2015 Claim Post

Aug 28, 2015 21:25

Hey everyone! We have a ton of great stories up for claims this year. We're really excited about claims!

Now that the deadline has passed, we're putting the summaries up for artists to peruse. The claims don't actually open until Saturday at about 12 noon EST, and please be aware that there may be a few late additions to this list, but we want the fanworkers to have a chance to think about their claims now.

I've tried to divide the stories into three broad categories this year: Canon-Based, AUs, and Crossover/Fusions. I've had to make a few judgment calls based on the summaries so if your story is in the wrong category, or is missing, or something else is wrong PM me ASAP so I can fix it.

Important note for authors: please do not tell all of your artist friends what number your story is. The point of a challenge like this is to do blind claims, and while people may recognize your story from snippets you've posted or things you've talked about in the past, please don't give them the exact number of your fic.

This post will be closed to comments until claims open on Saturday. We will post a notice that claims are opening (around 12 noon EST), at which point we will open up the comments and each artist can claim ONE story. Artists will be able to claim a second story after all fics have been claimed. Second claims will open on 30 August at 3PM even if there are more unclaimed stories. However, no story will be able to have more than one artist unless all the stories have been claimed at least once.

When requesting your story, please list your top three choices in the order that you want them. Please give both the number and title of the fics you want (e.g., "1, Begin Again"). The claims will be on a first come, first served basis, and we will do our best to confirm your claim as soon as possible.

Fanworkers, if you are not a member of the comm, please join by filling out the form after you make your claim. If you have any questions, please contact us on our page-a-mod post!

Claims will close on Saturday, 5 September, at 11:59 PM EST. Match-ups will be emailed out after that; it will be up to the author to provide the artist with a copy of their draft at that point. If an author notices that their story has been claimed and confirmed before that point, and wants to send their story to their fanworker before match-ups are sent out, that's fine :)

And now, the summaries!



Title: Be My Escape
Genre: Superheroes
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Darcy Lewis, Minor Jane Foster/Thor, Minor Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Minor Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Implied Natasha Romanoff/Bruce Banner, Minor Helen Cho, Minor Sam Wilson, Minor Bucky Barnes
Warnings: harassment (not main characters), PTSD, mild dom/sub, canon-typical violence
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Darcy wasn't planning on hooking up, but when sparks fly with a blond hottie, who is she to say no? She definitely wasn't planning on getting attached to her one-night stand, especially since her life at Avenger's Tower isn't something she can share with a random stranger. Steve never expected Darcy to want more than a weekend; God knows he still can't talk to women. Now he's getting addicted to having someone in his life who cares about him, not Captain America--but she doesn't know that he's Captain America.

When life keeps bringing them together, will they be able to make things work? Or will their pasts be too much to overcome?

The story begins after the events of Thor: The Dark World, encompasses the timeline of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, hints at Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, and completely ignores the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron. It includes Darcy being harassed (not by any of the MCU characters), Steve's PTSD, mild sexual power plays, and canon-typical violence (mostly off-screen). Visually, the story is mostly set at Avenger's Tower, although the opening chapters take place at a science fiction/fantasy convention.


Title: lacunae
Genre: drama + introspection + some superheroics
Fandom/Universe: MCU + Wade Wilson
Characters/Pairings: characters include the New Avengers, Stephen Strange, and the aforementioned Wade Wilson; main pairing is Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Warnings: extensive discussion of the Winter Soldier's traumas, extensive discussion of memory loss, extensive discussion of PTSD and recovery
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Bucky Barnes, formerly the Winter Soldier, has been spending some time working through and around the holes left in his past, his memories, and his very self.
Steve Rogers has been trying to fill up his time post-Sokovia: he works with his new team, he tries to find himself, and he's still intent on looking for Bucky.
And then Steve loses *his* memories and is counseled to take some time off, and winds up running right into a Bucky that he kind of, sort of, very nearly recognizes.


Title: Can't Fight the Feeling
Genre: General, Romance, Drama, Action
Fandom/Universe: MCU (AU post- The Avengers)
Characters/Pairings: Darcy Lewis, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Thor, Jane Foster, J.A.R.V.I.S., Loki, Mary-Kate (OFC), Baby Phil (OMC); Darcy/Bruce, Tony/Pepper, Clint/Natasha, Steve/Mary-Kate, Thor/Jane, mentions past Loki/Mary-Kate
Warnings: some non-graphic violence and dangerous situations
Rating: PG-13/T
Summary: Sequel to a previous story. While Darcy continues to set her sights on a somewhat reluctant Bruce, Steve has taken it upon himself to be the protector of Mary-Kate and baby Phil. Perhaps both pairs are destined for a little more than friendship, but with plenty of obstacles to face, it might be a rocky road in getting to the happy ending. Bruce is worried that Darcy does not truly understand what he (or rather The Other Guy) is capable of, whilst Mary-Kate worries that one day Loki may find out about their son and come looking for him. It's entirely possibly that they're both completely right in their concerns, but can that really change their feelings for those closest to them?


Title: Bear Me Safe Through Dark
Genre: Action/adventure, established relationship, drama, angst
Fandom/Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe/Agents of SHIELD
Characters/Pairings: Bruce/Tony, Pepper Potts/Phil Coulson
Warnings:Canon-level violence, minor character death (non-permanent and canonical), angst
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A sequel to my stories More Than Was Lost and Iron and Blood:

Bruce and Tony are looking forward to the rest of their lives together and are planning their wedding, when all hell breaks loose. Confronting Captain America is bad enough, but after the events of New York, Bruce questions his control and his relationship with Tony. Tony can’t sleep and isn’t sure he can start a life when Bruce when his head isn’t screwed on straight. Jennifer is trying to figure out how to be a superhero both in and out of the courtroom, and Pepper is doing her best to ensure things don’t all go to hell in a handbasket.


Title: Force of Nature
Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama
Fandom/Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe/Agents of SHIELD
Characters/Pairings: Bruce/Tony, Skye, Phil Coulson, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers
Warnings: None
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Instead of leaving Skye at the cabin alone during Love in the Time of Hydra, Coulson calls in reinforcements, believing that there’s only one person in the world who might be able to teach Skye to control her newfound powers. Skye had thought her life was over, but with Bruce’s help, she starts to think that maybe her life isn’t over. Meanwhile, Bruce and Tony are tangling with each other and the rest of the Avengers over how to deal with enhanced people, and struggling with how to move forward.


