Sometimes you just want the structure of a fanwork challenge without having to work with someone else to create an accompanying fanwork. This year, we are once again offering a track for people who just want to create something on their own: the solo track!
You can sign up as a solo author or a solo artist (which encompasses all of the things that our normal "accompanying fanworker" umbrella covers, don't worry!). Most of the rules remain the same; check out the details below.
Solo Author
-10,000 words is the minimum length for each story. There is no upper limit.
-Stories must have at least one beta reader. If you don't have a beta reader,
check out the beta post and the
find a partner! page to see if anyone there fits your needs.
-This challenge is for new stories. If your story has appeared online in its entirety, it's not eligible for
marvel_bang. You can complete a story you’ve already started posting as long as no more than 2,000 words have already been posted, and you don’t post any more until your posting date.
-Sequels are great! If you write a sequel to something you've written in the past, include a link to the original story in your author's notes, so people can read from the beginning if they haven't already.
-If you need some inspiration, check out the
prompt post. Take the prompts as literally or as figuratively as you want - use part of one, use three or four, use half of one and half of another. It's entirely up to you.
-In order for your story to qualify for this challenge, you cannot post it anywhere online until the due date. On that day, you can post it wherever you'd like - Livejournal, Dreamwidth, AO3, Tumblr, your personal website, or anywhere else - and link to it here. Just don't put it up before the reveal. (Posting details will be given closer to that time.)
-Solo stories do not have to be submitted as rough drafts in August. If you're following our timeline, you should have 80% of your story done by that point, but all submitted rough drafts will be submitted for art claims. You're off the hook!
Solo Artist
If you are an artist who wants to create Marvel artwork with more time than is usually afforded for accompanying fanworkers, this option is for you. The idea would be to create a major fanwork, since you would have much more time to do it. For example, if you wanted to make your own comic book or a lengthy fanvid, this would be the perfect option for you.
Any fanwork is acceptable here: vids, manips, traditional art, digital art, fanmixes, movie-style posters, podfics, original musical composition, and book covers have all been put forth as acceptable ideas. If you have an idea that isn't listed here, please leave us a message on the
page a mod post and we'll get back to you.
-Art does not have to be submitted as rough drafts in August.
Solo Podfic
We've had a few people express interest in doing podfic, and we think that's great! The rules for podfic are as follows:
-The story that you podfic must be at least 10,000 words. There is no upper limit.
-You must have permission to record the story. No exceptions. Blanket policies count as permission, but if the author doesn't have one, don't forget to talk to the author before you start.
-In order for your podfic to qualify for this challenge, you cannot post it anywhere online until the due date. On that day, you can post it wherever you'd like - Livejournal, Dreamwidth, AO3, Tumblr, your personal website, or anywhere else - and link to it here. Just don't put it up before the reveal. (Posting details will be given closer to that time.)
-Podfics do not have to be submitted as rough drafts in August.
If you'd like to sign up as a solo author or artist,
fill out the form at Google Docs. Make sure you join and friend this community - all check-ins and reminders will come through here, so you'll have to watch us to stay informed. We'll send a confirmation email no more than 48 hours after we get your sign-up.
Since we are doing sign-ups via Google Forms, we have turned off the comments on this post. If you have any questions please contact us at our
Page-A-Mod page.
Sign ups close 15 May.