
Jul 10, 2023 01:20

This weekend's biggest accomplishment was managing to survive the heat. It's now 73 F (just under 23 C) and past midnight on one of the coolest days we've had in a week and change. Most days it gets to 87-88 F / 31 C if not higher. That's not totally unreasonable for July I guess, but there's a reason why areas where it's regularly that high have ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

engarian July 10 2023, 11:30:38 UTC
I have a large fan that I keep on during the summer, and in very extreme heat times, I do have a portable "swamp cooler" that I will perch in front of the fan (although the cooler has a very efficient fan of its' own). I find I don't need the cooler often, though. Less than a week a year, on average.

- Erulisse (one L)


marta_bee July 10 2023, 12:51:48 UTC

I may just be one of those people that's really sensitive to heat. I do tend to run warm: in situations where other people are cold I'm comfortable. I have tried my best to make due without central AC both for environmental reasons and just because there aren't many apartments in NY I could afford that had it, but as the summers have gotten warmer over the years it's been more and more of an issue. I do envy you!


engarian July 11 2023, 01:01:45 UTC

I'm great for most of the time, but I live in a VERY cold winter climate, and can never seem to really get warm - LOL. Maybe I am an escapee from Hades since I'm comfortable with the heat - LOL.

- Erulisse (one L)


aearwen2 July 10 2023, 13:34:37 UTC
Inasmuch as up until the last few years, there has been no real reason to wish for AC where I live, what I always used to do on days when it was HOT and I was home was to drape a wet - not just damp, but wet almost to the point of dripping - around my neck. Anytime I'd feel overheated, I'd rub the moisture on my face, throat, arms and upper check and then walk around a bit. The movement of the air against the moisture cooled me off nicely - at least for a moment or two. Even a fan blowing in my direction would help when I'd swipe my face.

Just a thought...


periantari July 11 2023, 01:13:10 UTC

It’s been hot these days ! The humidity has even affected me in my home gym since there no AC or fan in there .
The Simpson’s pic is perfect ! Haha


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