Genre:Missing scenes for CA:TFA, Action
Fandom/Universe: MCU - CA:TFA with a bit of input from Agent Carter
Characters/Pairings:No pairings. Characters - mostly Zola but also Schmidt, Cap, Bucky, the Commandoes, Phillips, M. Carter, H. Stark and Fenhoff
Warnings: N/A
Rating: T
Summary: A week or so before Hydra’s final offensive, Arnim Zola is supervising the loading of weapons and supplies onto a train to transport them to Hydra HQ. One thing after another goes wrong. The train leaves late. There is traffic on the tracks. And then, the Howling Commandoes turn up. The change in his fortunes is devastating, and yet, built in this tremendous defeat, is an opportunity for a new triumph.

This story follows the canon from shortly before the train scene in CA:TFA through to the last scene from Agent Carter, told from Zola’s perspective. This is a canon consistent story and so the scenes are set in places like a Hydra factory, the train, a helicopter, the interrogation room with Colonel Phillips and various cells. The main canon character is Zola, but Schmidt, Captain America, the Howling Commandos, Phillips and Fenhoff make appearances. There are no standard warnings in this fic, but Zola’s dehumanization of Barnes (and others) hits him squarely in the gut when he finds himself taken captive. Furthermore, this story attempts to explore Zola’s change from a follower in Schmidt’s failed war to visionary leader (such as it is) of his own. Being Zola, his motivations and visions are abhorrent to most, but also painfully familiar.


Title:Unquiet Dreams
Genre:Drama/Romance, Fix-it
Warnings:mention of canon character death
Rating: Mature
Summary: Pietro believes he's a ghost. Steve thinks Pietro is a figment of his imagination. They're both wrong

After the events of Age of Ultron, Pietro finds himself haunting the new Avengers facility. The only person that he can sort of interact with is Steve, and even then, only when Steve is dreaming. Steve has no idea why he's having these intense dreams about someone he barely knew. But he doesn't want it to end.


Title: No Title Yet (legit this is the very last thing I do since I am terrible with titles)
Genre: Romance, Action, Drama
Fandom/Universe: MCU Thor films and Nordic myth
Characters/Pairings: Thor/Loki, Loki/Various Others, Thor/Jane (goes quick), Frigga, Odin, The Warriors Three, and the Lady Sif.
Warnings: Mpreg, pseudo-incest (not technically related), Loki has a vagina, Loki has sex with a centaur so bestiality, stillbirth, multiple pregnancies, Not all of the kids are Thor’s, Brief mention of sibling incest that is not shown or related to any main character, Brief mention of viking era typical violence/acceptance of rape in war (none of it is visual nor happens on screen), Viking era typical levels of misogyny and things that could be viewed as anti-feminist if this offends anyone I apologize and want you to know those aren’t my personal views, violence, unreliable narrators, multiple POV, skewed canon, skewed mythology canon, mentions of infidelity during times of war (Odin admits to not being always faithful to Frigga), Not Fluffy, Angst, Loki isn’t a good person (but I still love him), Thor has sex with Loki a lot while Loki is glamored as a woman--it’s a power-play type thing, the prose is kind of purple at times, and they sound pretentious as hell sometimes too
Rating: NC-17
Summary: This was the only war between them now. A war they both welcomed and both allowed to ruin them. Their obsessions were not with glory, now, but with each other. The people whispered of it creating peace, but Thor and Loki well knew there was no peace here. If one should go the balance would be ruined and their violence would spread, but here, in this chamber, they could release it. (a line from the story somewhere that kind of sums it all up. I will come up with a better summary by the time it posts.)


Title: Haunted by the Past
Genre: Thriller/Realistic Fiction I guess.
Fandom/Universe: Cross between MCU and Earth 616
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Barney Barton, mentions of Trick Shot and Swordsman
Warnings: Minor character death
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: Clint embarks on a typical deep cover SHIELD mission but when he misses numerous check ins, Natasha goes to find out what is wrong. Finding him on brink of death, Natasha and Clint are forced to face ghosts from their pasts to make it out with their lives and minds intact.


Title: Crash Love: Part One - Darling I Want to Destroy You & Part Two - A Deep Slow Panic
Genre: Canon Divergence; Angst; Smut
Fandom/Universe: Marvel Ultimates
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Warnings: mentions to character terminal illness/brain tumour; allusions to character alcoholism; mild internalised homophobia (including derogatory language and thoughts); explicit sexual content
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Steve went to Tony and asked if Tony would have sex with him. Tony obliged. Somehow Steve knew he would.

He meant for it to be a once off thing, a way to get two things out of his system in one go-his desire for other men, and, more specifically, Tony. He meant for it to be over and done with as quickly as possible, out of the way so that he could go back to being Captain America and they could go back to being teammates.

He never meant to let himself care.

But he hadn't counted on Tony being and doing more than he expected.


Title: Heroes (working title)
Genre: Slice-of-life, action/adventure, romance
Fandom/Universe: MCU with minor comics elements
Characters/Pairings: Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, minor OCs, cameos by Hope van Dyne and Wanda Maximoff; Bucky Barnes/Sam Wilson (established relationship)
Warnings: None of the warnings apply, but just to be on the safe side, there’s an action scene with some canon-typical violence, some talk about death and dying (but no non-canon deaths), and some references to the issues you’d expect given the main characters. All of the above are handled in a PG-13 way and the rating is purely for (100% loving and consensual) explicit sex.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: It’s their first day off in a month and after an exhausting mission all Sam wants to do is stay home instead of being dragged by Bucky on a tour of DC’s touristic highlights. But a superhero’s work is never done, especially not when there’s explosive heists, problems you can’t punch, and a screening of the Greatest Movie of All Time.

A slice-of-costumed-hero-life story about loss and hope, the past and the future, and killer bird gifs. (Set a few years after TWS & CA:CW and featuring BuckyCap and FalCap. Also, they make out while in costume.)


Title: but the sky is the same
Genre: pre-canon, action/adventure, friendship/UST
Fandom/Universe: Avengers/MCU
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
Warnings: no standard warnings
Rating: Teen

A year after Natasha Romanov first met Clint Barton, they've become co-workers at SHIELD. But Natasha is still as much a mystery to Clint as she was on the day he was first sent to target her. With the higher-ups at SHIELD concerned about whether the Black Widow will fit in at SHIELD on a long-term basis, and other agents still uncertain whether the dangerous Russian can be trusted, Clint sets out to make sure that Natasha can count at least one friend.

