Title: Stuck In Reverse
Author: Mary-Greenman
Characters/Pairing: Caroline/Stefan (implied).
Category: fanfiction, angst, drabbleish
Spoilers: Season 2.
Summary: It's only when we wake that we realize something was strange but she wasn’t sure when she’d fallen asleep.
She wasn’t sure when time stopped having meaning. It wasn’t something that had ever occurred to her as she began to change. Now, years later, as she stands outside her home, the vampire peers at the old broken wood and she wonders. Heels click on the ground but she doesn’t step inside. There is no barrier but it isn’t home anymore.
She thinks that it should hurt, being home. It doesn’t, not really. A hand is on her shoulder and Caroline knows who it is without looking. It’s always him as if it always had been. She doesn’t take a breath though she feels like she should. They are intruders here. She turns away from the smell of death and decay. She doesn’t want to see inside. She just wanted to see.
Her smile isn’t quite all the way there. Generations have passed without them. Matt has children, now, she knows. Grandchildren, even. She’s so old and young at the same time. Forever. She thinks that its probably too early to start mourning the ability to age and hey, she doesn’t have to worry about wrinkles.
Stefan isn’t smiling, not the way she wants him to. It’s small and twisted into what she knows is a concerned frown. He squeezes her shoulder and she takes his hand, leads him away from the broken building. He nods at her, as if knowing what she’s thinking. They had to go or they were going to be late. Her heels click. Dread fills. Wading through rapidly drying cement, each step heavier than the last. In that moment, a trip down memory lane was the least of their worries.