1st Miracle [Video/Action for peeps in New Bark]

Nov 02, 2011 19:40

[So, you guys troubled that you ended up in an unknown world?

Well, too bad, because Jesus here doesn't seem to mind. In fact, he's way too excited as he rummages through his newly acquired bag and is even more stoked when he finds out that he has a Pokémon of his own.

Quite quickly, he releases the creature from its pokéball.


Is that...?

OH YEAH IT IS! THAT'S A PORYGON! THAT'S AWESOME! He certainly hs to tell EVERYONE that he got a super cool Pokémon! So he turns on his communicator, all smiles.]

Hey, hm, everyone, I don't know how I ended up here, but I got me one of those! [Smiling, Jesus picks up his Porygon and pretty much 'shoves' its face in the Pokégear screen.]

These are so cool! I can't believe I got one so easily! I heard they are quite rare to come by and to get one just like that is quite awesome!

Ah, also... [He puts the Porygon down on the ground and opens up his backpack, pulling out a piece of clothing from inside of it.]

I also got me these really beautiful Shinto clothes! I think I'm going to wear it at special occasions! It looks so high quality and I can't wait to try it on! [He puts the garments away. Being the biggest weaaboo ever, Jesus is quite happy that he got traditional Japanese clothes.]

Well, I don’t know why I was brought here, but looks like it’ll be a fun experience! I better start walking at once! [He waves at the camera and cuts the feed. He'll be hanging around New Bark for a while, still getting used to his new surroundings and looking at all the stuff inside his bag, with Porygon by his side. Nope. not putting it on the Pokéball yet.]

(( ooc: Watch me be lazy and recycle my sample post. By the way, if you guys want to contact me via plurk, I'm ukiby3000 there (totally forgot to mention this on my OOC intro... ))

!video post, most unlikely pokémon, !route_29, i'm so excite!

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