Exists in the blurry area between gen and romance but is primarily a friendship fic. Also contains Clint&Bobbi friendship, and characters discussing what's best for a third character who doesn't always get to be consulted. Not AoU compliant, Clint pov.

Influenced by 616 procedural comics such as Secret Avengers. Contains more than one mission/action/fight scene, and heart-to-heart conversations in weird locations.


Title: I'll Be Seeing You
Genre: Romance
Fandom/Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Maria Hill, Steve Rogers, Maria Hill, Peggy Carter, Bucky Barnes, Colonel Phillips, Dum Dum Dugan, Montgomery Falsworth, Howard Stark
Warnings: Time Travel (is that a warning?), mild language, canon typical violence (described in vague detail)
Rating: Mature to Explicit
Summary: During a raid on a suspected HYDRA lab hiding in a sanatorium in Budapest, Maria Hill is transported back in time to 1945. She comes to with no idea how she got there and no idea how to get back. She's forced to trust people she knows only from the history books to figure out how the device works and keep herself from being arrested as a spy, or worse.

She knows it's dangerous to spend too much time in the past. The longer she's in 1945, the more likely it is that she'll change something that will have far-reaching consequences in her own future. Which doesn't stop her from falling in love with Steve Rogers; it only makes her heart break all the more knowing that he may never forgive her for lying to him about who she is and where she comes from.

This is, at its heart, a love story with a time travel twist. Think Outlander, but without the kilts. There's lots of marginally salty language (they're soldiers) and one sex scene near the end that's fairly explicit.


Title: Haunted Whispers
Genre: Angst, mystery
Fandom/Universe: MCU (mostly Captain America) and Agents of SHIELD
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Natasha, Skye/Sam, Lance/Bobbi, Coulson, May, Jemma, Fitz, Trip, Mack, Maria, Grant Ward, Raina, Lincoln and various Hydra people and/or baddies that popped up during SHIELD season 2
Warnings: Warnings for non-con, brainwashing, non-consensual drugging, slight alcohol abuse, excessive angst, canon character death and what could possibly be interpreted as a suicide attempt. Mentions of torture and violence (though not worse than anything we've actually seen in canon). Also mentions of past child abuse (i.e., Red Room references). Might include slightly graphic sex but that is tbd.
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Natasha Romanoff never talks about her past, and she prefers to keep it that way. So when her past starts to come back to haunt her, she settles for a half-truth and convinces Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers to help her search for a not-actually-dead Phil Coulson and his new team of former SHIELD agents. But unfortunately for her, secrets have a way of coming out, and soon the three of them - along with their new teammates - find themselves caught in a web of lies and betrayal and deception that goes deeper and further back than the Hydra agents trying to bring them down, and the worst part is that Natasha is not sure she’s going to survive it (even if Steve is bound and determined that she will).

Set between Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Age of Ultron and follows most of the events of Agents of SHIELD Season 2, so includes major spoilers. And finally, just an additional warning that Ward is even worse here at times than he is in canon (not character bashing, just more of his dark side and less of any other).


Title: (Falser than) Vows Made in Wine
Genre: Romance
Fandom/Universe: 3490 (Sorta crossover with MCU)
Characters/Pairings: Natasha Stark/Steve Rogers, Tony Stark/Steve Rogers
Warnings: Some characters have rather binary gender beliefs, references to sexism and voluntary and involuntary childlessness.
Rating: Teen and up
Summary: Of course Tasha has thought about what her life would have been like had she been born a man. She never expected to actually find out, until she suddenly wakes up in the very male body of her alternate universe counterpart.

Still, it's not that big of a problem: Sue Richards will take care of the science part of getting her own body back, Pepper can take over the duties of a CEO of her company, and it's not like Tasha has to step down as Iron Man, because, well, everyone, including her team, thinks her bodyguard is a man anyway. No one even needs to know anything weird is going on.

But what she hadn't counted on was Steve, who has until now been untouchable, as he's so obviously in love with his male team mate that Natasha Stark has had no chance. After Molecule Man forces her to swap one secret identity for another, and the masks are - presumably - off, Steve's not taking no for an answer without a really good explanation. She can't tell him the truth, but she must not take advantage of the situation either, because that would be so, so wrong. But damn does Steve make it hard. So. Very. Hard. (Doesn't contain sex under false pretenses, only kissing. Some scenes deal with voluntary and involuntary childlessness.)


Title: (working) Memory Won't Stay Buried Long
Genre: Drama, gen
Fandom/Universe: MCU Thor, with post-The Dark World canon
Characters/Pairings: Thor, Jane, and the Warriors Three, with cameos by the Avengers and other canon characters. Canon-typical Thor/Jane and Tony/Pepper, although neither is the focus of the fic.
Warnings: N/A
Rating: PG
Summary: Thor does not regret his decision to surrender the throne of Asgard for a life on earth with Jane and the Avengers. Still, part of him will always yearn for the friends and family he has left
behind. The Allfather has counseled Thor to put Asgard from his thoughts and relish his limited time on Midgard with his mortal companions, but when Jane stumbles across a way to open a portal to Asgard, Thor convinces her to send him through it.

He finds a kingdom where little has outwardly changed, but in which the Allfather, aging and grieving the loss of his wife and sons, falls ever more frequently into the Odinsleep. Though Odin commands Asgard's armies as ably as ever, it seems the Odinsleep increasingly leaves him confused when he awakes, and vague as to what has occurred before it overtook him. Asgard's enemies, sensing that the realm might not be as strongly protected as it once was, attack with increasing frequency.

In a moment of danger, Thor rallies the Avengers to come to Asgard's defense. But once the immediate threat has passed, he will have to face his father and explain why he defied his order not to return to Asgard. Little does Thor realize it will lead to a confrontation he could never have anticipated.


Title: Hell in a Handbasket
Genre: humour, teamfic
Fandom/Universe: Avengers, Hawkeye (comics), Daredevil (comics)
Characters/Pairings: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Matt Murdock, Natasha Romanoff, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Thor
Warnings: none
Rating: T
Summary: Somehow, Steve ropes in most of his teammates into going on a road trip across America with him. Six various superheroes in a van does not make for an enjoyable trip, especially considering their past misadventures. (Starts out with Tony, Steve, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, and Matt, with Thor, Bucky, and Sam showing up later.)

