It's Imperium Cybertronium! Get in the car! *bricked*

Apr 09, 2008 20:24

Title: We Dug Our Treasures There.
Rating: R - Drama
Warnings: Angsting Smokey!
Pairings: Implied Smokescreen x Chromia and Ironhide x Ratchet.
Characters: Prowl, Bluestreak, Smokescreen & Chromia. Mention of Ironhide and Ratchet.
Summary: AU - Partly using Dreamwave's comics as basis. A re imagination of Cybertron's society where the line dividing slaves from nobles is so thin.
Notes: Wheeljack and Red Alert were going to show up on this one but it was turning too long, so I decided to split it in two, that part should come tomorrow if the bunny cooperates. Smokescreen gets weepy at the state of his relationship with Prowl. Did I mention the Defensors are pretty screwed up? XD;

Not beta'ed, so feel free to correct me.

"Well, look who has deigned to grace Cybertron with his presence," Bluestreak chuckled and rushed his pace to catch up with his brother, Prowl. "So, how was it?"

"How was what?" Prowl slowed down to allow his brother to catch up to him but didn't look at the younger mech.

"Overloading," Bluestreak replied, smiling a little bit.

Prowl raised an optic ridge and looked at his brother as if the younger mech had grown a second head. "Do you honestly believe I am going to talk to you about that?" Despite his best intention to keep his tone neutral, there was a hint of accusation in his words.

"I was just curious!" Bluestreak raised his hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry, Bluestreak, but I do not wish to confide something like that to you again," Once again, Prowl tried to keep a neutral tone in his words, but the reproach was still there.

"I'm sorry, Prowl." Bluestreak rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing what he could do or say to apologize for all the trouble his brother had been going through recently.

"Cut your brother some slack, Prowl," Smokescreen walked up to his sons, holding a small pad in his hand. Knowing his father had been out until very late the previous orn, the oldest of the Defensor brothers deducted Smokescreen was counting the winnings of his latest gambling session. Prowl felt sorry for any Cybertronian that dared to gamble against Smokescreen.

"Yes, father." Prowl nodded his greetings to his father and began to walk away again.

"Where are you going?" Smokescreen looked away from his pad.

"To see uncle Ironhide. I need to talk with him." Prowl didn't stop to look back at his father and brother, but he could hear their steps not far behind.

"Oh? What is it you want to talk about with him?" Smokescreen asked curiously, trying to make out the most of the rare few breems Prowl was spending outside of his quarters since the orn Chromia asked Jazz to teach Prowl about interfacing and overloading.

"It's... Personal." Prowl looked at his father over his shoulder, discomfort evident in his optics.

"I see," Smokescreen stopped and drove his attention back to his pad, giving Prowl the chance to go.

"Dad?" Bluestreak looked worriedly at his father, resting a hand on his arm. "You're all right?"

"I'm fine, Blue," the Defensor noble smiled to his son, patting his hand reassuringly. "You better get going if you want to get to the Lambor state in time."

"Yes, of course." Bluestreak smiled weakly and gave his father a hug before he rushed out of the manor to get to his meeting with the Lambor Twins and Soundwave.

Smokescreen looked back down to his pad, finding his interest in counting his winnings weaning. His good mood all but disappeared as soon as his youngest child was out of his field of view. Smokescreen heaved a sigh and decided to retire to his and Chromia's quarters.

He had hoped his mate would be out of the room already, but Chromia was still there, going through some data pads of her own. "Back so soon?" she asked with a smile when the larger mech came into the room, but the smile disappeared quickly when she took notice of the gloom expression of her mate. "Smokescreen? What's wrong?"

"I'd say 'Prowl' is what's wrong, but that wouldn't be exactly accurate," the primarily blue and red mech smiled weakly.

"What happened?" Chromia made her way to her mate, stroking his cheek plate gently.

"Nothing, really. Just..." Smokescreen powered down his optics and nuzzled the hand touching his face. "I was just reminded about what little role I have in Prowl's life now. He can't come to his father with his personal matters, instead he goes to Ironhide. It's been like this since he was still a sparkling."

"Oh, Smokescreen..." Chromia felt her spark ache at the sight of her mate's feelings of rejection.

"I remember," Smokescreen dropped sit over the berth he shared with his mate. "I remember when it was just you, me and Prowl. When he was that tiny little sparkling who smiled so warmly when you tickled under his chin. I remember The first time his glitch acted up and the way he clung to me when we pulled him out of it."

"Smokescreen..." Chromia sat by her mate, taking one of his hands between her own in a comforting gesture.

"I lost sight of him. I turned my back on him so carelessly when Bluestreak was granted to us," the red and blue mech heaved a sigh, and his posture slumped visibly. "When I remembered to look back at him Prowl was no longer mine, but Ironhide's and Ratchet's."

Chromia wrapped her arms around her mate's middle, pulling him into a comforting embrace. It was true that at one point, before Bluestreak was created, Smokescreen, Chromia and Prowl were the perfect image of a happy family.

Prowl had been a very curious and sweet sparkling, eager to spend every online moment with either of his parents, playing, watching them. And Smokescreen adored his sparkling and showed him around so proudly.

Smokescreen was the one that handled Prowl the first time the baby Cybertronian suffered the consequences of his glitch, and Chromia couldn't think of a scene that could represent the bond of a father and his child better than that moment, when Smokescreen held Prowl against his chest plate and began to stroke the back of his little red chevron.

But then came Bluestreak, and Smokescreen's attention turned to the sparkling that was almost like a copy of himself. Even as sparkling Bluestreak had more of Smokescreen's traits than Prowl, and Smokescreen turned all his pride and love towards the new arrival.

It wasn't neither he or Chromia had stopped loving Prowl, but their attention was focused on the needs of the new sparkling. Prowl wasn't even a youngling yet when his brother's spark was granted and still in need of attention. Attention neither Smokescreen or Chromia were able to give him with the rush of excitement and work that had to be done with Bluestreak.

It was that, ultimately, what forced Prowl to seek the attention of whoever was willing to give him a couple of breems. Ironhide and his then 'just friend', Ratchet were more than willing to give the sparkling some of their time.

Prowl only asked for a few breems, a couple of words to acknowledge him. But Ironhide never did things that way, he always gave his everything for anyone he cared. He did it for his sister, he did it for his lover, and he certainly did it for Prowl.

When Bluestreak was old enough to require less attention and Smokescreen sough Prowl again, the sparkling associated Ironhide and Ratchet as his parents more than he associated Smokescreen, beginning to wear a black sash, like Ironhide and Chromia.

The blue female couldn't blame her brother, and neither did Smokescreen. Ironhide didn't try to take their son away from them, he just happened to be there for the sparkling. And Chromia knew even Ironhide's attention hadn't been enough.

But despite everything, Prowl was still as much a loving and caring son and sibling as his hindered emotional development allowed. Chromia knew her son loved them, and cared for their opinion, after all if he didn't, he wouldn't have felt so ashamed when Smokescreen blew a fuse about his inexperience. But to a more personal level, his comfort zone wasn't with Chromia nor Smokescreen but with Ironhide.

And that knowledge always made Smokescreen feel rejected and guilty. Especially because every time her mate attempted to involve himself in Prowl's life things always turned out awkward for both. Prowl was just too different, and Smokescreen was used to dealing with someone so much like himself, like Bluestreak.

In the end, Smokescreen had settled for mourning the loss, for he feared he and Prowl would never again be as close as they were when the black and white mech was a sparkling. And in orns like this, Chromia feared her mate could be right.

imperium cybertronium, smokescreen, ironhide, ratchet, bluestreak, prowl, chromia

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