“And look at this shit! What kinda secret complex are we runnin’ where you can see right through the damn roof?!” Dugan swears.
“We’re working on it, sir!” an agent near him offers unconvincingly.
“I guess you were right to look into the ’58 mission, Derek,” Dugan sighs. “Looks like we’re going to keep workin’ out of the Mojave Base until you get to the bottom of this.”
Derek nods. “3-D Man. Chuck Chandler. According to SHIELD files, Chuck was a test pilot whose ship crashed while piloting a new rocket for the Air Force back in ’57. His body was never recovered. Officially, anyway.
“What wasn’t mentioned officially was that Chuck was abducted by aliens… aliens we have since tentatively identified as Skrulls. In his escape and return to the ship, something… happened we have yet to quantify. All we do know is that somehow, due to being affected in some unknown way by Skrull technology, Chuck ended up superimposed on his brother Hal’s glasses.”*
Re: 3-D ManofthewakandasFebruary 11 2007, 03:12:19 UTC
Khanata shrugs. “When his brother concentrated, however, he could release Chuck from the glasses for a limited time - but the process put Hal himself into a coma for the duration of Chuck’s absence. Hal let Chuck loose a few times over the next few years, including for Woo’s little ‘G-Men’ team… but then stopped altogether following the team’s dissolution.”
Dugan’s handheld beeps, and he glances up at Khanata. “Looks like I’ve got your requested Big Cheese Super Hero on the line.” He pulls the image up onto the large screen nearby.
Re: Marvel Boydoc_richardsFebruary 11 2007, 06:04:39 UTC
On the screen, Reed Richards nods in response.
"It was no trouble at all, Agent Khanata. The preponderance of evidence that I have available to me would suggest that your mystery spaceman is not Bob Grayson."
Gorilla ManofthewakandasFebruary 11 2007, 21:03:14 UTC
“The clue left on Woo’s body was intended to make us bring in our most convenient witness: Gorilla Man,” Khanata explains. “While Ken Hale is a very smart gorilla, I don’t think he’s capable of orchestrating such a plan. Still, before he became an ape, he was a successful soldier of fortune. The recounting of his condition from his SHIELD interview leaves a lot to be desired.” He pulls up a quote. “’I was running around in the subcontinent when this witch doctor cursed me… now I’m a gorilla. It happens.’”
Re: Gorilla ManofthewakandasFebruary 11 2007, 21:04:18 UTC
“I discovered where he was transformed,” Khanata replies. “Only a few hundred miles from my own country. I don’t suppose you’ve ever seen a Wakandan Research Module?” He places a technological device on the table, resembling an inverted cone with a rounded top, and he presses a button, causing a hologram of an attractive young woman to rise from the device. “I took the liberty of sending my cousin Kal’Ti to investigate Hale’s history, since it was daytime there. She found a tribal elder who claimed to know everything about Gorilla Man. Here, I’ve set the recording to English.”
Re: Gorilla ManofthewakandasFebruary 11 2007, 21:09:41 UTC
“Kun-lat, Derek!” the hologram begins. “The interview went very smoothly. The tribal warring in this region has been over for years, from what I’ve found. The elder I met was very helpful.”
Comments 44
“We’re working on it, sir!” an agent near him offers unconvincingly.
“I guess you were right to look into the ’58 mission, Derek,” Dugan sighs. “Looks like we’re going to keep workin’ out of the Mojave Base until you get to the bottom of this.”
“What wasn’t mentioned officially was that Chuck was abducted by aliens… aliens we have since tentatively identified as Skrulls. In his escape and return to the ship, something… happened we have yet to quantify. All we do know is that somehow, due to being affected in some unknown way by Skrull technology, Chuck ended up superimposed on his brother Hal’s glasses.”*
*see Marvel Premiere #35-37
"It was no trouble at all, Agent Khanata. The preponderance of evidence that I have available to me would suggest that your mystery spaceman is not Bob Grayson."
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