Story is part of a series, but doesn't require reading the other ones to understand what is going on. Clint is more of the Fraction variety than the MCU, and Matt is also based heavily on the comics.

Takes place all across America, but most of it is in a van and various hotels. Stops include the grand canyon, an aquarium/space museum (depending on their choice), and an amusement park.


Title: Payment For Services Rendered
Genre: I'm not sure what to call this. Domestic Horror?
Fandom/Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Avengers 1 & 2, Thor2)
Characters/Pairings: Laura Barton/Clint Barton, Loki Laufeyson & Clint Barton, Implied Clint/Coulson, Cooper Barton, Fenris (Norse Mythology), Lila Barton, Hel (Norse Mythology), Nathaniel Pietro Barton, Jörmungandr (Norse Mythology), Sleipnir, Natasha Romanov
Warnings:: Implied Dub-Con/Non-Con, Memory Alteration, Hidden/Secret Identity, Loki Mindfuckery, Identity Porn, Domestic, Flashbacks,
Rating: Mature

During the events of Avengers 1, Loki promised Clint a reward for being a particularly useful little minion, and asked him what he most wished for out of life. Not having much choice in the matter, Clint of course told him.

Clint loves his life; he has a great job, a wonderful wife, a loving family. Everything he'd always wished for.

Sometimes you should be very careful about exactly what you wish for. There may be unexpected clauses and strange things lurking in the fine print.


Title: Leave all your love and your longing behind
Genre: canon divergence
Fandom/Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe, not compliant with anything after the first season of Agents of SHIELD and Captain America: The Winter Soldier; and some bits of Marvel 616 (Fraction's Hawkeye)
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Phil Coulson, Nick Fury, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint/Coulson pre-slash, Nick/Natasha, Steve/Bucky
Warnings: None, really
Rating: PG-13
Summary:Clint had been through too much, barely recovered from Loki, so Natasha did what she could to protect him during the fall of SHIELD. If that lead to a revelation neither were prepared for, well they'd handle it just like any other mission: as partners. Too bad they worked best as a trio.

Takes place in an established 'verse, but it is not necessary to read that to understand this. This is a Clint and Natasha BrOTP fic, being centered on their POVs though one other figures prominently.


Title: Gone Fishing
Genre: Crime/Romance
Fandom/Universe: Daredevil (TV) - the Netflix series
Characters/Pairings: Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page, OCs
Warnings: violence (similar to what can be seen in the show)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Foggy finds out that Matt has been badly hurt, he declares "Enough. That's enough." and leaves Matt's apartment. Worried he's getting booted out of Nelson & Murdock, Matt is instead taken on a surprise vacation.

Featuring: forced R&R, two city boys in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, attempts at fishing, successful frog hunting, Foggy rocking the breast stroke, getting tipsy and dancing the cha-cha, pichenottes, and quite a bit of maybe-not-so-unreciprocated pining. Oh, and let's not forget unexpectedly having to stop a drug deal, a blind man's attempt at driving, a lot of ass-kicking, and a happy ending (kiss), to spice things up.


Title: Cat Got Your Tongue
Genre: Romance/Friendship
Fandom/Universe: Agent Carter
Characters/Pairings: Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli
Warnings: Uh, nonconsensual transformation into a cat? But really, no warnings.
Rating: T
Summary: Loosely canon compliant. Naturally, Peggy chose the worst of moments to realize she was head-over-heels in love with Angie. That is to say, Peggy was crouched on the kitchen counter, staring up at Angie, and stuck as a cat. Or, the time Howard Stark turned Peggy into a cat and Peggy realizes that she can't keep running forever. Featuring temporary cat!Peggy, Howard Stark's disastrous lab adventures, supportive Jarvis, and calm in the storm Angela Martinelli.


Title: Souls, Love, Classic Movies, and Other Immortal Things
Genre: Fiction
Fandom/Universe: Captain America, MCU
Characters/Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Warnings: past character death
Rating: G/PG13
When Bucky fell from the train, he died. Seventy years later, Steve still visits his grave (and the site where Steve found his body) every year. While on his yearly pilgrimage, he is shot and severely wounded by an unknown sniper. He is brought back to DC and set up with a bodyguard who has a reputation of excellence and the record to prove it. The only problem? He looks and acts exactly like Steve's dead best friend. Oh, and his name is James Barnes.

What follows is a story of reincarnation, redemption, and memory. Bucky dreams of his past self, slowly regaining his memories as he and Steve re-learn each other. They start to fit together again, only to have their peace shattered by another attack, one which prompts final realizations from both men about what the other truly means to them. Bucky confronts Steve about his feelings, and while Steve is conflicted by his resemblance to his former lover, he cannot deny that what he feels for this Bucky goes beyond mere friendship.


Title: Captain Steven Rogers: A History Through Art
Genre: History, Romance, Multimedia
Fandom/Universe: MCU Captain America
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Warnings: A few OCs and some angst
Rating: PG
Summary: [Excerpt from the speech of lead curator Mary Higgs at the opening banquet of the "Captain Steven Rogers: A History Through Art" Exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, November 29, 2008]

“Welcome to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. It is my pleasure to introduce to you all an exhibit that has been many years in the making. So rarely are we presented with opportunities to join art and history in a union as perfect as this one. Though Captain Steven Roger sacrificed his life for our country more than sixty years ago, his legacy lives on in history books, documentaries, independent films, and now, thanks to our generous donors, on canvas as well. His artwork provides us with a singular perspective of pre-war American society, as well as a unique window into the soul of the American hero himself...."


