Title: Family
Author: Mary-Greenman
Characters/Pairing: Stefan/Damon/Caroline platonic, though there is a brief mention of Damon/Caroline sex.
Category: Comment fic a thon prompt: All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Rating: PG
Spoilers:Written for
eenaangel 's,
comment ficathon.
Summary: In the Last Fifty
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Comments 8
I love you so much for that line.
This was beautiful. Mourning Elena, remembering and mourning her and still remaining sane-I can see that happening. Caroline coming back for this one, because it's the one she does have to come back for, and her taking her place between the brothers? I loved this from start to finish. Thanks so much.
PS: I am working on a prompt for you. I swear I'm going to finish it soon.
I don't think Stefan and Damon are the type of vampires who can love a woman enough to kill themselves over it. They're much more balanced as far as the personalities go. Even Stefan, if he tried, would have remembered that Elena would have wanted him to move on. She's no Katherine, after all.
And yay for new prompt! <3 I can't wait to read it!
I don't think killing yourself over losing the one you love is a Salvatore thing (see Damon and Katherine). What I love about this story is that it's not overly dramatic. It's poignant, sad, but not over the top.
I don't get the references bc I never read or saw Twilight but I still laughed at this "they all know that drunk enough, he might try to pull an Edward"
I'm glad you licked it! The reference, if you don't mind spoilers refers to when
Edward tried to walk in the sun to expose himself and get killed by the government of that world.
It was all very dramatic. lol.
“So? I’m going to burn that stupid piece of crap your generation passes for literature. Just because we’re not all shiny sparkles and animal-happy eaters, doesn’t mean we can’t have family of our own. You’re ours, Caroline. Get used to it.”
That is the absolute perfect final line. It makes me laugh and smile and go "awww" all at the same time.
I felt like while they would mourn Elena - she was more to them than the typical human, and that would show, I didn't want them to be consumed by her death. I'm glad you liked it on the multiple levels.
Dysfunctional families are the best, aren't they? Haha. The last line, I wasn't so sure about. That actually is mostly do to my lack in experience writing males. XD So I'm glad it was a good last line!
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