This is fantastic. Definitely memming! You should totally link to this post in the profile, and also, are you going to feature any written articles with the two actors as well? I've stumbled upon a few Hiddleston interviews and such, if you're interested. ♥
These are just the one's that I've read and enjoyed so far. I did a quick google search, and there are many, many more out there (which I will no doubt end up reading -- I can link them back to you if you'd like):
I'm not sure why your comment didn't appear immediately on this page, but this is list is exceptional! I didn't know Tom wrote! You are too awesome for this. ♥
Comments 6
Tom Hiddleston: From Theatre to Thor
Tom Hiddleston: The Dream Is to Keep Surprising Yourself visits the set of Thor
Thor's Tom Hiddleston on Drag Queen Eyebrows and Terrorizing The Avengers
Written by Tom Hiddleston Himself
Case Study (Actor Tom Hiddleston Reveals How He Conveys Emotion)
The Diary: Tom Hiddleston
I really, really love the ones he wrote himself, and have been searching for more of his writing ever since. ^^
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