Title: omnium trium perfectum
Genre: Romance, Polyamory, Fluff, Humor, Some Angst,
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Tony/Bucky, minor/background Clint/Laura/Phil
Rating: M
Summary: Trusting Wanda over Tony had been wrong, and it’s put yet another wedge between Steve and Tony. So when he gets the chance to prove to Tony that he does trust him when it counts, Steve takes it, giving Tony the most important thing: Bucky. But the attraction to Tony, Steve tries his best to throw away. Tony’s home lies in ruins, his suit isn’t working right without JARVIS, and his son is dead. And now Tony’s tasked with finding the love of the love of his life.
The Soldier isn’t sure of anything, but sometimes he dreams of kissing Steve. Then he meets a man of metal, gold and red like the sunset, and starts dreams of kissing Tony Stark. But Tony’s the man who makes Steve smile and the Soldier’s the one who brings tears to his eyes, so he decides to stay on the side lines and let them work it out. Except with everyone assuming the others will work it out, nothing actually gets done. Love triangles are so very 2005 though, and between the three of them, understanding is found.
There are no standard warnings in this fic, but Tony does drink a lot as a coping mechanism, and some of HYDRA’S work on Bucky is alluded to, but never truly explored. Pietro’s funeral is also an event, but the major character death doesn’t take place in the fic. In terms of visuals, most of the story takes place at Avengers Tower, that’s still in ruins, the New Avengers training facility, and also the hotels around the world.



Title: 4th Street (working title. I have something more clever in me, I promise!)
Genre: Mobster AU
Fandom/Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Agent Carter
Characters/Pairings: Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, Angie Martinelli & Steve Rogers. Natasha Romanoff, The Howling Commandos, Edwin Jarvis, Howard Stark, Pvt. Loraine, Daniel Sousa, Jack Thompson, Dottie Underwood, Dum-Dum Dugan, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner
Warnings: No warnings apply (possibly warnings for violence)
Rating: Teen (possibly Mature for violence)
Summary: Everyone knew not to get to close to the 4th Street Gang, for that would be putting yourself in the crosshairs of the Stark familia as well. Unfortunately, Angie Martinelli has to try and save her idiot cousin by doing just that. Their enigmatic and dangerous Boss, Peggy Carter, has ruthlessly carved out a place for herself at the fringes of the Mob, in defiance of the odds stacked against her. With loyal guard dog, Steve Rogers, at her back and a ruthless gang of riff raff from all walks of life, they offer an unexpected haven for Angie, stuck in an ordinary life where she doesn't feel she belongs. After throwing sparks with the Boss, Angie finds herself with a gig at The Stork Club, the bright lights and glamour not quite hiding the underlying threat of violence constantly simmering just below the surface. It's what the lovely Songbird was made for and Peggy finds herself unexpected captivated. Angie finds a home at The Stork while the Boss woos her and things are looking to go their way…

Until inevitably things go horribly wrong.

There is period violence in this story and plenty of physical intimidation. The setting is 1935 New York and later, Los Angeles.


Title: The Omega Club
Genre: Fantasy/Romance
Fandom/Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Avengers
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes
Past Tony Stark/Pepper Pots, Bucky Barnes/Alexander Pierce, Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Dub-con as inherent with A/B/O fics, past non-con elements, very slight blood-play relating to a bonding bite, mentions of mind control, heat-cycles and knotting, sex toys.
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Steve thinks there's probably never a good time for your thought-to-be-dead mate to wander back into your life. But right now? Probably the worst timing ever. Steve has just started to feel comfortable in this new time, with his fellow omega and lover Tony Stark. Not to mention that Bucky isn't the same alpha Steve remembers. Gone is the kind and supportive alpha who helped Steve become Captain America, and in his place is the cold and distant Winter Soldier. What's more, Steve can't hear Bucky's voice through their mating bond. Is he even the same person? Can Steve heal his alpha and keep his lover?

While technically a sequel, this story is fine as a stand-alone or can be read in conjunction with my fic Alphas Need Not Apply on AO3. This fic spends a good bit of time dealing with a/b/o-specific gender stereotypes. This fic features mating-bonds which give mates the ability to access each others' minds, including telepathic speech and sharing a protected mental space. In this shared mental space, mates can appear either as themselves or in an animal form.

Not a lot of warnings in this fic. Dub-con as inherent with A/B/O fics. Past non-con elements are mentioned and deal with Bucky's relationship with Alexander Pierce, although it borders on dub-con because of mind-control. There's some very slight blood-play relating to a bonding bite, mostly creating the bite and licking the wound. As with most alpha/beta/omega fics, there are heat-cycles and knotting. This fic contains the use of sex toys and some a/b/o specific gender confusion.


Title: TBD
Genre: No-powers AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton / Phil Coulson
Warnings: Canon-typical violence
Rating: Mature (no explicit sex)

Phil Coulson’s job as Head of Security for Stark Industries doesn’t leave him much time (or any at all) for a personal life, so he’s not proud of it, but he goes to male strip clubs to watch attractive young men dance. He is particularly taken by one specific young man who is billed as ‘The Amazing Hawkeye.’ Phil becomes infatuated with the pole dancer and looks into Clint’s background, only to discover that he’s ex-military. Phil recruits Clint onto his team alongside Nat, Steve, Bucky, Maria and Sam.

When Clint gets injured on a mission to retrieve Stark weapons from a terror cell in the Middle East, Phil realizes that his feelings have developed from infatuation to a deeper caring, but he doesn’t dare let it show. Then it turns out that Clint has developed feelings for Phil as well, and when Clint gets shot saving Tony’s life from a would-be assassin at a fancy charity event, some of those feelings are revealed. Phil comes to terms with his inner conflict over Clint, and they end up together.

Artists, here’s your chance to draw Clint as a pole dancer! Alternatively there’s great scope for manips from Renner’s other roles (military, in hospital, wearing a tux, etc.) The story is rated “Mature” for references to sex (including masturbation) but there are no explicit sex scenes.


Title: Hyacinth Girl
Genre: Alternate Universe
Fandom/Universe: Captain America/Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters/Pairings: Sarah Rogers, Joseph Rogers, Howling
Commandos, Colonel Phillips, Nick Fury, OMCs, OFCs
Warnings: None
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sarah Rogers is a wife, a mother, and a nurse. She's also Captain America.

Or the story where Sarah gets the serum instead of her son and kicks HYDRA butt.


Title: It was the Fourth of July
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Fandom/Universe: MCU/AU
Characters/Pairings: Steve/Tony, Natasha, (background Bucky/Sam, Clint/Laura, Peggy/Angie, other cameo characters)
Warnings: Minor panic attack.
Rating: PG13
Summary: Fake relationship AU (based on The Proposal). Steve has been Tony’s assistant for 3 years when he finds out that Tony is actually not American and is going to be deported. Tony ropes Steve into getting married but Steve insists that Tony meets Steve’s family first.

Unfortunately Steve’s family is actually pretty amazing. Featuring a Fourth of July parade, protective siblings, well-meaning moms, and confused emotions.


