So, I'm the one that volunteered to read the casting sides and after squinting and standing on my head and looking at them sideways - this is what I got. Check out the details under the cut if you're interested.
As Kostgard posted previously, the title for 5.01 is 'The Anti-Social Network' - which from what I can gather is a play on the plot being about a fraternity known as the Regents that in my words, "get out of control". The Wotw is Ivan Gunter, a student at Oxley University - and the show opens with him and his fellow pledges at the private dining hall on campus for their "pinning" ceremony. (No details in the sides about where or when this is happening). As the president, aka BAD GUY is giving his speech of welcome, our witness ducks out with his friend to the back room. Ivan tells his friend he found out he's been skimming the profit off the fraternity's illegal gambling website - and if he's found out . . . suddenly the BAD GUY shows up and whisks them off to the roof for a toast. One thing leds to another and his friend gets shoved off the roof by the BAD GUY. Fortunately Ivan is in the stairwell at the time and he runs.
Back at the Sunshine Building, Mary is ecstatic over the fact that Stan and co. have made her a breast feeding station at the office (I'm dead serious here, guys. And this is just the beginning of the baby mania. . . .) She then tells Stan to tell Dr. Shellley to back off because she's fine. Apparently they are making her go to counseling because she shot and killed a man her last day before she went on maternity leave and still isn't allowed to carry her gun in the field. (Insert a big ol' HUH? here. Seriously? What about when Mary shot and killed her almost rapist back when she was held hostage? Didn't she have like 2 sessions with Shelley then? And it's been almost 6 months according to the timeline of the show this time around. And this is supposed to make sense, show?) Also, Jinx calls and interrupts Mary at work to tell her that Norah pulled herself up all by herself at 5 and a half months (and that's realistic too).
Tippy the AUSA in the wheelchair is handling Ivan's case - and he does turn out to have an interesting connection to the Regents himself.
That's about all -- I'll post what I've got for 5.02 soon!