Title: It's More than a Feeling - Dori Me. (23/30)
Day: Sept 23
Prompt: "It's always the quiet ones."
Verse: G1 with pinches of IDW and DW inspiration.
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1450
Other Characters: Ultra Magnus, Mention of Springer, Top Spin and Roadbuster.
Warnings: Implied violence
Summary: Jazz knew there was more than met the eye about the mech'
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Comments 8
I like this comparison between the Wreckers and Special Ops. It's true that Special Ops operates on the sly, unknown and invisible. Wonderful writing, Veji, and a very enjoyable response to that prompt.
Besides, I love how you snuck Prowl in there as the quiet one. ♥
And that inspiration goes both ways :) can't tell you how much your stories inspired me <3
And seconding Mouse in loving the comparison between Wreckers and Special Ops. In a way, the Ops bots are the real heroes - doing the dirty work and getting little to no credit for it.
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