Title: "Loki"
Genre: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Friendship, Adventure, Friends to Lovers, Pre-Slash
Fandom/Universe: Thor/MCU
Characters/Pairings: Loki, Fandral, Thor, Sif, Hogun, Volstagg; Loki/Fandral
Warnings: Slavery, Canon-Typical Violence, Rape, Disfigurement
Rating: T
Loki, Second Prince of Asgard, had not been raised to ascend the throne and rule. Rather, he was to stand behind it, as part of the Great Council and Thor's primary adviser. He feels himself ready for the task set before him, as his supporters would agree he is, despite his difficult standing, as one who is accused of being both argr and a seiðmaðr.
Thor, however, brash, arrogant and shirking his duties, is not. Thus Loki is determined to stop his brother's coronation, until such a time that he has learned the most important lesson of all: that to rule means to serve - his people and the Nine Realms, not his self-interest. Yet that short-lived Frost Giant incursion leads to an ill-advised visit to Jotunheim, where Loki does not only discover his true heritage but is left behind together with Fandral...
The fanfiction follows the events of "Thor 1" up to a point and is the first part of a longer series. The raping of defeated foes to humiliate them is only mentioned in a historical context that refers back to the rule of Borr. Slavery is practiced in Asgard, as such, there are not only servants in attendance but also thralls. Fandral suffers scars/skin discolorations all over his neck, one side of his throat, and just below one cheekbone.


Title: My Arms Were Made To Hold You
Genre: Domestic AU
Fandom/Universe: Captain America, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters/Pairings: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Warnings: mention of previous character death
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Tired of being kept awake at night by a screaming baby, Bucky decides to take matters into his own hands. Mostly he wants a good night's sleep, but what he gets is beautiful baby boy with big blue eyes, a lonely father trying to move on from tragedy, and a chance at a family he never expected to have.

This story takes place mostly in or around Steve’s apartment, and is very character focused. It deals with both grief (in the form of a lost mother/significant other) and post traumatic stress disorder. While neither the character death, nor Bucky’s military service are shown in the fic, it deals with these themes.


Title: Baby, We’ll be Stars (destined to crash and burn)
Genre: Cross Country Rally Motorbike Racing AU; Hurt/Comfort; Angst; Non-Powered AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark; background Pepper Potts/Happy Hogan; James “Rhodey” Rhodes; James “Bucky” Barnes; original child character
Warnings: major character injury; hospital scenes and non-explicit medical treatment; descriptions of injury; sexual content; alternating timeline
Rating: Explicit (to be safe)
Summary: Tony Stark was a big name when it came to cross country rally racing. He was at the top of the game, and despite pushing forty and the multiple broken bones he'd had over the years, he didn't think that there was anything in the world for him other than the bikes and the open spaces of desert racing.
Steve Rogers was an up and coming, a kid who'd fought tooth and nail to get sponsorship to race. He had a natural talent that made him go up the ranks quicker than most.
At first he'd been a rival and Tony had resented him. Then he'd started to admire him. Eventually he'd loved Steve. But the sand was deceptive. And now he was on the verge of losing him.


Title: All I Ever Wanted
Genre: Fluff
Fandom/Universe: MCU/AU
Characters/Pairings: Bucky/Sam, Tony/Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, Sharon, Maria (background Natasha/Clint, Maria/Sharon)
Warnings: One use of a homophobic slur and one use of misogynistic phrasing but the character is an OC and he gets what's coming for him (Steve and Bucky. They set him and his friends right)
Rating: PG13
Summary:Florist/tattooist AU. When Steve and Tony decide to get married Bucky and Natasha volunteer to organise the wedding for them. As it turns out the florist is one Sam Wilson and Bucky really didn’t stand a chance.

Featuring flowers, tattoos, kissing and smiling! But also cold feet, a bar fight, a trip to the emergency room, and declarations of love! More fluff than you can shake a stick at!


Title: Woman Inherits The Earth
Genre: Alternate Universe
Fandom/Universe: Agent Carter (MCU)
Characters/Pairings: Peggy Carter/Angie Martinelli, Howard Stark, Edwin Jarvis, Alexander Pierce
Warnings: AU typical violence, minor character death (all off screen)
Rating: T
Summary: Peggy's latest assignment from the SSR involves her gathering information regarding the 'theme park' created by her old war buddy, Howard Stark. This connection makes an invitation to Jurassic Park easy to come by. On the island she is greeted by, Angie Martinelli, the park's poster girl, and Peggy's companion for her voyage around the park. However, as Peggy participates in a pre-opening tour, she quickly begins to realize that the SSR had ever reason to be worried. After all, dinosaurs were not meant to roam this earth.

(Essentially a Jurassic Park au, taking place in a post-wwii/beginning of the cold war time period.)


Title: all this that is more than a wish is a memory
Genre: canon-divergence AU; action, angst, some hurt/comfort
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Working toward Steve/Loki but so far it’s pretty much gen. Steve and Loki are the only major characters who are actually onscreen, so to speak, but various important people in their respective lives also show up in thoughts, discussions, and dreams.
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence; medical experimentation, vivisection; suicidal thoughts; mind-rape implications with the Winter Soldier program; some ableist language. I guess I should probably also warn for Loki-apologist tendencies (regarding the role of internalized racism in his attack on Jotunheim, and Steve trying to place that in a familiar context) that will be presented in a more nuanced way in the final draft but are a little strong in places here, so if that’s a huge turn-off, this probably isn’t the story for you.
Rating: M for violence to be safe, although it’s probably not as graphic as the previous fic
This fic is a direct sequel to a fic, in which Steve fell off the train instead of Bucky and became the Winter Soldier, and decades later, Loki let himself fall from the Bifrost and landed on Earth, where HYDRA took him for experimentation. About a year later, the asset ended up in the lab where Loki was being kept. Using what little information he’d overheard during his captivity, Loki convinced Rogers to help him escape in exchange for more information about who he used to be.

This fic picks up right where that one left off. Rogers brings Loki to his safehouse and starts working on patching him up. Eventually, Loki and his magic recover enough to try clearing out some of the blockages in Rogers’ memory. It works a little too well: not only does Rogers recover a flood of memories from his life as Steve and his time as the asset, but he and Loki also end up seeing a lot of each other’s memories-and the feedback establishes a mental/emotional link between them. Neither has any idea where to go from there, but they’re forced to figure something out quick when HYDRA agents show up to recapture them.

