Title: Days Go By (And Still I Think of You)
Author: WHIZ
Characters/Pairing: Mary/Marshall, Stan, Eleanor, Bobby D
Rating: R for subject matter
Summary: In the wake of tragedy, everyone must adjust.
Warnings: Angst, descriptions of mental illness, mention of character death
Author’s Note: I had plans for a different 12 Days fic, but it refused to
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Comments 44
Beautiful. Just purely, heart-achingly beautiful. And... inspiring... the muse... it's singing... ;)
Glad you liked it =) and that it's stimulating your muses
Very, very sad. But great!
Glad you liked it! =D
I didn't see Mary's death coming. I kept thinking, she'll pull a rabbit out of the hat with Marshall. I'm thinking of the new "dream-scape" movie that's out, with Leonardo Decaprio, and thinking, "Whiz is going to throw a twisty-as-hell thing in here and it's going to be all right....
...and it isn't there.
ARGH! Argh! *gets pitchforks*
But, I hafta say, you built this damn thing well, and for an angst fic, this was really ROCKS THE HOUSE and is sad and terrible and felt real. Great job with grinding glass in our souls with writing such darkness.
*silver star* (for bravery) *waves pitchfork at you*
When I got the idea for this fic, it started as like "oh, what would happen to Marshall if Mary died?" And of course, I love to torture Marshall. =D
Eek! A pitchfork! *cowers behind pock Bear*
*hands over some tweezers* This should help with the glass shards. ;)
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