20:01:18 UTC
heh, thanks!:D I tried!!:DD


cassiakohn March 15 2009, 09:15:41 UTC
That was great. i love it!


mary_v March 15 2009, 20:01:53 UTC
:D Thanks so much for reviewing!:D


applecandy22 April 27 2009, 03:49:26 UTC
cassiakohn! cheers!! good to meet u on a nice fic page!


cassiakohn April 28 2009, 01:19:42 UTC
hey, i had to re-read this {heh had too right} because of you. still loved it


starryeyedwish March 15 2009, 17:24:53 UTC
very, very good! and scarlett71177 is right about wanting more stories. :)


mary_v March 15 2009, 20:02:29 UTC
:D Thank you very very much!:D All these reviews are seriously feeding my muse.;)


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