For visuals, everything takes place in Washington, DC, based on some real-world locations and the settings in Captain America: The Winter Soldier (although most of it’s inside an apartment, with the HYDRA lab making a dream appearance). Steve as the Winter Soldier doesn’t have the trademark metal arm, but otherwise he looks more or less like Bucky does in Cap 2. Loki looks pretty much how you’d expect after being a HYDRA guinea pig for a year, and he uses a wheelchair for most of the story. He spends the first chunk of the fic in a hospital gown, but later he and Steve both wear casual clothes.


Title: The Ice Demon and the Spider
Genre: Canon Divergent AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: gen. main: Loki, Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Ensemble of Coulson, Jane, Darcy, Selvig, Clint, Sitwell, Fury, etc
Warnings: violence, a short scene of torture
Rating: PG-13/Teen

Decades ago, when Loki was last on Earth, he joined the Howling Commados to fight Hydra. His identity as the Ice Demon, a figure of legend in Arendelle, became public. But in the end, the friends he found despite himself were lost, and he returned to Asgard, determined not to care again.

Now, both brothers are banished and made mortal to punish their recklessness. Loki finds Midgard much changed from the war-ravaged lands he remembers. Earth is more advanced, and his arrival is noticed and investigated. He has to flee, with his sole companion a Russian agent, Natalya Romanova. As he and Romanova hide and run in Europe, on the other side of the world, Thor finds new friends and learns old secrets.

But as the truth of magic and power are revealed, an old evil emerges, seeking to rebuild and learn the keys of immortality. Strangers will have to work together to defeat it and rescue one of their own before it's too late.


Title: For Your Entertainment
Genre: No Powers Au, Burlesque Club AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU with comic influences for Clint Barton
Characters/Pairings: Bucky/Steve, pre Clint/Natasha, Sam Wilson
Warnings:Brief mentions of past abusive relationship
Rating: Teen/PG-13
Summary: Steve is an up and coming artist at a local gallery, working on his first solo exhibition. His best friend and roommate Sam recently got a job in the band at a burlesque club. From there, Steve is pulled into the world of burlesque after meeting Bucky, a performer at the club. A relationship slowly starts between them as Bucky deals with trying to date again after his previous abusive relationship. (It is only mentioned mostly in conversation and not in great detail.)

For looks, Steve is skinny and has a hipster vibe going while Bucky is punk with his Winter Soldier hair.

The story takes place in various places around current day New York. Some of the main places are the art gallery Steve works at, the burlesque club, it's based on a real club The Slipper Room, Clint's apartment and roof from the Fraction comic, and Coney Island.


Title: You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take
Genre: Alternate Universe (Hockey), Angst
Fandom/Universe: MCU (including M:AOS)
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, several minor/background pairings; Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, Thor, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, (really, most of the gang from the MCU as a whole makes at least a cameo/gets a mention)
Warnings: Hockey typical violence and language, Phil says some purposefully hurtful/borderline anxiety triggering things to Clint to displace his own confused feelings (he apologizes and tries to make it up to him in the end). Borderline self-harm in that Clint does not seek timely treatment for a migraine and becomes ill during the middle of a game.
Rating: Mature - with the possibility of Explicit
Summary: A pseudo kiss between Clint and Phil over the holidays (initiated, in part, by Phil) gives Clint the courage to make a move on his coach - which backfires spectacularly. And while their personal relationship is strained, their professional one has to remain in good form - they’re in the middle of the grueling 82 game road to the Stanley Cup playoffs after all.

The rest of the team closes rank around Clint to protect him from further heartbreak, and he and Phil spend the middle of the season vaguely circling each other in a state of limbo while the team battles to keep a place near the top of the standings. Will Phil (notoriously a genius at hockey but sadly equally bad at people) get over his issues and prove he’s worthy of Clint’s heart?

The story contains both on and off ice action (you don’t need to know much about hockey though to claim it). The off ice scenes happen in a variety of locations several of which are generic like hotel rooms and planes and are between several different characters. Clint is the POV char and there is a fair amount of him being taken care of by the others - if you ever wanted to draw Clint’s hair being pet by someone this is the fic for you (in general, if you are not familiar, hockey players are very handsy with each other). I will happily provide pics and videos and, honestly, more background info and references than you’ll want or need. ;)


Title: And Time Went On
Genre: Alternate Universe, Science Fiction
Fandom/Universe: MCU heavy with elements of EMH and 616
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Warnings: violence, sexual content
Rating: R
Two hundred years ago the Mandarin attacked Washington, the first stage of his plan for world domination. And the Avengers... vanished. All except Iron Man, who eventually managed to defeat the Mandarin with the help of a few other superheroes and friends.
Now, nearly two hundred years after the death of Anthony Stark, his namesake Tony Stark is moving into the forgotten Stark Manor in order to avoid falling into the clutches of the United World Council. But Stark Manor isn't just an empty old house and mice aren't the only things that have been inhabiting it for the past two hundred years. As Tony uncovers the secrets of Stark Manor, and more than a few horrifying truths about the world he lives in, another threatens the peace of a world that no longer has a last line of defence.


Title: Soon As I Held You
Genre: Fairy Tale Romance AU
Fandom/Universe: MCU Captain America
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Alexander Pierce, Arnim Zola, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff and more
Warnings: Descriptions of torture and abuse, graphic consensual sexual content, murder of a bad guy.
Rating: NC-17 for violence and sexual content.
A Cinderella AU with a tortured Bucky Barnes as Cinderella and Steve Rogers as Prince Charming. Alexander Pierce plays the evil stepfather with his two sons Jasper and Brock as the evil stepbrothers; Dr. Zola fills in the role of the evil fairy godfather. Nick Fury and Natasha Romanoff are Steve's badass court councilors.

There is magic, true love (sort of soulmate fic type stuff) and a bit of science. Standard Cinderella type stuff but with white leather gloves instead of glass slippers. There are balls, palace gardens, some action scenes and violence.


Title: On a Wing and a Prayer
Genre: Romance/Action/Drama/Comedy
Fandom/Universe: Avengers with just a smattering of Agents of SHIELD / WWII Fighter Pilots AU
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson (main), Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes (background), Tony Stark/Bruce Banner (background)
Warnings:(non con, mpreg, etc) canon typical violence, wartime typical violence (though it's generally not graphic), (non-main) character deaths, implied character death, no main characters actually die.
Rating: E
Summary: Clint has been bounced from one squadron to another in the year he's been with the Army Air Force. Always causing trouble and acting like a fool, until he finds himself in the 187th and has Major Phillip J. Coulson for a squadron commander. He still causes trouble, but mostly just for Major Coulson's resolve not to get involved with one of his airmen. Clint and Phil find out that not everything is fair in love and war.

The main part of this story takes place between December 1942 to October 1943 -- the end chapter in June of 1945, and is set almost exclusively at a small US airbase in rural England, surrounded by trees. There is typical wartime violence, as the 187th is a fighter squadron (pilots) -- though nothing is really graphically depicted. At one point the 187th is on R&R in London, and the ending takes place in Waverly, Iowa. Except for the very end, no one is ever out of military uniform/their flight suits and jackets -- the end, Clint is depicted in his dress uniform and Phil is in civilian clothing.

There are a few non-graphic background characters deaths, and an assumed main character's death (that wasn't really a death).


Title: As long as we have blood and guts
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, Abraham Erskine, Natasha Romanova, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Kate Bishop
Warnings:Some off-screen torture, canon-typical violence, canon character death
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Steve lives a quiet life apprenticing for an aging artist in the little country estate where he was sent upon the death of his mother, an assistant healer at court. But with trouble brewing in the realm, and the royal city -- where Bucky lives -- taken over by a dark and powerful force, Steve sets out on an adventure to save the kingdom, rescue a captive prince, and be reunited with his one, true love.


Title: Pay for my Netflix and I'm yours for life.
Genre: Canon-divergent, Met on the internet AU, fix-it
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton/Pietro Maximoff
Warnings: A character enters a relationship believing the other person is of a different gender to that which they are,
Rating: Explicit
Summary: It starts like this. Tony signs Clint up to a mail order bride dating site for a laugh. He's trying to help, really, probably. Clint decides to delete the account as soon as he finds out about it but Tony's been chatting to someone in his name and it'd be impolite to quit without saying goodbye...

It also starts like this. Pietro decides it'd be funny to sign Wanda up to a mail order bride site. She'd been annoying him lately so she deserves some payback. He'll just chat to a bunch of guys then dump it on her. Only there's this one guy...

Can a relationship that started in lies really come to anything? Or can you sometimes find things you didn't even know you needed in the last place you'd ever thing to look?


Title: Reprieve
Genre: AU: Phil is a foster carer and Clint is a social worker, drama,
Fandom/Universe: MCU, AOS
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, Skye (Daisy Johnson)
Warnings: Violence, mentions of domestic abuse, injury of a minor by a parent, kidnapping, threats of death, life threatening injury, character as a member of a Hydra-like organization with all that implies.
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Skye's Dad isn't, maybe, the best dad in the world. He tries but sometimes the best of intentions aren't enough and sometimes she just needs a break. So it's a good job she has her weekends with Phil, a foster carer who gives them a break, arranged by her social worker Clint. He lets her do the things her actual dad won't: like hang around with her boyfriend, Grant. If only her dad were more like Phil...

If only her dad didn't know she liked Phil more.



Title: If A Door Be Closed
Genre: Het, fusion, casefic
Fandom/Universe: Marvel Cinematic Universe (The Avengers, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) - Takes place post-Age of Ultron/post-s2 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and pre-Civil War/pre-s3
Characters/Pairings: Bobbi Morse/Clint Barton
Warnings:(non con, mpreg, etc) Light violence on par with what you see onscreen, nothing graphic
Rating: PG
Summary: Recovering from her injuries at an anonymous safe house, Bobbi is slowly going stir-crazy, both from the solitude and from a case involving a local counterfeiting ring that she can't quite crack. When Clint shows up out of the blue and offers to help, they both end up having to contend with Tracksuit Draculas, junk food, karaoke, and whatever that spark in the air is. But the world is bigger than just the two of them. [A Once fusion, thus the title]


Title: And Eternity in an Hour
Genre: Fusion AU/suspense/romance
Fandom/Universe: MCU
Characters/Pairings: Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
Warnings: Brief descriptions of knife wounds, some other non-graphic violence
Rating: Mature
Summary: He comes from a secret place, far below the city streets, hiding his face from strangers, safe from hate and harm. He brought me there to save my life...and now, wherever I go, he is with me, in spirit. For we have a bond stronger than friendship or love. And although we cannot be together, we will never, ever be apart.

When Phil Coulson is attacked and left for dead, he is rescued and cared for by an unusual man who looks like a beast. As Phil heals, he learns that Clint is part of a community hidden below the city, where people who don't fit into the world above can live in safety. In time, Phil has to return home, but he vows to change his life and find a happier, better future.

Phil and Clint believe their time together is over, but they are destined to meet again when their worlds begin to collide.

Notes for artists: This fic is a fusion with the 1987 television show, Beauty and the Beast. Yes, the original, with Catherine and Vincent (Phil and Clint). Anyone who has ever watched that show, or seen production stills from it, will know the kind of aesthetic that the Down Below clothes and setting have: lots of reused and reclaimed stuff, golden light, beautiful caves and tunnels. I even included scenes in the whispering gallery that appears in so many stills! There should be enough pictures out there for manipulators to play with. Beast!Clint could be a fun challenge for illustrators. If you're a fanmixer, this fic has the potential for some epic, romantic soundtracks to accompany it.


Title: Mothers and Fathers
Genre: light angst, crossover
Fandom/Universe: AOU compliant MCU, also a crossover with Teen Wolf
Characters/Pairings: Bruce/Natasha/Tony/Pepper, Stiles/Scott
Warnings: kidnapping, offscreen mild torture with on-screen aftermath injury, mentions of Bruce's murdered mother
Rating: R
Summary: Bruce has known for quite some time now that he and his significant others won’t be having offspring. Probably a good thing, their combined mental health problems are enough to blow a nuclear family to smithereens.

But sometimes what you know isn’t what’s fact. Sometimes events from your past pop up on the proverbial doorstep, sixteen and pale with a sense of snark so robust Tony’d give a standing ovation. And when that happens you have to deal and the best man you can be, despite being half monster.

Good thing his kid isn’t new to monsters.

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